Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1577: Clandestine distress 2

Ye Shaoyang rushed to the fourth floor and went to the dormitory at the end of the corridor. The door was closed and there was a crying noise.

Ye Shaoyang kicked the door hard and slammed it in the most violent way. Looking around, I was surprised to find that there was only one girl in the house.

The girl saw a **** man rushing in, thinking it was a zombie, scared to scream, and shook his head in the corner.

"Don't be afraid that I am not a zombie. I am here to save people. I killed a lot of zombies!" Ye Shaoyang said to erase the blood on his face and let her see her face.

The girl slowly calmed down and looked at him and muttered, "Why are you not afraid of zombies?"

"They are afraid that I am too late to mention it. Let me not say this. I ask you, why are you alone here, Deng Hui?"

When asked this question, Ye Shaoyang thought to himself, if this time I made a mistake in the bedroom, I simply wiped my neck.

"Deng Hui...they went out a few times, I don't know, I was sick today and didn't go out."

"Oh, can you call her cell phone and ask her where?" Ye Shaoyang almost instinctively blurted out.

The girl looked at her slyly. "Hand... chicken? What is it?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged. In the early 1980s, don't talk about mobile phones. Ordinary people didn't even use the phone.

After thinking about it, Ye Shaoyang feels that he is only waiting here: Since Deng Hui was found here last time, then this time she will definitely come here, just don’t know when she will come, but it’s better than looking for her purposelessly. That is a waste of time, not necessarily found.

"Which class do you have, I don't seem to have seen you, what do you do with Deng Hui?"

The girl stared at Ye Shaoyang and asked curiously.

"I like her." Ye Shaoyang casually perfunctory.

The girl snorted and said: "No, you don't know that she likes Xiaoying, and Deng Hui was called out by Xiao Yu, and he never came back."

Ye Shaoyang was shocked and asked: "What time?"

"At noon, it’s been a few hours."

Ye Shaoyang finally knows the time when the reincarnation begins: from the time here, the earliest will not exceed the noon, because there is no Xiaoyu in this claustrophobic space. Wang Mansi can only intercept the item Xiao Yu and Deng Hui at the earliest. Start reincarnation from there.

It’s just that all the souls of the dead have a continuation of the memory of the past. I don’t know that the real world has been cut from a certain moment, and still live according to the continuation of memory...

Ye Shaoyang put the charm on the girl's head and took her in, waiting alone in the house.

It is estimated that it has been at least a quarter of an hour...

While Ye Shaoyang was anxious, there was a mess of footsteps in the corridor. Then several girls ran over. Ye Shaoyang saw Deng Hui from the middle and then looked at the faces of several people on the side. It felt very familiar. It was the last one I saw here.

Looking at it this time, I came late last time than now. At that time, these girls had come in and hid, and locked the door.

Several girls rushed into the bedroom and saw that Ye Shaoyang was bloody. Like the sister before, he almost regarded him as a zombie.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I am not a zombie or a bad person. I came to Deng Hui." Ye Shaoyang hurried back, spread his hands, made a gesture that made them feel at ease, and then smiled at Deng Hui, "I met again." ""

Deng Huiyi, carefully identified him, frowning: "Have we seen?"

"I have seen it before, you don't remember it. I have seen it in the presence."

A few girls looked at him, a girl said: "Don't talk nonsense, I have never seen you, Xiaohui you are far away from him!"

"You take a break!" Ye Shaoyang raised his hand and put the charm on her face. The girl disappeared under the eyes of everyone.

Ye Shaoyang did not give them a chance to be surprised. They started to fall down and took a few strokes. They all collected them into the charms, leaving only Deng Hui alone.

This sudden change far surpassed Deng Hui’s cognition. He stayed on the spot and looked at Ye Shaoyang.

"This is a spell, they are already dead, so I was put away with a charm."

Ye Shaoyang rushed her to shake the charm in her hand. "You should come back from the outside and you should see the zombies. Since you can accept zombies, I think you can accept the fact that there are ghosts in the world."

Deng Huiyi sat down on the ground and lost his soul. He murmured: "They... are all dead?"

"Yes, it’s all ghosts, and it’s been trapped here by Wang Mansi."

"Wang Mansi..." Deng Hui was shocked and looked awkward. He looked up at him. "Who are you?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "A lot of things you don't know, I will explain it to you in the future. I am asking you now, is Xiang Xiaoyu giving you something?"

"Xiao Yu Xuechang..." Deng Hui stunned a bit, seemed to wake up a little, nodded. "He gave me something, let me save it."

Sure enough, that's right!

Ye Shaoyang asked excitedly: "What about things?"

"In..." Deng Hui suddenly hesitated. "School Xiao Yu said that this thing is very important. It is related to his life. Let me not give it to anyone. Although I don't understand why, I will definitely abide by my promise."

Ye Shaoyang listened, and he was so anxious. "That, actually Xiao Yu let me come, he needs to use this thing now, so let me take it."

Deng Hui’s eyes flashed and said: “What about Xiao Yu’s elders?”

"He can't come, so entrust me with it. You can give it to me. I don't have time." Ye Shaoyang eagerly reached out to him.

Deng Hui hesitated and suddenly asked: "What is the English name of Xiao Yu's brother?"

English name?

Ye Shaoyang is stunned and understands that she is testing herself, but where does she know what the name of Xiao Xiaoyu is? There is no information in it. Even if there is, I can’t remember it, but I think that Xiao Yu is a Hong Kong person or a Chinese American. It seems that there should be an English name. Deng Hui is definitely not blaming himself.

When I scratched my head, I said, "I didn't seem to hear him say..."

Deng Hui immediately shrank back and shook his face. He said, "You don't even know his English name. How can he give you such important things, who are you?"

"English name, I think about it..." Ye Shaoyang intends to say one more thing. The result is to rack his brains and only think of a few English names.

"Michael..." almost said the word "Jordan". As a result, he saw Deng Hui frowning and said: "That is Kobe...not right, Bill... Bill is another."

(First two chapters)

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