Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1517: Lesson apprentice 1

Xiao Yu’s brother told us that he will die in this battle, let us collect the corpse afterwards and put it in a place he arranged in advance. I and Sang Sang are very reluctant to him, but this is the end of the matter, but also had to do so.

In accordance with his request, we found the land of the seven shades in the nearby mountains. Under the auspices of Sang Sang, everything was set up and then returned to the school. At that time, the whole school was covered with clouds. That day and night, no one came out, and no one could go in. I knew what happened inside afterwards.

At that time, I stayed outside with Sang Sang and waited for the news of Xiao Yu’s brother. I hope that he can not die. I hope he can survive this disaster. As a result... After a day and a night, the clouds are gone, we go to school and only see everywhere. They are all zombies. We rushed into the fifth building with the implement, and found the body of Xiao Yu’s brother in the small auditorium. ”

Speaking of this, Li Suzhen actually cried like a little girl.

Ye Shaoyang three people waited silently. Xie Yuqing took out a pack of paper towels from the bag and untied it.

Li Suzhen licked his face with a paper towel and eased it for a while before telling it. "On the neck of Xiao Yu's brother, wearing a necklace made of money, that is the instrument to exert the power of cursing. He had explained it to us before. He really used the technique of imprisonment to seal Wang Mansi.

His own soul, but also because of the curse of the curse, almost completely broken, fortunately, there is a money necklace to gather the soul, so that it will not be scattered.

Sang Sang instructed me to take his body together and go to the previously arranged grave to help him bury. At this time, Sang Sang told me that all of this was actually planned by Xiao Yu’s brother. His body was buried in the land of the seven shades. After thirty-three years of raising the soul, if someone could unlock the curse of the money necklace, You can also restore his soul...

As for what happened behind the school, you can find me, I already know it, I don't need to say more. Sang Sang and I came back after a few years of hiding. She entered the school as a school worker, just to observe the school's wind and grass, because Wang Mansi was sealed and did not die, and maybe one day will be born again.

As for me, I have no mana at all. I only have some simple spells. In order to keep my secrets, I have been crazy for a while. After nobody cares, I moved to the town to live. Over the years, I have been observing the grave of Xiao Yu’s brother, and it’s so plain and faint. ”

Speaking of this, Li Suzhen has a hint of desolateness in his tone, and he will not talk about it anymore.

Xie Yuqing was very sensitive to time and immediately said: "You said before, what did Xiao Xiaoyu's predecessors raise their souls? After thirty-three years, they will have a chance to resurrect. The year of the accident was 82 years, plus thirty-three years, that is... ...in 2015, was it last year?"

"The year is not counted, the **** is going to the end, it should be this year, just seven days have passed."

Xie Yuqing glanced at it and looked at Ye Shaoyang and muttered: "How could it be so clever, just the recent psychic event was turned over again..."

Li Suzhen said: "I don't know about this. Maybe it's a coincidence in my own life. Maybe Wang Mansi deliberately did it."

Xie Yuqing said: "What kind of curse is that, is it open?"

Li Suzhen smiled helplessly: "I am a man who has lost his mana. How can there be a way to open the curse?" He looked at Li Wei. "I was still thinking about it. When the days are up, how can I open the curse? Now you are here. I believe that you have a solution. After all, you are his doorman."

Li Wei nodded: "Wait for a while, my brothers come over, but also trouble the seniors to take us to the grave of Xiao Shishu, what is the situation. To be honest, we are here for this."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart was moving. Before that, she still suspected that it attracted them to come from Hong Kong. It was originally for Xiang Xiaoyu. I wanted to ask her specific, but before the **** for tat, I was too lazy to talk to her, and then I thought about it. A little, I can think of it:

In the same year, Xiang Yuyu died in the No. 5 building case. If he is really a very important person in the Zongmen, then Zongmen cannot send people to investigate. It is estimated that Li Suzhen told them the truth at that time, and then the Zongmen people I am also waiting, and when the deadline for the return of the thirty-three years is over, I will send someone to come immediately...

This also explains two things. One item Xiao Yu’s own position in the Zongmen is certainly not low. Otherwise, thirty-three years have passed. Who can still remember this dead person? Second, he may still bear something on his body. Secret, so when the time is up, immediately send two top two elites to investigate.

Xie Yuqing stared at Ye Shaoyang and asked: "What does it mean to return the soul, can it be resurrected?"

Li Wei snorted.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Resurrection is of course impossible. It is also a ghost corpse."

When Li Yi heard it, he said, "What happened to the ghost corpse? Are you a little priest who wants to overtake him?"

"If he doesn't have to stay in the world, then I will definitely overtake him."

Li Wei smiled and said: "Well, if you have a good idea, you are afraid that you can't do it."

Ye Shaoyang is too lazy to bicker with such people, and thinks about what Li Suzhen has said from the beginning. It is really unsatisfactory to feel this sorrow: many questions that have been confused until now have finally got the answer.

"That, I have a question. What does this matter have to do with Deng Hui? The clue I got before, it seems that three people are in a triangle relationship?"

Li Suzhen said: "That is a rumor. Deng Hui is a single-hearted thought to Xiao Yu's brother. Don't say that Xiao Yu's brother doesn't like her. Even if he likes it, he has the responsibility to be there. How could he go to Wang Mansi because of this? The rumor is not enough."

Xie Yuqing went on this topic and asked: "That Xiao Yu is against Wang Mansi. You also said that he did not know her identity at first, but only after the interaction, then... when they first started to interact, Xiao Yu likes Wang Mansi, sorry I am gossip."

Li Suzhen bowed his head and sighed and said: "In fact, Xiao Yu’s brother is like Wang Mansi..."

When this statement came out, even Li Wei was shocked and said: "Impossible, how can a small teacher like a zombie?"

Li Suzhen said: "It is true. You have never seen Wang Mansi. You can't see the photos. She... is really attractive. But Xiao Yu's brother has been restraining his desires and never gave up his mission. He can overcome his heart and make this decision, how valuable it is, so we are willing to help him, even if it is sacrificed."

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