Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1778: Thousand years of empty space 2

Dr. Zhishen gently took a sip and praised: "The Biquan boiled tea of ​​Qingqiu Mountain has not been tasted for many years."

Xiao Jiu smiled: "If the master is free, he can come and taste it from time to time."

In front of the Zhishen Zen Master, the performance of Xiao Jiu’s dignity is not as rude, it is like a good show, and there is no such unattainable appearance as others.

Dr. Zhishen smiled and said, "What is the world like now?"

Xiaoji thought for a moment and said: "The change is very big. It is totally different from the millennium. You let me say, I really can't say it. In short, everything has changed."

Then he sighed and said: "The master's rumor in the past was not understood, but it was trapped in the human race for a thousand years. Now it is finally understood, but the millennium has passed."

Zhishen Zen Master said slowly: "Even if you realize it at the time, you will not suffer this catastrophe... The so-called misfortunes depend on each other. You have been sealed for thousands of years, but you have been saved. If you are not robbed, this millennium, you can Not subject to other disasters?"

Xiao Jiuran, nodded.

Zhishen Zen Master’s eyes passed from Xiaojiu’s face and said: “Fox King, further said, without this millennium seal, can you get this good relationship today?”

Jiayuan? Xiaojiu's face was reddish and said: "What did the Zen master see?"

"You have a peach blossom, and your eyebrows sweep the spring breeze.

Xiaoji sneaked a sneak peek at Azi, and Azi remembered the scene he saw in the world and grinned.

Xiaojiu sighed. "There is no fate. After all... I don't ask much."

"There is not much demand, I am afraid I will lose it."

Xiao Jiuyi was shocked and asked: "What is the master's intention?" Suddenly thought of something, "Master, you came to Qingqiu Mountain this time, I am afraid that it is for this matter, ask the master to point out the maze."

"The blessing of the blessing is a blessing or a curse. Who can expect?"

Zhishen Zen master converges with a smile, stands up, hands clasped together, murmured: "Qingqiu Mountain once had my grace, today I have a special gift to the fox king: love to the depths of people alone, the fate of the fate, The soul flies away with the wind, and the millennium waits for an empty..."

In the end, the tone is very sad.

These four poems, even if there is no deep meaning behind them, the literal meaning is enough to make people understand, the soul flies away... an empty space.

Xiao Jiu completely stopped. Azi, who was waiting to pour tea on the side, was also scared and eclipsed, standing there at a loss.

After a long while, Xiaojiu came back and looked at Zhishen Zen Master and asked: "Master, is this my fate, is there any way to make up?"

"The heavens are impermanent, the heavens are ruthless, how can we make up?"

Xiao Jiudao: "I heard that the road to Da Yan is fifty. Going and changing, there is always a chance in everything."

Zhishen Zen nodded and said: "If there is no life, how can I come to this? If I say this, the monk will not hide. Soon after, Fox King will face a choice, life and death, how to choose, All in the Fox King itself, if you choose to live, you will be able to make a living.

Xiao Jiuying said: "Nature is the choice of life, where will someone choose to die?"

Zhi Shen Zen Master shook his head: "Fox King, I am afraid that you will choose to die when you arrive."

Xiaojiu puzzled.

Zhishen Zen master put his hands together, and he was slightly stunned by Xiao Jiu, and he announced the Buddha number, and then walked outside without heading back.

"Master!" Azi wants to chase out in anxious, blocked by Xiaojiu. She knows that the Zen Master has already said enough. If he asks again, he will not say anything.

"Lord... Don't think too much, maybe it's not so serious?" Ah Zi comforted, and then felt that this was not convincing, added: "Even if it is true, the master does not say it, then there are still The first line of life, the choice is still in the hands of the Lord..."

Xiaojiu silently said that he had silently read the four words of the Zen Master, and vaguely thought of some possibility.

Maybe... everything is fate, there is no chance to resist?

Xiaoji gently shook his head, even if it was true, knowing that it is inviolable, he must fight once!

The helicopter landed at the base. After the plane was disembarked, Ye Shaoyang and Sibao boarded the off-road vehicle, and then went all the way to the east. The road was still coming. When the car arrived in Dunhuang, the four treasures went to see the Buddha. Because of the different beliefs, Ye Shaoyang had no interest in all of Buddhism, so he let the four treasures go alone and continue to return to the mainland by car.

On the road, Ye Shaoyang used the car charger to charge the phone. After opening the phone, I saw a bunch of WeChat and SMS messages, all of which were from Zhou Jingru, Xie Yuqing, Zhang Xiaorui, Lao Guo, etc. Nothing.

There are a few pieces of cold jade, and Ye Shaoyang looked at it from the beginning. The general idea is that Master is seriously ill, can't walk, can't go to the Western Region, and let him follow her after he finishes.

Ye Shaoyang immediately called back and immediately turned on when he rang.

"Shaoyang, how are you?" There was a deep concern in the voice.

Hearing the voice of Yu Lengyu, Ye Shaoyang felt very kind. "I just came out from Lop, everything is fine, everyone is fine." When he said this, Ye Shaoyang thought of Wu Jiadao, but he did not know him, so he did not mention it. He planned to go back and talk to her slowly.

"At the time, I didn't say that I was working together. Why didn't you come to me?"

The head stopped and said: "My master is seriously ill, I don't worry about letting others take care of me, I will not look for you."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart sank and said: “How is the situation?”

"It's not too big, you don't have to worry."

Ye Shaoyang immediately proposed to visit the old man. Before he came to Lop Nur, Master Yigu was ill. At that time, he had something in his body. It was no problem. Now that the matter is over, how can he visit the old man?

Yu Lengyu hesitated for a moment and agreed. Hanging up the phone, Yan Lengyu gave him an address, Ye Shaoyang took a bus to Urumqi, opened the room to take a shower, and then slept for a dozen hours, then let Yan Lengyu help to book a ticket, and fly directly to Xiamen...

From the airport, Yan Lengyu is waiting for him.

Xiamen, which was nearly October, was still hot, and Yu Lengyu wore a long black dress with a pair of big sunglasses on her face, which looked cool.

Seeing her from the old age, Ye Shaoyang was so excited that she couldn’t help herself. She quickly walked over and wanted to have a hug with her, but Yan Lengyu seemed to have a bad spirit, so she dismissed her thoughts and smiled at her.

Qi Lengyu took off his sunglasses and smiled at him. He smiled a little.

Ye Shaoyang suspected that she was worried about the illness of a master of the valley. She was in a bad mood and did not ask much. She walked out of the airport passage under her leadership.

(The public number was wrong yesterday, I became a personal WeChat... Don’t add it, everyone searches for the public number, remember the public number: qingziv5. The chapter is changed today. Entering a new chapter, the concept is not enough, so today two chapters Let me conceive a good idea...)

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