Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1579: Trapped in fantasy 1

A few minutes later, Ye Shaoyang took a breath and opened his eyes.

"Are you successful?" Deng Hui asked curiously.

"Successful." Ye Shaoyang smiled at her. "You take a break and wait for me to thank you again."

"What are you resting?"

The words just fell, the forehead was clicked by the charm, and the soul was taken in.

Keeping her until now, because Ye Shaoyang is afraid that there is still any mechanism for this wooden box to ban. If he can't open it, he still has to ask her what Xiaoyu has to explain. Now the wooden box is open, naturally she can't use her, or it is closed. Into the spirit of the character, bring back a little more convenient.


One thing fell on the floor, causing Ye Shaoyang's attention. When I looked up, it was a hairpin. Obviously, when Deng Hui was taken over, she fell from her body.

The texture of the metal, with a drain drill in it, looks very expensive.

Ye Shaoyang curiously picked it up and looked at it. When he turned to the back of the card, his brow wrinkled and smiled. He took the item into his clothes and picked up the wooden box. He slowly opened it... After half a minute, he Remove the seal of Sanqing Dust.

"Okay, you can go back." Ye Shaoyang looked at the wooden box in his hand, showing a satisfactory smile and rushing out of the bedroom.

The outside has calmed down, encountering a lot of unrecognizable bodies along the way, and a few zombies searching for prey.

Ye Shaoyang pulled out the Qixing Longquan sword and smothered it without hesitation. After going downstairs, he ran in the direction of the crack in the space.

Just coming out of the dormitory area, suddenly there was a strong movement behind him. Ye Shaoyang looked back and saw a cloud of white gas that had covered half of the campus and rolled toward him.

Wang Mansi really shot!

Ye Shaoyang immediately displayed a volley step, rushing all the way, in the chasing of the white fog, with the fastest speed back to the downstairs of the teaching building, jumping directly from a window, inside is a classroom, has been a mess, scattered on the ground Dozens of dead bodies, at the door, there was a zombie licking on a corpse, seeing Ye Shaoyang, immediately rushed up.

After solving this zombie, Ye Shaoyang opened the door and quickly climbed upstairs.

The space crack is located on the roof of the building, but there is no skylight or stairs that can pass through the top floor. Before going down from above, Ye Shaoyang had already thought of the only way: climb up from the window.

He is still somewhat confident about his skills, but only if there is no external force.

"Help, save lives!"

The cry for help was accompanied by a violent crash and was uploaded from the building.

Ye Shaoyang climbed up to the top floor and looked at the sound. He saw a zombie struggling to hit the facade of a classroom. The door was broken in half. The people inside did not know what attack was used. The zombies were torn apart. The corpse was everywhere, but I didn’t know the pain at all. I still hit the door with my body.


The door was knocked open and there was a scream inside.

Although he knew that it was reincarnation, Ye Shaoyang still had the urge to rush to save them. He glanced at the window of the corridor. He originally planned to turn it out from here. At this time, the white fog had spread to the lower floor and it was flowing. It is not far from the top floor.

Ye Shaoyang hesitated for a moment, or rushed toward the door. A sword cut off the half of the zombie's head, kicked the door and went in. After seeing the door, there were several men and women who were shrinking into a ball.

Put them one by one with the charm, Ye Shaoyang rushed to the window to see, the white fog is almost at the foot, the pile is higher, it seems that there is a sense of confusion in this building built in the clouds.

Ye Shaoyang climbed the window sill, looked at the height of the top floor, then pushed open the window, stepped on it, then untied the hook, and forced it up, hooked the railing on the edge of the roof, and pulled it hard, and the man jumped lightly. stand up.

Just as one hand grabbed the railing, suddenly the legs were tight and seemed to be caught by something!

The heart trembled and looked down. I saw that the fog had spread to my feet. Two white arms were sticking out from it, but the horror was that the arms of the two arms were split, but three hands were grown. Palm, like a vine plant, firmly grasped his legs and pulled down.

This is definitely not a zombie, it should be a ghost or a demon.

Ye Shaoyang had no time to think about it. One hand was holding the railing and the other hand was waving the seven-star Longquan sword. He smashed the hand against the hand and broke three hands in one breath. The white mist made a squeaking noise. It’s chilling.

The rosy blood was sprayed from the broken hand, but only a few moments of work, a few hands grew from the wound, three changed to six, and again climbed his leg.

Ye Shaoyang was shocked in his heart, and he slashed the strange hand on the other leg. He did not grow a new hand, and one foot hurriedly lifted up, stepping on the edge of the roof and pushing the whole body hard. Go up.

Then he stood on the top of the building, and as long as he turned over the railing, he could get rid of these behind him. But more hands hugged his legs from behind, and it seemed to be heavy, and he couldn't move at all.

When he paused, the hands immediately climbed up the legs and a few hands reached the armpit.

Lying in the trough!

Ye Shaoyang was shocked and felt only irritated. The suffocation that was originally mentioned was immediately removed.

"Giggle... I heard that you are a god, I haven't eaten a mage for a long time, and the taste must be good." A woman's voice was introduced into the ear, but it was not Wang Mansi's voice.

A stinking smell came from behind, and then the neck was licked by a wet thing. tongue!

Then there were a few hands reaching out to the front, stroking up and down in front of him, especially the double peaks on the chest, covered by two hands, all kinds of yo...

Fuck, meet the ghost!

Ye Shaoyang’s disgusting goose bumps all got up, and yelled after rushing: “Do you want to eat me or want to go to me!”

"Oh, I want to take you to hell..."

hell? Ye Shaoyang’s heart is moving, is she coming from hell?

Just thinking about this, the neck suddenly hurts and is bitten by something, but the thing quickly shrinks back and makes a painful embarrassment.

Ye Shaoyang snorted, "I can't eat well."

Looking up and seeing a figure rushing from a distance, at first glance, Liu Ming, hurriedly shouted: "Come and help me!"

Liu Mingchong came over, his eyes crossed his shoulders, looking behind him, his face twitching, showing the expression of fear to the extreme.

"What's so good, come over!" Ye Shaoyang was caught by his hand and couldn't move. He had to run his suffocating and protect his body, so that these hands can only catch him, but he can't hurt his body, otherwise he wouldn't use it. For the person behind him, as long as he is pinching his own, he will soon become an eunuch.

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