Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1547: Nüwa’s intentions 1

"This is just her appearance, her true body, it is like this..." Rong Ruo wiped a piece on the mirror, and the woman's costume changed immediately. This time, the costume is wearing a long red dress and the hair is scattered. , hanging down to the butt, walking with a pair of white feet.

I saw her finally pounced into the lake.

Rong Ruo said: "Because she is soulless, she did not disturb the big array on the lake, and successfully stolen the magic grass to leave."

After finishing the touch on the mirror, the screen switches to the way the woman leaves. This mirror is like a camera, always following.

When the woman vacated, the "lens" was slightly aligned with her side face, and Ye Shaoyang immediately opened her eyes and looked at it. "Wang Mansi!"

It’s really her!

Rong Ruodao: "Since Xiao Tianshi recognizes it, it will be easier."

"Don't be, it seems... isn't it?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at it for a while and found that although this woman was somewhat similar to Wang Mansi, it was not her, and she suddenly felt unclear.

As the woman in the shot disappeared, Ye Shaoyang was in a daze.

Rong Ruo looked at him and said: "I am only responsible for showing this image to you. This woman has a lot of magical powers, and I don’t know the origins. My Chu Jiangwang is not able to intervene on the human world. If Tian Tianshi can shoot Falling down is nothing."

Ye Shaoyang is dark and seems to have not heard what she said. Yan Lengyu promised to let him down.

Rong Ruo rushed at her and looked at her for a few seconds and said, "Then I will leave, and we will see you again in the future."

I was so cold, I didn’t understand what it meant, and I’m already gone.

A few ghosts and silver armored ghost warriors hurriedly bowed, and if they couldn’t see it, they went down the mountain.

"What's wrong?" Yan Lengyu walked to Ye Shaoyang and frowned.

Ye Shaoyang returned to God and took a deep breath and said: "I know who the woman is!"

Look around, the ghosts and the ghost warriors are looking at themselves, I feel that this place is not a place to talk, so I greeted them with them, took back the Tianshi card, and left the broken soul cliff with the cold and cold jade.

"Why, do they call you Xiaotianshi?" asked Leng Yuyu.

"I am also wondering, I don't know who was the first one, and now it has spread." Ye Shaoyang is also very depressed.

Going through the void and returning to the world.

Ye Shaoyang took a hard breath and said: "Do business first."

Immediately called Xie Yuqing, asked the location of Xiang Xiaoyu's body, and went outside, and found that the melon was still watching TV with the dumb. Yan Lengyu took care of a few words, let him wait at home.

Dumb looked at her eyes, some disappointment, but still obediently nodded.

The two took a taxi to the police station. When they arrived, they saw Xie Yuqing waiting outside the door. They saw Yan Lengyu, Xie Yuqing greeted with warmth from the heart, and took her all the way to leave Ye Shaoyang behind her.

I don't know why, Ye Shaoyang saw them both together every time, and they felt a little guilty...

In the freezer to find the body of Xiao Yu, Ye Shaoyang released the soul of the pendant, introduced into his body, the appearance does not seem to change. Ye Shaoyang held down his Yintang and checked it in his body with suffocating gas. He determined that the scorpion soul that had just been recovered had been merged with the rest of his soul. This is reassuring.

However, due to the curse, Xiang Xiaoyu still did not wake up, it looked like a dead body.

"Can such a body still wake up?" Xie Yuqing looked at the body and felt incredible.

"Wake up, his soul is pulled by a force, locked with the body, only a sigh of soul, and immediately resurrected into a ghost."

The three left the cold storage and walked into a duty room under the leadership of Xie Yuqing. Xie Yuqing poured two glasses of water for them and said, "Do you want something to eat?"

"Do you still have food?"

"No, I am trying to order a takeaway. If you eat, I will order it to eat together."

Xie Yuqing ordered the meal with her mobile phone. Everyone wanted the same, and then the three sat down at the desk to discuss.

Ye Shaoyang first talked about what he heard from Wu Sangkou. Xie Yuqing was also embarrassed to listen.

Ye Shaoyang said: "I still don't quite understand what kind of claustrophobic space that Wang Mansi created. What is it? A virtual space for simulating reality, why can you pull in entities like living people and zombies? I always I can't figure out how she did it."

芮冷玉道: "I didn't tell you before, in fact, I know why, this is a kind of power of the corpse. Shaoyang, you know, the relationship between the Qing dynasty and the human world?"

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "Listen to Xiaojiu, I have never said that I have never been to it."

"In fact, the entire zero world is a reflection of the human world. Some places are relatively completely separated. It is a self-contained, empty space. In some places, the separation is not complete. It is connected with the human world. This is the zero boundary."

"What do you mean by connecting with people?"

"When I heard Wu Sang, I understood that she knew more about the Qing dynasty. The so-called claustrophobic space was not created by the power of the corpse, but by the attributes of the Qing dynasty. The school projection is blurred, and that space is not completely independent, but part of the Qing Dynasty."

Ye Shaoyang’s thought for a while, said: “I didn’t understand, why can a living person enter that space?”

"The relationship between the Qing dynasty and the human world, in science, is actually a mirror space, but it is not completely separated. There are many space cracks in the connection. If there is enough repair, you can 'zoom in' the crack and let the Qing dynasty The space spreads to engulf the world and quickly create a new space.

In this process of occupation, all human beings will be transformed into the existence of the living spirits permitted in the Qing Dynasty. Shaoyang, this is like going through the yin. If you are a human being, if you go to the Yins, you will change into a material form. To adapt to the laws of that space, but after returning, you are still you. ”

After her careful explanation, Ye Shaoyang gradually understood some, and for a moment, said: "You mean, people, zombies, disappeared on a solid wall, actually entered the Qing Dynasty?"

"Yes, after I learned that Wang Mansi was a zombie, I thought about it. She has the ability to cover the world with the space of the Qing Dynasty in an instant, and then withdraw the power, everything will be restored to the original, in fact, the missing person or zombie, Just transforming into another form is pulled into the Green World."

Ye Shaoyang heard this, although some details are still not understood, but it is also a sudden realization, I thought about it and asked: "How do you know so much?"

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