"Okay." Ye Shaoyang grinned. "That, when he was awake, did he say his origin?"

Yan Lengyu shook his head. "His mind is a bit unclear. Normal language ability is there, but he said that he forgot everything and even forgot who he is."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this and was helpless. "What does he remember?"

"He can only remember that he didn't have that disgusting bug on his body. Later, he didn't know who put the bug on him. Nothing else could be remembered."

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and said: "This is really strange. Have you checked the bug?"

"Checked, it should be a kind of cockroach, or a cockroach, we can't figure it out. I tried to take it off from the dumb with Master. As a result, I was sore and dying to live. The horns and mouthparts of this worm came into it. In his body, it seems that the feeling of integration, we do not dare to chaos, no help, so come to you and see if you have a way."

She said so much, I was waiting to listen to Ye Shaoyang's opinion. As a result, Ye Shaoyang barely heard her words, only heard the words "dumb" and asked: "He called dumb?"

"I took it for him. There is always a name, and he is dumb, and he is very happy."

Ye Shaoyang’s mouth is like a squid. “It sounds so close.”

Yan Lengyu frowned, "Ye Shaoyang, I am telling you something right!"

"Know know!" Ye Shaoyang said, "But I have never seen this situation. I will let Brother Guo come. He knows a lot."

Yan Lengyu also agreed.

Ye Shaoyang immediately called Lao Guo. Lao Guo was busy yesterday and went back at night. He was sleeping late and called him out from the spring dream. Ye Shaoyang was also very embarrassed. After all, he was not Liu Ming, and he had no money for him.

Lao Guo listened probably, complained a few words and asked: "Do you have any food?"

"No, I didn't eat well at noon. I called takeaway."

"Get the two spicy duck heads."

Hanging up the phone, Ye Shaoyang looked at the time on the phone and sighed.

芮冷玉道: "What's the matter, do you have something?"

Ye Shaoyang pitifully took out two movie tickets and said, "Can this thing be retired?"

Yan Lengyu took a look at the past and said: "Where is the magical animal, this movie is said to be good. It is a prequel to Harry Potter. I thought you were busy catching ghosts here. I didn't expect you to pay attention to this."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Where, this is Xue Qi who helped me choose."

"Why didn't you go see her?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "You know why, I will watch movies with her."

Yan Lengyu smiled and took the flowers from Ye Shaoyang on the coffee table and sniffed it. He said: "Send flowers is also Xue Qi's idea?"

Ye Shaoyang had to be honest.

"What else, take it one by one." Yan Lengyu reached out to her.

Ye Shaoyang took the ring up.

Yan Lengyu saw that it was a platinum ring. He stumbled and said, "Are you not asking for marriage?"

"No, it is a gift." Ye Shaoyang quickly explained.

芮冷玉道: "It’s a pity, if you really want to marry, maybe I will agree."

Ye Shaoyang stunned. "Then... is there a chance?"

"You said no, that's not it. Let's talk about it in the future."

Ye Shaoyang feels that she must be fooling herself.

Yan Lengyu took the ring in his hand and rushed him to raise his left hand and five fingers. He said, "Which finger do you want me to wear?"

Ye Shaoyang sighed and said: "What else is wrong with this?"

He was cold and jealous, and put the ring directly on the middle finger.

"What else?"

Ye Shaoyang hesitated, took out the ten pieces of the three pieces of jewelry that he had bought at the roadside booth last time and handed it to her. Under her doubtful eyes, she honestly explained the origins.

Necklace bracelets and hairpins add up to ten yuan.

Yan Lengyu smiled and said nothing, put all three things into the handbag.

At this time, there was a low-pitched voice in the bathroom. The two looked at each other and walked over.

It was "dumb" and woke up. The head stretched out of the water. I saw Ye Shaoyang first. I looked at him like a normal person. I just looked at him for a while, but I looked a little sluggish. Then I saw Xiao Leng, and immediately laughed and said: "Cold. jade."

His voice is very low, and it is quite magnetic. So it seems that people are very handsome, if you don't look at the worm on his chest.

Ye Shaoyang was a bit uncomfortable. He sat down on the edge of the bathtub and looked at his body. He said, "Why is your body bubbling out?"

Don't ignore him.

芮冷玉道: "Dumb, he is Ye Shaoyang, is the Maoshan Tianshi, he can help you."

Dumb "Oh", his eyes still locked in the cold jade, his eyes are very gentle, but there is no evil thoughts, a bit like the eyes of the child to see the mother.

Yan Lengyu and Ye Shaoyang explained: "He knows that I saved him, and I have been taking care of him these days, so he is very close to me and can't do anything with others."

Ye Shaoyang looked at a sign on the dumb shirt pocket and said: "Is this Anta or Li Ning, he has been wearing this?"

芮冷玉道: "Of course not. When we saved him, he was soaked in blood, and after cleaning it, I bought him clothes."

Ye Shaoyang said: "What did you wear for him?"

Ruan Yuyu said: "What do you say?"

"I am angry."

Yan Lengyu was amused by his childish appearance and said: "How can a big girl dress him, and then I have not waited for someone else, it is my brother's work."

"When did you have a younger brother?"

"My Master has dozens of disciples, just entering the room, I am two with my brother."

Ye Shaoyang was relieved.

芮冷玉道: "You look at his back, there is a pattern on it, I don't know if you know it." Then he told the dumb softly and let him kneel down.

Dumb was very listening to her words, turned over in the water, Ye Shaoyang took his shirt down and looked at it, his brow immediately wrinkled.

In the middle of the dull back, there was a beast with wings. The two wings were exactly on his shoulder blades. He opened his arms and his wings were as if they were unfolding.

The background color of the whole tattoo is white, with a touch of blood and a smooth line.

Kirin! Ye Shaoyang saw the origin of this beast at a glance.

Closer look, could not help but reach out and touched, found that his skin is very smooth, unicorn pattern under the skin, giving people a feeling that is not a tattoo, but grows in the flesh.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said: "The background of this person is definitely not simple!"

"How to say?"

Ye Shaoyang pointed to Qilin’s pair of lifelike wings and said: “The unicorn has no wings. In the folk, any unicorn pattern can’t have wings, because in the eyes of ordinary people, Kirin has always had no wings.”

(third more)

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