Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1759: Right hand

The Taiyin Mountain is the right hand, and the four most helpful assistants are the four big Rakshasa. According to the information mastered by the yin, the strength of the four Rakshasa in Taiyin Mountain is not the strongest one, but it is definitely superior. And because it is the assistant of the right hand, the status is very high, even over the heads of the eighteen peaks of the blood sea.

Because these high-rises of Taiyin Mountain rarely appear in person, the identity is extremely mysterious. Even if it is black impermanence, I have only heard of the names of the four Rakshasa. I know that there is a jade face Raksha, but I don’t know that I am with her. There is still a long history.

Jade Rakshag giggled, his hands kept moving, and he continued to fight with black impermanence. He said with a sigh of relief: "Speaking of it, this palace can have today, but also the blessing of the Eight Lords. I caught it, and the Yinshi tried to suppress me in hell. How can I despair on the yin, and then how can I escape from the yin and join the Taiyin Mountain by chance?"

Baiya roared, "If you know that you have today, I should kill you this enchanting day, you are in the world, killing hundreds of people, should not go to hell, heaven and earth law, let you mess! ”

"Ha ha ha, heaven and earth law!" Jade Raksha madly laughed, a ghost burst out, like a red practice, wrapped black impermanence in the middle, mad attack.

"A good law of the heavens and the earth. When I was trafficked, I was forced to be a wife by the mountain people. The villagers had no pity. I was arrested and escaped. I was tortured. I finally killed me in the well... I asked my parents to give me a dream. Before the official went, even the whole village was falsified. If someone was exposed at the time, he would come out to testify and let him rush to pay for his life. Why would there be me today?

The Law of Heaven and Earth, Hahaha... I am interrupted by the ribs when I am lying in bed, when the law is dying, I am caught on the way to escape, when I am beaten with a rope, what is the law? Hahaha, when my body rots in the dry well, what is the law? ”

Jade Rakshasa fell into madness and launched a crazy attack around the black impermanence. The two attacked each other and each was shocked.

Yuba Rakshasa held out a hand to the black impermanence, burning a flame in the palm of his hand.

"I used to believe in the law of heaven and earth. I believe that God is fair and believe in the so-called law of heaven and earth, but in the end..." Jade Rakshasa clenched his fingers, and when he opened again, the flame was extinguished.

Jade Rakshasa shook his head and launched a new round of attacks.

Not far from the jade-faced Rakshasa, on a sand dune, stood a tall man, dressed in silver, hair is also white, looks like a 30-year-old, unshaven, not trimmed, but it looks very good with the human sister Aesthetics: a veritable uncle.

The uncle held a wine gourd in his hand. He poured a few mouthfuls from time to time, and the other hand carried a long knife and the cold light flashed. He has been looking at the battlefields of the two armies, and his expression is silent, and he has not said a word.

Jade Rakshasa fights with black impermanence, and greets the uncle: "Snow magic, what are you waiting for, speed hands, don't forget the right army's confession, the world should not stay for a long time!"

Black impermanence, snow magic... This is also a famous figure in Taiyin Mountain, at least with the four major Rakshasa is a grade.

A snow demon, a jade-faced Rakshasa, did not expect Taiyinshan to actually dispatch the two strongmen for this action, and they can see that they are bound to win for the white.

Snow Devil took a sip of wine, sprayed on his own sabre, double-handed knife, silently muttering in the mouth, and slammed in the direction of white impermanence.

A half-moon-shaped knife light, carrying a lot of snow-like shreds, rapid advancement.

White impermanence is violent, stop the practice, hands need to spend the valley, push forward, form an enchantment in front of the body, the enchantment just formed, the knife light also arrived, hit the enchantment, broken into a number The clear flakes of the snow, flying in the air, constantly rushing into the enchantment, giving the sound of rain and banana.

"Demon, prajna illusion, you are the demon of Buddhism." White impermanence looks like electricity. "Are you a Lapa or a Shura?"

Snow Magic smiled and took a second knife in front of him.

White impermanence touches out a judgement pen, writes a rune directly on the enchantment, turns into a spiritual power, and integrates into the enchantment. He said proudly: "Even if you have a retreat, if you can break through my imprint, Seven years, I have been practicing white for thousands of years."

Snow magic laughed, the right hand grabbed the handle, turned in the air, turned into golden light and fell into his sleeve, hands sealed, manipulated the snow of the sky, constantly besieged the ecstasy of white impermanence.

"White Seven, I know that the task of your two is to drag us. You know that we don't dare to stay in the world for a long time. Just wait for Xu Gong to do it. If you accept it, you can return to the yin. In fact, we don’t want to drag it. Live with you."

Toss us... The black and white impermanence heard these words, and my heart was shocked.

This time, it seems that the war is inconsistent. In fact, both sides have scruples: Taiyin Mountain is limited by the relationship between the ghost domain and the human space. It is impossible for too many strong people to break through the void, and the Yinshi is the same, limited by the heavens and the earth. Avenue, I dare not come to more people, he and his son, the soul department, originally managed to sneak in the world, so they are qualified to come to the world, but they dare not stay for a long time.

Their task is to say that Snow Magic only said: Try to drag the uninvited guests of Taiyin Mountain to win time for Xu Wenchang and Ye Shaoyang. As long as they succeed, Xu Wenchang sends a signal, they will immediately close their hands and go back to the Yinsi without any reluctance.

The world is never the battlefield of the Yin Shi and the Taiyin Mountain. At least not now.

The snow magic voice just fell, suddenly a red light, flying from the distance behind him, getting bigger and bigger, black and white impermanence quickly see, this is a car, specifically, a sedan chair, surrounded by Red cloth, there is no pole to lift the car before and after, but the four green lanterns are held, the position of the front driver of the ghost car, standing a jade face child, the length is very cute, the hair is turned into a bun, looks like a human Taoist Common Taoist children, but in their eyes, there is a bit of evil.

The sedan chair is huge, with a bead curtain hanging in front, and you can see a figure sitting in it.

Ghost car... The black and white impermanence is tight. The ghost car is a kind of transportation for the ghost field. It is not for convenience, but a status symbol. This is the dragon car phoenix that learns the emperor of the ancient emperor. Only Cui Tianzi and several great princes who are qualified to be ghost cars are not even qualified to sit on their own.

Taiyin Mountain is a ghost domain**, and the imitation of the system is also a sinister division. It is possible to travel in such a huge ghost car, no more than three or five people...

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