Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1513: Jizushan 1

"Master, I originally thought that catching ghosts is like using movies. I use various spells to fight with ghosts. It’s so cool. I didn’t expect it to be so complicated. Even the techniques of reasoning and breaking the case are used. How do you feel that even the Master is not qualified?"

Ye Shaoyang is too lazy to care for her, and Xie Yuqing said: "I think of two points, the purpose of the other party planting the magic grass, first, as we saw in the corner of the school before, the magic grass can spit out the confusion, let people Gradually poisoned, and finally became a walking corpse."

Xie Yuqing listened and took a deep breath: "I forgot this, but why didn't these magic grasses release any suffocation?"

"Maybe it's not the time, waiting for anything." I thought that the campus was full of confusion, Ye Shaozhen could not think, after all, there are so many students...

"You just said a little, what more?" Xie Yuqing said.

"And, don't forget. I don't know if it is Wang Mansi, 80% is her. She has the ability to use the magic grass to kill people and then change the cost." At that time, several magic grasses killed four people, now the sewer It’s full of magic grass, if they are together...”

Xie Yuqing’s face brushed white.

"But it's okay, we found it early, and now I look at Lao Guo." After Ye Shaoyang finished, he called Lao Guo and told him to be busy during the day. The magic grass is like all evil things. It’s a night out, it’s in the world, it’s impossible to get a little greasy in the daytime, but it’s not the same at night.

Driving into the mountains, passing through several villages, and finally stopped in a small town, Xie Yuqing asked the locals, it is sure that it is right.

After getting off the bus, Ye Shaoyang looked around and found that although the place was small, it was also complete, and there were all kinds of shops.

There was a beef soup on the roadside, and the scent floated out of the shop. Ye Shaoyang’s stomach immediately screamed.

"I am hungry." Zhang Xiaorui said.

"I am also hungry, stick to it for a while, and then come back to eat."

Ye Shaoyang asked the three people to shuttle between the villagers' self-built houses. Finally, they found a small shop. Ye Shaoyang bought a bag of spicy food, and then inquired with the owner about the person's address.

"Li Suzhen, know, live at the end of this alley, the one along the mountain."

Ye Shaoyang said thank you, took the money he found, lost three times, just left, the boss took care of himself: "How are you looking for her?"

"What do you mean by the boss, except that we still have someone looking for her?"

"It's also a pair of young and young, not much bigger than you. Listening to the conversation should be from outside. People are very generous, ask me for directions, and buy a pack of Chinese cigarettes directly."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the spicy strips in his hands, and suddenly he was a bit shy. Would you like to buy a pack of spicy strips?

When I came to Li Suzhen’s house, Ye Shaoyang stepped on the door and waited for a long time. The door opened and an aunt came out behind the door. It looked like a 50-year-old, dressed very ordinary and neat, with the general rural women. There are still some differences.

After all, I went to college. Ye Shaoyang thought in his heart.

"Is Aunt Li Suzhen?"

Xie Yuqing went forward and presented the certificate. "We are the police. There is a case. I want to find you to understand the situation. Is it convenient for us to go in?"

Li Suzhen heard that he was a policeman. He was not as curious as the average person. He nodded and said, "Please come in."

The three men stepped into the courtyard door and walked through an ordinary farmhouse to enter the hall.

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked at it. The room was clean and tidy. What is important is that he did not feel any evil.

"Drinking tea?" Li Suzhen asked.

"Auntie doesn't have to worry, we just come to ask something." Xie Yuqing is very polite.

"Oh, please sit down." Li Suzheng greeted them to sit down and looked at the three men and said, "Are you asking me what I was doing at school that year?"

Xie Yuqing snorted and smiled: "How do you know Auntie?"

Li Suzhen sighed and said: "I thought that things have been going on for so long, no one will mention them any more, but a few days ago, a young man came over and asked about the things of the past. I usually live alone, and I don't have any intersection with anyone. You suddenly came to the door, naturally it was for the things of the year."

Her eyes fell on Xie Yuqing's face, and she asked a faint question: "Is the thought coming out again?"

Ye Shaoyang and Xie Yuqing looked at each other. I didn't expect her to ask so directly. It seems that this time I didn't find the wrong person, she really knows what!

Ye Shaoyang said: "You are talking about Wang Mansi. I don't know if she came out, but...there was nothing in the past, and there was a new situation."

Li Suzhen sighed and looked around at the three people. He said: "Since you can find me, you must have investigated what is going on. I will also say it. You should know that this is a psychic event."

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

"Your policeman is useless. The couple who came a few days ago is a mage. Simply put, they will catch ghosts. You can cooperate with them. As for success, I don't know."

This sentence, completely let Ye Shaoyang hold it, can say the word "Mage", certainly not a layman, standing up now, hands pinched a meow, screaming: "Maoshan Mengwei Tianshi Road."

This time, Li Suzhen was shocked. He looked at him with awkward look. His look slowed down and he nodded and said, "Yes, I should think of it. Since you investigated this matter, it is impossible to have no Master to participate."

After standing up, he smashed an orchid finger at Ye Shaoyang and said: "The chicken feet are long and the voice is heard."

Ye Shaoyang, a chicken, a chicken disciple!

Jizu Mountain in Yunnan is one of the five famous Buddhist mountains. It is also the purest Buddhist temple in the present. It is also a long-established martial art in the magical world. However, because it is located in the south of the clouds, away from the Central Plains, it has not been with the Central Plains for a long time. Belonging to one country, and later fewer and fewer contacts.

It is said that there have been any disasters in the middle, and the talents have withered. In the contemporary era, there is no influence. Many meetings and dojos in the magical circles are not present. The words "Chijishan" have almost faded out of the magical world.

Therefore, after listening to her saying that she is a chicken-footed disciple, Ye Shaoyang will be so surprised.

"Predecessors, you are a chicken disciple, how come here to go to college?" Ye Shaoyang is somewhat puzzled, that era is not the same as now, the liquidity is not so strong.

"I am the person of Shicheng. I am going to Jizushan. My father is a construction worker in Yunnan. He believes in Buddha. He often goes to Jizushan to burn incense. When the ****, the Jizushan magic martial art was also shocked. The master of the yew, the master, was forced to go nowhere.

(It’s late for today’s incident. Lock the eclipse monthly ticket for eight consecutive championships, and celebrate at glory at 8:30 in the evening, don’t miss it.)

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