Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1595: Battle of the Border River 1

"The place where the boundary river is located is the boundary between the Qing dynasty and the human world. In fact, it is also the place where the human world and the Qing dynasty cannot be separated."

"Well? What do you mean?" After listening to Azi's explanation, Ye Shaoyang was even more confused.

"The Qing dynasty is based on the human world and has developed a vast land of vast land. It has a large part of the overlap with the human world. It is impossible to completely separate it. The boundary river is the place where the two spaces are connected. From the Qing dynasty to the world, it must pass through the boundary river. ""

Ye Shaoyang frowned and said: "Then we haven't walked the boundary river, how come in?"

"Because I am a person, some people want to go out into the Qing Dynasty. If they are deep enough to find a critical point, they can break through the void. The desert that we just went to is the tipping point. But every time. Tearing the space will cause the aura of the Qing Dynasty to leak.

However, with the balance of this wild world, once somewhere leaks, spiritual power will come from all directions and quickly block the gap, so each time only two or three people can go out, the crack will be automatically closed. But the boundary river is different. Um... The tipping point is like a temporary exit. The boundary river is a long-term open exit. Any creature who jumps down the boundary river can go to the world.

Therefore, we must take the defensive river, because if the corpse wants to make a big move into the prison, it must go from the boundary river! ”

Ye Shaoyang listened to her explanation, and some understood it, but it also created new doubts. "Which is what the gods abandon the plains, since they can only go out two or three people at a time, why don’t the corpses get there, open their own space? The cracks go out, wait for the cracks to close, and then open them. This way, you can let everyone go out, why not go to the boundary river?"

Azi laughed: "Master, you can think of this. Of course, the four hills and twelve doors can also think of it. God abandoned the plains and there are all major forces guarding them. It is impossible to say that the dead can pass the blockade and reach the desert. Even if you arrive, the ocean army, with the way you wear the path to enter the world, when do you have to shuttle?

Every time the space crack opens, the aura's shock will cause vibration, and it will be noticed by the surrounding forces. I am afraid that it will not be out before, and it has been blocked by several major forces, just killing. ”

"Understood." Ye Shaoyang stunned, although he did not know much about it, but he also believed that since the Qing Dynasty had existed for thousands of years, the forces have developed a lot of balanced rules, and they just because they don’t understand. Curious.

"Masters go faster, don't always talk." The two men couldn't help but slow down because of their speech, and Azi couldn't help but urge him.

Ye Shaoyang once again speeded up and said: "The last question, if the son-in-law wants to go to the world alone, can it be done from the desert?"

"Of course, in fact, like her strength, do not have to go to the plains, can open space cracks anywhere, but she will never do this, or after going to the world, it is likely to return. ”

Ye Shaoyang said: "What do you mean?"

"The stronger the strength, the greater the fluctuation of spiritual power caused by crossing the space. If you are like a son-in-law, you will make a big noise every time you cross the space crack, and you will definitely be concerned by other forces. It is certain that she will inevitably send troops to trap the critical point of her departure. Once she returns, she is likely to face a siege."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, and the two fists were difficult to attack the four hands. The son-in-law was strong again, and one person was deeply trapped in the encirclement, and it was not easy to escape. Human sea tactics are effective in any world in any space.

Turning over a mountain peak, I came to the back of the mountain, and my eyes suddenly opened up. On the large open space below the boundary river, there were countless black shadows, which were obviously different camps.

"The Lord is here!"

Azi leads the way in front, and the two flies down the mountain. At the bottom of the mountain, everything is clear:

A group of people, there are men and women, standing on both sides of the mountain road, men are wearing robes, women are long skirts wrapped. Ye Shaoyang swept away and couldn't help but marvel. The average value of this group of people is really high. Especially the sisters, compared with the online flight attendants, although they look different, they have a common feature:

Both corners of the eyes are bent upwards, like the fox's two eyes, with a hint of fox.

"The owner is driving, not paying homage!" Azijiao gave a drink.

Originally, the fox demon saw the arrival of Ye Shaoyang. They were all curious colors. They looked at him up and down. He heard Azi’s sound and was shocked. Then he retreated to both sides, one by one, not looking up, the middle. Let a road come.

I am grass... Ye Shaoyang has seen this battle, and he is afraid to leave.

"Don't, don't bother." Ye Shaoyang reached out to help a nearby fox demon girl, touched her two arms, and suddenly felt soft and boneless, exuding a seductive aroma.

Sure enough, it is a fox! Ye Shaoyang sighed, and after the sister was lifted up, the girl looked flustered and squatted again. This time she was kneeling on her knees and screaming in her mouth: "The owner has broken me!"

Ye Shaoyang's cheeks twitched, and the heart gave birth to a feeling of crossing the ancient times to become an emperor...

"Let's hurry up, the Lord is waiting below."

Under the urging of Azi, Ye Shaoyang had to walk a few steps forward, and there was a feeling of sitting on a needle felt. Looking at the fox demon lying on both sides, biting his teeth, flying away from the mountain road, jumping to the side of the bush, flew down the mountain.

He would rather pass through the bushes and refuse to accept the worship of so many people. He is really not used to it.

Turned a corner and completely broke out the mountain road. Ye Shaoyang saw a small nine in the middle of the fox demon: sitting on a kind of phoenix that resembled the ancient queen sitting on it, there are three canopies on it, very gorgeous, standing on both sides of the car with one green dress and one yellow two maids. Around the vehicle, there are four silver armor guards, hand-held jasper, and prestige.

Xiao Jiuyi is white, sitting in the middle, with a hanging ornament on his forehead, the beautiful face and temperament, there is a sense of glory and glamour.

Ye Shaoyang was also the first time to see Xiaoji’s dress, and he couldn’t help but watch it.

Xiaojiu also saw him and was shocked. He didn't seem to think that he would come out from that direction, but in the end his eyes lit up. The original solemn expression immediately disintegrated, his mouth bent and seemed to want to laugh, but he remembered What, after all, did not laugh, nodded to him.

Ye Shaoyang walked over, and the silver armor guards immediately flashed to the side. Ye Shaoyang walked to the front of Fenghuang and looked up at the Queen's little nine on the back. He was a little overwhelmed.

(Yesterday's third chapter, I am really sorry to be sent now, the reason is not to say, hey, so as not to be said to make excuses. I am trying to write faster today, three chapters together)

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