Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1766: Qunying war evil spirit 2

Ye Shaoyang said: "Yes, what is white and three corpses, I don't believe that we can't get one of them personally. I don't want to kill the ghosts and mothers. Let's do it, you believe me, as long as you give me Hold on, I did him!"

After the first jump on the sky, I rushed over.

The big guys were ten people, and they were forced into this corner by white. The morale was somewhat low, but these people were also simple. They listened to Ye Shaoyang’s heart-like chicken-like encouragement, and they were suddenly provoked and forgotten the gap between the enemy and the enemy. One by one, the back of Ye Shaoyang chased the past.

Lian Fengqi, an outsider, was moved and encouraged. He rushed to the past, fearing that he would fall behind him, and glanced at Ye Shaoyang’s somewhat thin back. However, this back seems to have a mysterious power, which makes people believe that just follow him. It will not fail.

Xu Chang looked at the figure of the group. If he thought about it, he immediately rushed up, and his hands sealed out to help them kill the water bodies and ghosts.

"I really don't want to die." White looked at Ye Shaoyang and others, and the mouth was mocking with a mocking smile. The long sword swept, rolled up blood waves and attacked.

Xiaojiu rushed to the first place, blocking the blood waves with the demon, and Ye Shaoyang, Sibao, and Fengqi three rushed to each other, and each made a means to attack.

Orange Meihua and others are drilling into the water, and they control the blood and the undercurrent, and start the offensive from the bottom up.

Ye Shaoyang posted three dark gold charms on the seven-star Longquan sword, which interacted with the spiritual power of the sword. It was almost powerful enough to control itself, holding the sword and smashing toward the white.

White began to summon a few **** scorpions, enemies of Sibao and others, one hand grabbed a hand from the blood waves, brought up a **** light, formed a strong enchantment, protected the whole body, resisting Xiaojiu Crazy attack, but he is fighting with Ye Shaoyang.

"Ye Shaoyang, I really appreciate your character. I have to get out of trouble this time. It is necessary to ride the two circles of yin and yang. It is precisely when you use it, why not return to me?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled stunnedly. "You don't want to die, but you don't have the chance to go to the yin and yang."

In spite of the offensive of the fish-sword sword, the seven-star Longquan sword suddenly smashed toward the white door.

"I want to lose both sides?" Bai did not take it for granted, but took a step forward, and the fisherman's sword slammed into the shoulder of Ye Shaoyang. The seven-star Longquan sword is far from his eyebrows.

At the moment when the fish intestine sword stabbed into the shoulder of Ye Shaoyang, he said that he could not avoid the injury. On the occasion of the Millennium, his eyebrows suddenly opened the eyes of the eye, and a soul force shot, and he even withstood the offensive of the Seven Star Longquan sword.

White smiled lightly, but his mouth just opened, suddenly realized that it was wrong, looked up, three charms burned on top of his head, releasing a horrible spiritual power, tearing a seemingly unbreakable enchantment into a gap .

"Dark gold charm!" White shocked, just trying to repair the enchantment, the small nine and a half have already explored, the evil charm smiled, the nine tails instantly stretched over, wrapped in white, wrapped like a tentacle, with Demon power began to madly strangle.

When Bai played this time, he understood the facts of Ye Shaoyang: his sword stabbed himself, but he did not want to lose both ends, but attracted his attention. When he was fully guarded against this sword, the three pieces attached to the sword The Dark Gold Rune is also silently attached to the enchantment...

"So, it is better for people not to force them." Ye Shaoyang's sword is stabbed in the throat.

Without the shackles of enchantment, this sword is bound to gain. The result is on the white throat, but it can't be penetrated. Ye Shaoyang squats on the spot.

"Longquan sword, the first weapon of the gate... But I am two corpses, the body is psychic, but different from the general evil, how can I be with the human instrument?"

Although he has been close, he can no longer arrange enchantment, but Bai Qi has only repaired it, resisting the strangling of the small ninety-nine foxtails.

"Shaoyang, I can only trap him for a while, you think of ways to kill him..." Xiao Jiu said, she has only recovered 60% of her repairs now, it is not easy to trap white.

Seven Star Longquan sword stabs do not go in, other means are naturally useless, Sibao and others attacked a pass without any effect, white wasted a passion. Silly, I don’t know how to do it well.

Lin Sansheng looked at Ye Shaoyang: "The time is up."

Ye Shaoyang also felt almost the same, and smiled and said: "I told you that I suspected you were a traitor from the beginning."

White looked at him doubtfully, and did not understand why he mentioned this again.

"Do you think that I can rest assured that you are staying by my side? Tiandi Avenue, Jiu Yaoxing, Sanxian is in place, and the ten parties are gone!"

As Ye Shaoyang’s mantra was finished, Bai Qi felt that the soul had risen in a deep position, and his heart was shocked. He hurriedly mobilized and repaired it for suppression. As a result, he did not suppress it. Once it was suppressed, it immediately encountered anti-phagment and instantly spread to the body's meridians. Go to the heart pulse.

"How come!" White was shocked.

"Remember when I went to the tomb, did I give you the jelly beans I have eaten?" Ye Shaoyang looked at him with a smile.

Pi Gudan? It’s a sudden white matter.

"To give others food is the Gu Gu Dan, but it is also for you, otherwise you will not eat it, but there is a little something added inside, Maoshan's three corpse **** pills."

San Gu Shen Pill, in fact, is not a brilliant fortune, it is used by human masters to cure the evil use of the passengers. The material is also very simple: alum powder, red powder, larynoil grinding powder, three kinds of inconspicuous The medicines are fused together in proportion. Once they are swallowed and met with blood, they will produce a strong "chemical reaction", stimulating the three corpses in the human body, bursting out strong yang, and instantly filling the body.

This is actually a way of attacking poisonous people. The person who hits the evil spirits is occupied by yin gas. The yang is weak and swallows three corpse gods. The strong yang produced by it can just cause dispersal, but if it is the average person, the body is yin and yang. Keeping balance, once the yin and yang decline, it will immediately explode and die.

There is no human blood gas in the evil object. After swallowing it, there will be no effect, so strictly speaking, it has no effect at all.

It is precisely because of this that it was still the white of "Cao Yu", and there was no warning about it, and it was swallowed up as an ordinary.

However, Ye Shaoyang added a blood of his own in this valley. In order to seal the seal, the evil spirits are naturally obstructive. When the futuristic is not excited, no evil objects will be noticed. The three corpse gods feel the blood, and the strong yang produced by them will instantly fill the body of evil spirits.

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