Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1590: Looking for mysterious stone 1

Standing in the middle of the students, Liu Ming gave a very honest and official explanation with a sincere tone and a serious nonsense. He promised to solve the smog within this week...

Finally, the students’ emotions were temporarily suppressed. Liu Ming saw Ye Shaoyang and his party. He immediately walked over and wiped the sweat while walking. Seeing Ye Shaoyang immediately said:

"Mr. Ye, what happened? I know that this reminds you that it is not good, but the public opinion is really hard to suppress. Fortunately, Miss Zhang has been able to support it until now, but if this continues, the online media will pay too much attention. Things will be further exposed."

Ye Shaoyang said: "What Miss Zhang?"

"That is your baby apprentice Zhang Xiaorui. She helped me to talk to the relevant departments and suppressed the local media. Otherwise, this matter has already sensational."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and pointed to Xiang Xiaoyu and said: "I have him to help, it is estimated to be fast, two or three days."

Liu Ming immediately went forward and shook hands with Xiang Xiaoyu. "Which is this high person?"

"He is Xiang Xiaoyu."

"item..." Liu Ming grabbed it. Last night he came out of the claustrophobic space, and the shock was undecided. He was almost in a state of shackles, so Ye Shaoyang and his party went to the police station to help Xiao Yu regain his soul. He did not follow, did not expect... Xiang Xiaoyu really The resurrection.

People who were more than 30 years ago, actually shook hands with themselves... Liu Ming got up in the chicken skin and suddenly got up and went back to the side.

Yan Lengyu said: "Shaoyang, this magic grass is used to release suffocation, to help Wang Mansi use the claustrophobic space to counter the campus, it is a means of her, must be cleared in advance, this can be regarded as breaking her back, forced She came out to fight."

Ye Shaoyang sighed: "Of course I think, the key is that the mother is searching for the whole groundwater system. I can't find where the magic grass is. It's really drunk."

At this time, the soul print of the palm of the hand conveyed the heat. Ye Shaoyang immediately led everyone, and quickly rushed in the direction of perception. Through the campus, in a remote place, there was a small building with a red wall and a fight inside. Sound, the breath swayed out.

"The corpse!" Ye Shaoyang's look changed, just about to rush in, flying two figures from the building, is Guagua and Xiaoqing, fell to the ground.

Without waiting for the two sides to open, Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt the movement around him. It was Xiang Xiaoyu who went out and rubbed his hands and slammed out. A huge hand was turned into the front of the arm, and it was pinched toward Guagua and Xiaoqing.

The two of them thought that there would be people around Ye Shaoyang, and they stunned. They were afraid of misunderstanding and rushed back.

"Wind volcano!"

When the cold hand of Yu Lengyu was lifted, a wind blade with a mana condensed rolled out and shattered the giant hand.

Ye Shaoyang immediately stopped in front of Xiang Xiaoyu and said, "What are you doing!"

Xiang Xiaoyu is a smart person. When he saw him with his cold jade, he immediately understood it. He looked at the confused Guagua and Xiaoqing and said, "Is these two people your door?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "What do you say?"

Xiang Xiaoyu looked at Guagua and Xiaoqing respectively. "A snake demon, another... I really can't see it. It is estimated that it is not a human being. Ye Tianshi really has no teaching."

Ye Shaoyang thinks that this guy is simply the kind of conservative in the magical world. He has no good feelings about all evil things. Now he said: "Although there is no need to explain it to you, they are all officially sealed, and most of them are in the Yin Shi. I will help you temporarily."

After talking about him, he called Guagua and Xiaoqing and asked, "What is the situation?"

Guagua said, "There was no such small building before. We patrolled this and suddenly appeared. When we went in, there were a few zombies inside, and we were killed."

When the voice just fell, Liu Ming looked at the small building and said: "Yes, it used to be a wasteland, there is no building."

Xiang Xiaoyu looked at the small building and said: "In my memory, this building is there. In the past, it was a training building..."

Ye Shaoyang and Yan Yuyu looked at each other. Needless to say, this must also be countered by the claustrophobic space.

Guagua Road: "Not only this place, many places have changed appearance, the boss I am looking for you is this thing, last night we killed a lot of zombies."

Ye Shaoyang was busy asking: "Is there any omission?"

"There is definitely no, we have a lot of people. Everyone is responsible for a place, and repeated inspections will not be missed."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and let them lead the way to see.

Walking around the school a big circle, everyone's mood has become dignified:

The wall around the school, except for a place near the main entrance, was shocked by Ye Shaoyang's practice. The rest were all shackled by the claustrophobic space, including a large area nearby, which was completely engulfed.

Ye Shaoyang estimated that at least one-fifth of the entire school was dragged into the claustrophobic space.

As the principal, Liu Ming saw this scene and was scared. He comforted himself and said: "Fortunately, the teaching building and dormitory area are built in the middle of the school, otherwise it will be finished..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "There are many places where people are full of people, and there is a statue in the town. It can last for a while, and there is no problem for the time being."

芮冷玉道: "I think it is still necessary to clear the magic grass first, so as to suffer from the future."

Ye Shaoyang touched his chin and had a headache for this problem.

He absolutely believes in Lao Guo's ability to handle things, and Lao Guo also checked both sides and said that it was cleaned up. It must have been cleaned up. Where is the remaining magic grass hiding?

"Looking back, I will find Guo brother again, and think about it." Ye Shaoyang turned to Xiang Xiaoyu. "You will take us to find the five-color mysterious stone."

Xiang Xiaoyu took a strange metal object from Yang Chenwu, like the coordinate line in mathematics. He was nailed together with iron bars. The middle was a right angle. The iron bar stared at many performances and also painted some patterns.

Ye Shaoyang looked closer. Each node above painted a symbol of a star. Xiao Lengyu whispered to him that this is a measure of the use of Western witchcraft. It functions like the compass and Yuanchen of the East.

"Old friends, I met again."

Xiang Xiaoyu looked at the ruler and muttered to himself, and reached out to Yang Chenwu: "Crystal Stone."

Yang Chenwu took out a piece of sparkling gems, as big as a fingernail, and Ye Shaoyang’s eyes lit up, suddenly creating a very secular idea: this crystal stone must be worth a lot of money!

Can not help but feel that, indeed, the Western Masters are rich people, the practice is not to use jade or use gems, it is estimated that the poor family wants to be a master.

The head of the crystal stone is pointed. Yang Chenwu pierces the fingertips with crystal stones. A drop of blood quickly penetrates into it. The original transparent gem is immediately dyed red.

Xiang Xiaoyu took over, carefully buckled in a depression at the upper end of the ruler, and then printed the technique, and led a spiritual force around the fingertips. The crystal stone immediately turned and gave a rose-like luster.

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