Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1698: God of Light 1

"These believers are also hunting yellow sheep on the ground. Every once in a while, they go to the town of Lop Nur to buy clothes and some necessities, so some believers will speak Uighur."

After saying such a long story, the Tianbao Taoist people temporarily paused in a thoughtful manner, intending to let them digest for a while, looking at them with a smile.

Ye Shaoyang indulged for a moment and said: "These believers said that the tomb we are going to dig is their tomb?"

Tianbao Dao nodded and said: "Yezhangjiao may not know that what they believe is a kind of **** in Buddhism. I don't know much about Buddhism. I don't know what it is. I translated it in their language, called 'Apo More, they are called the **** of light, we are called the **** of light."

Ye Shaoyang knew that he was talking about the emperor's release, but did not show it intentionally.

"These believers believe that they are the descendants of this **** of light and claim to be a light religion. Therefore, it is their duty and duty to guard the tomb of the gods. It is absolutely not allowed to be destroyed by outsiders... Our cabinets are also initially They had a dispute, and it took nearly a year for the poor to have a good relationship with them. Ye Jiajiao, if they didn't have permission, wanted to go to the tomb, it was quite troublesome."

Ye Shaoyang understands that he is asking for his own merits, but he also admits that this is a fact. Even if he believes that these "bright religions" can't beat himself, he can wait for his own group to go down the grave, and then make a bad outside, even block the entrance. Let them be the shackles of the shackles.

At the moment, the deliberately rushing Tianbao Taoist smiled "sincerely". "Thanks to Tianbao Shishu, let me wait to avoid repeating the mistakes of the previous expedition team."

Because the Gongge faction left the Taoist temple in ancient times and lost its common heritage, it was impossible to talk about the generation. Ye Shaoyang simply called him uncle according to his age. This is also the usual practice of the magical circles, so that he would not suffer any loss.

"However, I want to know that these believers should be very exclusive. How did the uncles get into them?"

"Well, I used a little means, I can't get on the table, don't mention it, don't mention it." Tianbao Dao laughed and waved his hand.

This is obviously an excuse. Although Ye Shaoyang wants to know, it is not good to ask. Especially the attitude of the other party... Ye Shaoyang finally understood the horror of this smiling face tiger.

As the saying goes, if you raise your hand and don't smile, if the other party's attitude is indifferent, there is no emotion on both sides. It is pure cooperation. Then everything can be asked. As a result, Tianbao Dao people come to recognize the pro, and the attitude is warm and sincere, although they are all superficial, but also Let Ye Shaoyang have some problems that are not easy to ask. I think that I am still too tender. If Lao Guo is old, it should be much easier to deal with this smiling face tiger.

Wu Jiawei asked at this time: "You are still living in this cave now?"

"I was not there before. Recently we are going to the grave. And...hey, it’s a misunderstanding. We learned that you came to visit the tomb, so you moved in and stayed close. It’s easier to deal with you, hahaha, I didn't expect to be my own person, or that sentence, I don't know if I don't know."

Ye Shaoyang deliberately put on a pair of hippie smiles, hands behind his head, leaning back against the wall, said: "Shi Shu is a Taoist, you should know the ancestral training that does not enter the public, if not for the things in the tomb How can I cooperate with the official and travel long distances to come to the desert where the dead people die in the dead in the daytime?"

The Tianbao Taoist took the lead again and again. "Yes, yes, we are the same. If it is not for the Zongmen Treasure, who is willing to come here."

Ye Shaoyang straightened his waist and his eyes sparkled with light. "Is the fish sausage really in this tomb?"

"That's true!" Tianbao Taoist changed a look of justice and said: "The fish sausage is the sacred object of my cabinet. It has been lost for a long time. As a sect of the sect, even if it is throwing blood, it will bear the burden." The poor road must also be brought back, or how will the ancestors be accounted for under the Jiuquan in the future?"

These words heard Ye Shaoyang vomiting, on the surface has to cooperate, squeeze out a few praise words, I heard all want to vomit. However, Wu Jiadao does not look young. In this respect, he is very talented. He took over the words of Ye Shaoyang and started playing with the Tianbao Taoist.

Tianbao Dao immediately laughed, once again holding Ye Shaoyang's hand, gently stroking, Ye Shaoyang's body was stiff, and the heart produced a feeling of creepy feeling: This product is not a problem with sexual orientation, how old is it cheaper?

Tianbao Dao touched his hand and looked very sincerely. "I said that the teacher is a teacher. I am talking about this person. Let's work together. After the incident, the things I dug out, I only take one of them. The rest are taught by the teacher. Take away, if there are too few things, I just need a sword, and the rest are all teachers. I can’t let the teacher be busy with it, do you say it?”

Ye Shaoyang said: "Well, wait until you dig into something, let's slowly study how to divide it. Now it's important... How do we go down, how much do you know about this tomb?"

Tianbaodao waved a hand: "Frankly, I don't know anything at all. This is a tomb of the gods. It is said that there are quite a few organs and evils below. Your expedition team quit halfway in the tomb, and this shows that One thing, we don’t dare to rush."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Those bright believers have no information on the tomb of the gods?"

Tianbao Dao people shook their heads. "Their responsibility is to guard the tomb of the gods. It is not excavation. Like us, no one has ever gone through it for thousands of years. I don’t know anything about the situation in the tomb. Even if there is any inheritance in that year, you Think about how many generations have been passed, and where can I leave?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, although he did not trust the fat man in front of him, but he had to admit that he said it was very reasonable. He also buried many ancestors in the back of Mount Maoshan. It is said that there are also many good things hidden inside. But as a descendant of the shackles, I am completely ignorant of the situation in the tomb.

"But there are two clues that need our attention. According to their word of mouth, the tomb is buried with their 'God of Light'. The four guards of the gods are buried: one bird, one beast, one blue. A green, all who dare to enter the tomb of the gods will be attacked by these major guards."

"A bird, a beast, a blue, a green?" Ye Shaoyang indulged a bit, a bird and a beast also explained a little better, what is a blue and green? Presently expressed doubts.

Tianbao Dao people smiled bitterly: "This is not known, and their ancestors passed down like this. There is no specific explanation. The poor road speculation may be some special evil things. It is said that in addition to these four guards, all enter the ancient The tombs have to bear the curse of God, and none of them can live."

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