Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1751: Crystal door 2

"Maybe, is it afraid that the breath inside will permeate and deliberately isolate it with enchantment?" Lin Sansheng guessed.

Ye Shaoyang immediately asked Feng Xiao, Feng Xiao said that he had only seen the crystal door from afar, and he knew nothing about it.

"Cao, you didn't say that before, you invited several mages to come here, and the master of Buddhism is here to strengthen the seal. Why is there nothing here?" Ye Shaoyang looked at Cao Yu.

Cao Yu stared blankly at the crystal door and muttered: "I told the person who heard it. I was not there at the time. What happened... I really don't know. It was originally a half-baked idea. After all, the parties were killed."

Sibaodao: "As you said before, someone went in and then went out again?"

"Yes, but the survivors are poisoned... Didn't the two see the photos, saying that they were poisonous, and they didn't survive afterwards."

Zi Kun Dao murmurs: "My founder, Bacheng, did not come out inside..."

Sibao was on the edge of the crystal door and looked at the eight beads embedded in the rock for a long time. He said: "It’s weird, there is no rune, I don’t know what power is maintained by this enchantment. I see Definitely related to these eight beads, or else give it a smash, break the enchantment, what do you say?"

Lin Sansheng said: "No, this stupid way, you can think of people who have come before can't think of why they didn't do it."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Yes, since this enchantment is sealed with the inside of it, once it is violently cracked, the things inside will definitely rush out, and it will definitely be out of control."

Four treasures: "What should I do, can't I enter?"

"Since all come, it’s definitely going to enter..."

"What should I do if I can't get in and out?" The four treasures are still not at ease.

Ye Shaoyang was indulging. I had imagined it in my mind before, thinking that the so-called crystal door is a door. When I think of it, it will be the form in front of me. I also hesitate for a while.

Cao Yu said: "Several people, I don't understand this, but I think that since our people have come out from inside, with a few mana, it is not difficult to estimate it. I think, you can try it. ""

"Try it, try it wrong, we all die inside." Ye Shaoyang snorted.

Cao Yu listened to him saying that he had no bottom in his heart. "Mr. Ye means..."

Ye Shaoyang ignored him, his eyes swept over the faces of several people in front of him, and looked at Lin Sansheng and Sibao. They had a deep understanding of each other, so there is no need to say too much. They only said four words: "Nine deaths."

The four treasures will know what they want, and they swear, saying: "Go with you."

Lin Sansheng also said: "Go with you."

Ye Shaoyang turned his eyes to Fengqi, and waited for him to speak. Feng Yu said: "Ye Tianshi does not need to ask me, I have more reason to go in than you."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the Zi Kun Dao, and Zi Kun Dao was really hesitant. Of course he knew how dangerous it was behind the crystal door, but for the sake of the sword... Now he sighed: "Man-made dead birds are eating, Three, nine, and nine worships have come over, not bad, I am going!"

Immediately, the three men of Ye Shaoyang arched their hands and smiled happily: "Yezhang teaches, the masters of the four treasures, the predecessors of Lin, and the three of them are all perfect."

Ye Shaoyang said: "No one is in charge of you, you better be honest."

"That is that. It must be obeyed!"

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked at the crystal door, took a deep breath, and then... walked directly into the center of the green light.

The crystal door hides the ultimate secret of this ancient tomb, and finally greets people who know it.


Xiao Jiuli's claws swept across and smashed a white-haired zombie in front of him, looking at the corpse that had flooded in front of him, and his brow wrinkled. These zombies are in her eyes, no different from the grass mustard, that is, a 10,000, it is just too much time for it.

What made her upset was that it took time, turned her head and glared at the melon, and said, "You don't have anything in this area, how can there be so many zombies?"

"Yeah, there really is nothing in it..." Guagua is also very puzzled. When they just came here, they encountered countless zombies, rushing out from the caves on one side, seemingly endless feeling. .

In the intricate caves before, there were indeed zombies, but they have been cleaned up by Ye Shaoyang, and Guagua does not know why there are so many.

"It's annoying!"

Xiao Jiu was in a hurry. She was worried about the safety of Ye Shaoyang. She wanted to hurry up and join them. The tomb was too narrow. She did not dare to use it too much, so as not to collapse the tomb, she could only kill it a little. Guagua stayed behind and gave her a knife.

Guagua said: "When is the Xiaojiu, when is the road wind coming?"

"It should have already arrived."

Not long ago, Daofeng entered the Qing Dynasty to find Li Haoran's cockroaches. First, he made a big noise and then went to Lishan. He hit the top of the mountain all the way. No one could stop, and the old mother of Lishan responded. In the field, there was no victory or defeat in a short period of time. Later, the incident alerted the other major forces in the Qing Dynasty and went to the siege.

Xiaojiu naturally stands on the side of the road and uses the power of the Qingqiu Mountain to balance several forces.

Originally, there was no harmony between the major forces. Seeing that Lishan was hit by the door, on the surface, the righteous words were used to confess the wind, but there was no real hands. The smaller sects attached to Lishan wanted to follow the trend. But it is not enough, it is not good at all.

Lishan's old mother didn't want to fight with the road. Later, some people persuaded, and the wind also learned that no one really knew the position of the hanging view. The purpose of Liwei was also reached. In order not to give Ye Shaoyang the burden in the future, it would not be played. But, but I haven’t gone, I’m wandering around the world every day, looking for a view of the sky...

When Xiaojiu was found by Guagua, he sent people to know the wind, went to the world to help Ye Shaoyang, and then took a step first. After she heard the news from the channel, she will definitely come.


A black lotus flower flies over the top of the small nine, the petals rotate, and the zombies in front of them are broken together.

Three flowers gather top!

When Guagua looked at it, he suddenly smiled and shouted excitedly: "I really say who is coming, the road is coming!"

A few figures floated from the back of the tomb. The foremost man was a man in a robes. He was tall and his face was mild. He smiled and smiled. "Who told you that the three flowers are the exclusive style of the wind?"

"Xu Gong..." Guagua looked at the people, and my heart was shocked. The coming person was actually the reincarnation of Xu Wenchang!

At this time, those figures also flew to the front, Guagua looked at it, and the chin fell:

(Going to work during the day, writing two chapters, first issued)

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