Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1542: Pendant's Secret 2

This woman looks fifty years old, looks good and elegant, sees Ye Shaoyang coming in, her eyes turn immediately, gently opening, soft voice, as if from another time and space: "Ye Tianshi."

Ye Shaoyang sneaked, walked over, leaned over and looked at her, feeling familiar, and thought about it: "Are you Wu Sang?"

Wu Sang nodded. "Ye Tianshi, I know you. When you destroy the Yinchao on the 4th floor, I have a secret concern. You are so young and very amazing."

Ye Shaoyang remembered that she had been staying at the Foreign Languages ​​Institute and was a mage. She swept the No. 4 building. When she made such a big move, she could not have known it. Now she asked, "Why didn't you show up at the time?"

"I am just a man who lost his mana. I stayed at the school. I only guarded here. I watched the movement of Building No. 5. Other things have nothing to do with me. I can't help me any more. What can I do? ”

Yan Lengyu said: "She forcibly sealed a soul in a pendant, so she can survive, but it can only be manifested in the water, or it will soon dissipate. But even then, her soul can only Hold for a few minutes, what do you have to ask."

Ye Shaoyang took a breath and saw Wu Sang in the reflection. There was a gas like a vapor on his head. It was slowly dissipating. It was the **** of the gods...

The Yuanshen is the soul core, and the Yuanshen is scattered, and the soul will surely die into fine.

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly took out the yin and yang mirror from his backpack and said: "You come here, wait for me to find the rest of your soul, and then return you to the soul."

"Thank you, Ye Tianshi, I don't want to repay the soul. I only ask Ye Tianshi to see me when I have two other souls and six scorpions. I will kill my soul and unite it, so as not to be manipulated by Sisi, I will become a cockroach. Oh, rejoin the soul to pay for my sins."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked. He was the first to hear that a ghost was willing to fly away. He could not help but ask: "What sin do you have?"

"If I didn't tell Xiao Yu, Sisi is flying, and Xiao Yu will not know. I told Xiao Yu that Sisi is using him and wants to take his body and want to occupy the Yin nest in Building No. 4, for the corpse. The family built a base camp in the world, in fact... I lied to him."

Wu Sang slipped through two lines of tears.

"Sisi was originally a school with this purpose, but... she really likes Xiao Yu, she is willing to give up everything for Xiao Yu, it is me, deliberately provoke in the middle, advise Xiao Yu to get rid of her..."

Ye Shaoyang was completely stunned. This was a reversal of God. He also vaguely guessed the reason, but he still asked: "Why are you doing this?"

Wu Sang’s face was full of a bitter smile. “Because I like him, we are two childhood friends. Although I didn’t tell him clearly, I have already seen him as my husband. I didn’t expect him. Actually, I would like to think about it. It’s really good for people to make people."

Wu Sang shook his head gently. "I just lived in a dormitory with me. It was my best friend. After she determined the relationship with Xiao Yu, during that time, the two were very loving, and Sisi didn't know my thoughts. I told her all the things about Xiao Yu in front of me all day, that kind of taste... you should be able to imagine.

Sisi lived with me every day, sleeping in a bedroom. Although she was concealed, she finally showed her feet and let me know that she was the truth of flying. So, I began to provoke distraction, under my command. Xiao Yu finally made up her mind to deal with her... Since you can find me, you know what happened later.

I thought I had to get rid of Sisi, I could be with Xiao Yu, where I thought we were defeated, Sisi was sealed by Xiao Yu, and Xiao Yu himself died. At least hundreds of classmates have become the funeral of Sisi, but I have survived. ”

Speaking of this, Wu Sang cried, and as the gods dissipated, the figures gradually became blurred. Ye Shaoyang and Yan Lengyu looked in their eyes, and they were anxious, but they did not dare to interrupt her.

"A bad thought, I sold my best friend, and killed my favorite person. There are so many innocent students... I am the biggest sinner in the incident. I will return to school and be willing to be a school worker. In order to do my best, to guard the campus, I can't die, because those who knew the situation in the past were dead, some secrets, only I knew.

I tell you this, not to gain sympathy, the sins I committed myself, I have to pay for it myself. ”

She turned her gaze to Ye Shaoyang's face. "Ye Tianshi, have you found the body of Xiao Yu?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded. "The curse has been solved, but the soul of the heavens and the soul of the earth are missing."

Wu Sangdao: "When he died, the three souls were broken by the power of the curse. One of the souls returned to the flesh. The other two souls were wandering outside. The principle, I have no time to elaborate with you, his The soul of the heavens is under the Ziwei tree in the northwest of the ghost field. This pendant is the thing he sent me. You can take it with you and bring him to the soul.

Another sorrow... but in a claustrophobic space, where is it, only Deng Hui knows..."

Broken Soul Cliff Lagerstroemia Tree! Ye Shaoyang’s heart sinks, but he has no time to ask more questions. He directly asked the most important question: “What is a claustrophobic space?”

Wu Sang opened up and revealed the core of a mystery:

“Sisi uses the power of the corpse to simulate a campus that is exactly the same as the reality. All the living people, ghosts, and some zombies in the school were pulled in, becoming a space for self-revolution, but sealed by Xiao Yu. Now, Sisi is inside, and I can't come out myself, but recently I don't know why, the seal of space has been opened up...

The ghosts in the claustrophobic space are not illusions, they are all pulled in by Sisi. They are constantly losing their memory in the reincarnation, and then re-experiencing the process of disaster, experience from birth to death... This is also a punishment for Sisi. If possible, I hope that you bring them all back and send them to the reincarnation..."

Ye Shaoyang nodded heavily and saw that the image of Sisi was getting weaker and lighter, and it was about to dissipate. He said in a hurry: "A few decades have passed, you don't have to worry about what happened in the past, or let me accept it." You, there is still a chance to gather souls in the future."

Wu Sang shook his head. "Sisi is right. Some things will change with time, but some things will never change. I have this life... that's it."

A sigh, the figure completely dissipated, turned into fine, stuck on the water, like a bunch of light.

Ye Shaoyang was a little silent, and he poked the water gently with his hand. After a while, the waves fluttered, colorful, and illuminated the room.

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