Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1769: Winning 2

"I... how can I help you?" Ye Shaoyang is also a big head.

Feng Wei said: "There are so many people around you, don't care more than one. It's better to accept me, I will be your ghost servant. So I can justify the truth and report to the sinister..."

Received you... Ye Shaoyang is a bit embarrassed.

When the oranges inquired about the situation of Fengqi, they felt unbearable and said: "The boss is not like this. Let her go to the Yinyang Division as a yin god, so that is not just right?"

Xiao Bai and others listened to her words and echoed them.

"Yin **** is impossible." Xu Wenchang said, "I will not say that she had harmed people before. It is the soul who is imprisoned and unable to help herself. However, she is not guilty of the yin, and the Yin **** is sealed casually."

The orange did not say good-heartedly: "Then it is a common ghost, and people say how to deal with it, and then say... Our boss is doing this for you. Now let you push the boat and help you, you will not be so stingy, If you don't help, I will go to Cui Tianzi, as long as he promises, I see who else dares to say anything."

Xu Wenchang touched his nose. This is the status of the grandmother of the emperor. He also knows about it. If anyone sprinkles it, no one can tell her how to do it. Now I laughed twice. "Well, I went back to play the big emperor and book her as Yin Cao. Under the yin and yang division, I believe that Xiaotian is the main one, no problem?"

"It’s still Xu Bobo." The orange immediately rejoiced. The reason why he asked Xu Wenchang for help was because he was responsible for dealing with Baiqi. Fengxi was also rescued when they were doing things. It was most appropriate for him to ask the Emperor. It’s okay for Cui Tianzi to go to work, but after all, this matter can’t be played with Cui Tianzi’s gossip, let him talk about an ordinary ghost, and the back door is too obvious.

"That said, you have set this, have you asked me?" Ye Shaoyang looked depressed.

The orange stunned. "Boss, don't you have the heart to help?"

"You have more ghosts!" Ye Shaoyang glanced at her and looked at Fengfeng. He said: "Even if you stay, Xu Fu doesn't know where to go, where do you go to find him?"

"As long as you stay, there is hope, you can slowly visit. If I go to reincarnation, then there is no hope at all... I hope that Ye Tianshi pity me for hundreds of years and accept me." Your majesty.

"Receiving and receiving!" Lin Sansheng heard the words "several hundred years of suffering", and his heart was touched again, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Fengqi. "I have the final say, you don't have to worry! Shaoyang, you hear No, you can't accept it?"

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes and said, "You have all got the idea for me, can't you promise?"

When Feng Xiao heard it, his heart was overjoyed, and he immediately opened his mouth to spit out the soul crystal. Ye Shaoyang hurriedly grabbed her mouth and then felt that this behavior was inappropriate.

"That, you don't have to recognize the Lord. You can stay in the Yin and Yang Division for a while. Visit Xu Fu's whereabouts. As long as you don't find Xu Fu, you can stay for a long time, but one thing, if you really find Xu Fu, whether you can find you or not. Cui Lang, you have to go to reincarnation, not that I don't want to stay with you, I still hope that you can reincarnate and start a new life."

Feng Yan moved to tears and nodded hard. "Ye Tianshi, you are the most amazing mage in the world!"

Ye Shaoyang immediately became a little shy, coughed twice and asked Xu Wenchang: "After you go back, what are your plans?"

"I am only responsible for this action. I have any plans. It is a matter of sin." Xu Wenchang also knows what he is referring to. He said with a sigh of relief. "But you can imagine that the sinister will find a way to find Xu Fu."

When Feng Xiao heard it, he immediately glowed.

Lin Sansheng inserted a sentence: "Bai Qi said that the matter of the year was a scam that Xu Fu had set with him. I wonder if this matter is credible?"

Xu Wenchang thought for a moment and said: "It is very possible, otherwise the white **** will be innocent, the flesh will be transferred here, and Xu Fu himself will be missing with the psychic law. The sinister has doubts about this matter. It seems to be the case of Xu Fu."

Sighing on the back: "Xu Fu, Xu Fu, you actually fooled the whole yin, and cheated for two thousand years, great ......"

Ye Shaoyang waited for him to express his feelings and asked a question that everyone would want to know: "Why did Xu Fu do this, why should he betray the yin?"

Xu Wenchang smiled and said, "We know as much, I know Xu Fu's thoughts."

Sibaodao: "I don't believe that the Yinshi can find a person and will not find it unless he goes to Taiyin Mountain."

The words "Taiyin Mountain" are spoken out. The gang suddenly looks at each other. The place in Taiyin Mountain, if Xu Fu really went, there is really no way for the yin.

Lin Sansheng said: "Xu Fu probably didn't go to Taiyin Mountain. You noticed what I said before the white start. He is very disdainful about Taiyin Mountain. Since he is a accomplice with Xu Fu, his attitude can represent Xu Fu, and secondly, if Xu Fuzhen Returning to Taiyin Mountain, Taiyin Mountain should be very familiar with the situation here. If they want to lead Shaoyang to solve the big circle, they can be arranged in advance, ambush us here, there is no need to rush in from outside, give us the opportunity to block. ""

Everyone listened to Lin Sansheng's analysis and agreed.

Xu Wenchang sighed: "If Xu Fu is not in Taiyin Mountain, I think there is only one place where you can hide."

Everyone looked at him curiously, and when he saw him for a long time, Ye Shaoyang couldn’t help but ask: "Where, I said."

Xu Wenchang spit out two words: "Reincarnation."

Everyone is stunned.

"What a joke, how could Xu Fu go to reincarnation." Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

"Into the reincarnation, it is not necessarily to reincarnation." Xu Wenchang explained, "Don't forget that he has a psychic imprint on his hand, he can shuttle through the void and enter different spaces... The straightforward point of saying is that he can go back to the past. I hid in different spaces. Besides this, I can't think of any way he can avoid the tracking of the gloomy."

Going back to the past... Ye Shaoyang’s mind immediately showed some pictures of the dog’s blood passing through the drama. He said, “I’ve heard this for the first time, and it’s good to have a chance to experience it.”

The pony took the opportunity to say: "Small leaves, are you going back to ancient times to experience the fun of your wife and sister?"

I haven't heard of the term "small leaves" for a long time. Although it is very feminine, Ye Shaoyang has protested numerous times, but at this time I heard it, but I couldn't tell the kindness.

The speaker did not intend to listen to the heart, Xu Wenchang immediately asked: "Small Tianshi, if the yin really needs people to follow Xu Fu in the void, can you take this responsibility?"

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