Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1559: The power of breakfast 1

Ye Shaoyang heard it and looked back at her. Some of them said nothing: "It’s not easy to hear you praise me."

"You don't just want to hear me praise you?"

"Oh, you still know me." Ye Shaoyang walked over and put her hands on her shoulders. "Listen to you, I have more confidence."

"Master is invincible, and the world is full!" Zhang Xiaorui shouted a sly, waiting for Ye Shaoyang to look over, blinking and said, "I also praise you."

"Oh, it’s been over." Ye Shaoyang was flushed.

After this toss, it was already past midnight, and there was no car on the road.

Yan Lengyu wanted to use the drip to take a taxi. As a result, Zhang Xiaorui let them go with themselves. At the intersection, Zhang Xiaorui went straight to a red car on the roadside.

Ye Shaoyang couldn't understand the car logo, but looking at the car looks like a good car. When you look closely, you frown and say: "You are like this car, it is very similar to Jingru's car."

Zhang Xiaorui said: "Yes, she also has a Cayenne, but she has money, and her car is more than my family."

Yan Lengyu looked at Ye Shaoyang and deliberately made fun of it: "You even remember what cars you drive, so you want to be so clear?"

"Where is it." Ye Shaoyang smiled. Actually, she really wanted Zhou Jingru. It was nothing else. It was only for a while that she didn't see her. I don't have to say that I have been busy becoming a dog recently. It is just that Zhou Jingru recently said that he is in charge of the family. A project, often flying around, is also very busy. The two often talked on WeChat.

After the car started, Ye Shaoyang called Xie Yuqing and learned that she was dealing with the aftermath of the deceased.

Xie Yuqing also asked about his situation here. Ye Shaoyang roughly said that Xie Yuqing also approved his arrangement.

"Right, Shaoyang, I would have liked to finish the matter at hand and tell you, since you are on the phone, I will say it now. That pair of brothers and sisters, I just came to the police station to find me."

"Li Weihe and that surnamed Yang? What are they looking for?" Ye Shaoyang couldn't remember what the guy was calling for a moment.

Xie Yuqing said: "It is them. They came to see the body of Xiang Xiaoyu. I thought that after all, they were their uncles. Maybe they have any way to help him find the soul, and they showed them, they learned After he still had a glimpse of the soul, he said he would go back and find a solution, and then come back to me."

Ye Shaoyang did not go to the heart, said: "To deal with them, you have to be careful."

"Reassure, I am a policeman, and it is on my site. They dare not mess with me."

The two agreed to contact again tomorrow and then hang up the phone.

At this time, the car passed a night market snack street. At this point, there were some barbecue stalls open. Some workers who were working late night were eating. Zhang Xiaorui suggested that they also go down to eat something. Ye Shaoyang and Yan Lengyu were busy for half a night, their stomachs were hungry, and they all followed the car. Only Xueqi had opinions and licked his mouth to eat ice cream.

There was no ice cream sold in the big night. Ye Shaoyang bought her a bottle of yogurt and barely sent her. She sat down and played with her mobile phone to watch them eat barbecue.

Their combination of men and women quickly attracted the attention of the diners on the side, and they looked at it intentionally or unintentionally. A hot woman, a glamorous beauty that looks inaccessible, and a cute Meng's little luoli is enough to attract the eye of any man.

But at the end of the day, these people all looked down on Ye Shaoyang, and they all guessed his identity. At first, he guessed which of his boyfriends he was. Later, he agreed that the silk of him is absolutely not worthy. Any one of them must be the driver who drives the girls.

The three girls watched him stealing music, but Ye Shaoyang was flushed, and he couldn’t.

After eating the barbecue, under the eyes of everyone, go to the car.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly grabbed the shoulders of Yan Lengyu and whispered: "Give a face."

Yan Lengyu immediately understood his thoughts and held back his smile, letting him lick his arm. Zhang Xiaorui glanced at them and immediately understood. She loved the crazy, how could she miss this opportunity, and immediately slammed Ye Shaoyang’s arm and shouted at Master, calling Ye Shaoyang’s legs crisp. Almost nothing to soften.

In this way, the left and right embraced the car, Xue Qi also made a mess, sitting on his lap, called Ouba.

At least a few dozen people watched the car drive away, the stalls were silent, and the diners face each other.

"Fuck, no reason!! That kid is so sturdy!" A social brother squatted on the table legs in front of him. The charcoal fire on the table was shaken off and burned on the legs.

After arriving home, Ye Shaoyang and Yan Lengyu took a look at the bedroom of Dumb, and dumbly stood in front of the window, the back is very stalwart, plus the fire unicorn with a pair of wings, giving people a feeling of mighty .

Ye Shaoyang’s heart once again raised a strong feeling: this guy in front of him is definitely a big man!

The dumb heard the opening of the door, turned around, saw the cold jade, and the face that looked dull suddenly opened his heartfelt smile. "Cold jade, you are back."

Lengyu nodded. "Are you at home?"

"I am very good. I am better if I see you are fine."

This sentence is a bit silly, amused by the cold jade, turned to look at Ye Shaoyang, is grinning.

Speaking a few words, Yan Lengyu liked to let the dumb rest as soon as possible, and then came out with Ye Shaoyang. Xue Qi immediately pulled the cold jade to sleep in his room. After succeeding, he was very stunned. blink.

Ye Shaoyang pretended not to see, and went to sleep in the house.

In fact, even if Leng Yuyu is back now, he has no previous flowers and intestines. It is too tired to toss this half-night. Ye Shaoyang is even iron-clad and feels tired. Second, I have something in my heart, and I don’t mind thinking about anything else.

After going to bed, Ye Shaoyang involuntarily thought about what happened at night, and determined that there are two most important things at the moment:

One is to find a way to enter the claustrophobic space, find the soul of Xiang Xiaoyu, and the other is to find the magic grass left in the school, completely cleaned up, although this can not make Wang Mansi hurt, at least can delay her engulfing the campus. pace.

Thousands of students, that is, thousands of lives. At the thought of this, Ye Shaoyang was hot and felt that the burden on his shoulder was too heavy.

If you can smash Wang Mansi and save these people, the yin obtained can not be measured. If these people are killed in horror, even if they are only one tenth, they will eventually destroy Wang Mansi, and they will be blamed.

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