Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1652: Road wind shot 1

Then the left hand patted to the top of the other head, only one palm, and the evil thing was made into fine.

The other few are obviously well-trained. When they see that the road is so strong, they can't do it alone. They will retreat together. They will surround the road with a fan shape, and they will print together a total of seven people. Each of them has a bright brilliance. Into the middle of a tall body of evil.

Ye Shaoyang looked closely behind. The guy wore a silver armor and wore a helmet like a rhinoceros horn on his head. The two eye sockets were dark and the folds were on the sides. It looked disgusting. Carrying a long black knife.

"Yongjun general!" Ye Shaoyang sounded the sound of melons behind him. It turned out that he had been watching TV in the living room before. He suddenly heard movements here. It seemed that some people were fighting, and they quickly pushed the door in. They saw this scene and suddenly screamed.

The rest of the evil things practiced the self-cultivation of the aura, and poured it into the long knife in the hands of the generals of the haze. The generals of the haze volleyed and swayed toward the top of the road.

Xiao Jiu moved a bit and wanted to help. Ye Shaoyang took her and said: "Take it to the road, just look at his current strength."

Although these evils are good at looking at the repairs, they will also seal the curse, and will be cultivated to gather together on one person, and set fire attack. However, Ye Shaoyang has no doubt about the strength of the road, he just wants to see. What is the wind to crack, so as to speculate on his current strength. However, he still thought wrong.

At the foot of the wind, the volley went over and lifted the left hand. With a little force, he held the long knife under the coercion. The right hand would hit the whip back into the belt and pointed it at the general. The ghosts of the devils smashed back and slammed into the back of the general.

The other few evil things, because they are fan-shaped open, are very clear to this scene, and immediately practice, trying to block the three clear ghosts.

The wind was a little beckoning, and the three clear ghosts instantly broke the blockade of the people, and the three ones were attached to the back of the general.

The wind stretched out his right hand and made a cross-touch gesture. In Ye Shaoyang’s view, the gesture was light and light, and it was very forceful. He only heard a thunderous loud noise of the “bang”, the general of the haze. The body burst open, the plasma was bursting, and the huge body became instantly powdered.

The remaining evils saw this scene. When they were trembled, they immediately understood the strength of the road. They were definitely not able to resist them. They went back in different directions and flew in different directions.

"Five dynasties!" Ye Shaoyang muttered.

The wind hangs up and raises his left hand. Each of the five fingers flies out of a different color of brilliance and catches up with a few evil things, but without direct attack, but forms a similar thing to the cover, suppressing several people in the middle.

Then, at the top of the head, a black lotus flower appeared, which was rotated and soared, and turned into a square print. The top of the print was clearly seen. Under the big print, there was a red and black breath, which was rotated in one direction.

Ye Shaoyang is familiar with Fuyin, but knows that this is the beginning of Chaos Taiji! I can also use the spell to evolve, but there is no such thing as a wind, and between the hands, I use the three flowers to form a signature.

The wind raised his left hand and gently pressed it to the next. The Chaos Taiji Yin of Yuanshi immediately pressed down. In a scream, several evils immediately vanished and disappeared.

However, it was not finished yet. The wind opened his arms, and he did not know what the spell was in his mouth. All the fines were sucked by him and smashed in from the two sleeves...

When it was time to collect all the fine, the wind turned and returned to the house. A wonderful but suspenseful battle ended, and for the wind, even warming up was not.

The face of the road is still a light and pale expression. In Ye Shaoyang's view, this is the high-end force.

"Where did you get those fines?" Ye Shaoyang walked over and picked up his sleeves, but did not find those fine.

"The blood of the sea, the konjac, hidden in my clothes, they are all collected and sacrificed."

"Hey... Do you think this is a bit cooler?"

Daofengdao: "It's convenient. Every time you take out the **** scorpion, it's very troublesome."

"No, no, I know you, you just want to force it."

The wind glared at him: "You are noisy again, I will take your sacrifice flag."

"I am so afraid of lying in the trough! Come on!" Ye Shaoyang akimbo with his hands on his hips.

The road wind draped slightly, very speechless.

Xiaojiu came over and said to the Taoist wind: "Your knowledge is not stronger than me. These evil things are justified. How can you feel that they exist, I can't feel it."

The wind looked up at her. "I noticed that they exist because of the notice of the month." The wind raised the right hand of the slender white, and saw a black ring with a white flower on the ring finger.

At the first glance, Ye Shaoyang immediately remembered, saying: "Is this the snow agate ring that Brother Guo gave you?"

The function of the snowflake agate ring, Lao Guo told him, as long as both sides carry the same ring, within a certain distance, you can use the repair to stimulate, to alert the other party, the role is similar to the soul crystal between yourself and the doorman.

It must be Sun Yingyue, who was driven away by Xiao Jiu, who discovered the closeness of these evils, and then informed the Taoist through the snow agate ring.

However, Xiao Jiu confident that his own knowledge is not lost to the Tao, and through this inference of the truth, can only show that she has enough confidence.

"These are the minions of the Taiyin Mountain. Why come here?" asked the wind.

Ye Shaoyang immediately turned his head to see the melon, saying: "80% is to catch him."

The road wind looked at melon and said: "You are only a twelve-year-old, the son of the ghost king, there are hundreds of them. Why do you send people to arrest you again and again, and only send these goods?"

Guagua lowered his head: "I don't know."

Road wind: "You really don't know?"

The face of the melon is slightly changed.

The wind said: "What secrets do you have, is it worth the ghost king to hunt you again and again?"

"I..." Guagua lowered his head and looked a little hesitant.

Ye Shaoyang had never thought about this. He was mentioned by the wind. Although he felt a little embarrassed, he still had no doubt about the melon. As a result, he saw his expression and was shocked.

The road wind took a step toward the melon.

Ye Shaoyang returned to God and hurriedly stopped in front of Guagua, questioning the wind: "What are you doing?"

The eyebrows are picking up. "Can't you see that he has a secret to stare at you?"

Ye Shaoyang indulged a bit and said: "People have secrets, people don't want to say, what do you do with people!"

"He is using your protection."

"Impossible!" Ye Shaoyang replied very simply. "He is my doorman and my brother. I trust him completely. You don't want to take care of this!"

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