Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1785: Practice 2

Boss’ face changed and he hurriedly said: “I’m offended, I just thought, is someone telling you the location of the room in advance, so Mr. Ye’s deceitfulness, and want to swindle you... Yes, my son is here. In the room, I don’t know how Mr. Ye saw it?”

Ye Shaoyang said: "I don't want you to say that your son has a strong evil. I can feel it in the downstairs. It is this way to find this. How can it be wrong?"

Evil... Li boss and the young man were shocked, looked around, and took a nose.

"Of course you can't feel it, the evil is very weak, even my brother can't feel it, don't even mention it."

Ye Shaoyang said that he pushed the door open.

There was only a light lamp in the room, with a ** in the middle, a thick quilt on the **, and a man curled up underneath.

Seeing that Ye Shaoyang wants to go in, Li boss took him and shouted: "My son has been half-conscious since the accident, and he is not allowed to agree, but as soon as someone approaches, he will yell loudly, as if it is difficult. So I didn't dare to let people wait, just let people come and see him every two hours..."

Ye Shaoyang said: "He entered the body with evil spirits, and the yin and yang in the body are out of balance. The yang in the living body is strong, and close to him will naturally cause discomfort."

Finished and went straight in.

Sure enough, when the pub was two meters away, the person on the squat suddenly sat up, tearing his head with both hands and screaming heartbreakingly.

Not waiting for Li’s boss to open, Ye Shaoyang took out a blank charm from his belt and put it on the face of the man before he touched the cinnabar pen. He painted a few strokes on the character, first attached the character and then painted the character. Bogey, but for Ye Shaoyang, it’s really just a piece of cake...

After the definite soul was in effect, it turned out that the other side was soft and fell on the **.

Boss Li was shocked and immediately went up to explore his son's breath. Ye Shaoyang said: "Relax, I used a fixed soul, and temporarily sealed his soul. It is good for him."

Li boss tried his son to breathe normally, and he was relieved. He thought of everything about Fangcai. He arched his hand against Ye Shaoyang. His look has become very respectful. He just wanted to say something. A woman suddenly rushed into the door and 80% was before. The voice was called, and when I looked at my forties, I saw that the lady who was well-maintained was picking up when she entered the door: "Who is going to quarrel with my son!"

At a glance, I saw Ye Shaoyang’s dressing, and immediately understood that Chong Li’s boss shouted: “You are looking for a Taoist **** stick. I’m not saying it. These are all cheating. You have found so much, there are Which one is useful!"

Boss Li quickly pleaded with his wife and said: "This Mr. Ye is not a **** stick. It is a supernatural power. You just didn't see it..."

"You, the means of the **** stick can be more, you don't believe this, I have invited experts in psychiatry from the United States, come in the afternoon, you must not toss again!"

Boss Li said that he said that the lady is not the oil and salt, and she firmly believes that Ye Shaoyang is a **** stick, and it is hard to hear.

Ye Shaoyang couldn't listen to it and said, "Mrs, do you want me to prove that I am not a **** stick?"

The lady glanced at him with a squint. "You prove, how do you prove that it is a small means of doing things?"

Ye Shaoyang did not answer, went to the patient's side, his right hand took a shot on his head, and pulled it hard, and said: "Come out."

I dragged his soul out of the body and stood in front of him. When I saw the opposite person, I couldn’t understand the ghost. I didn’t show up the ghost. I took a bottle of seven-star grass liquid from the backpack and hit it. The ghost sprayed up and down.

"This is" Li boss and his husband and son look at the soul standing in front of you, and look at the person lying on the **, a face suddenly scared white.

Lao Guo smiled and explained: "Yezhang teaches to bring your son's soul from his body. Now you believe it. This is not a blind eye. Generally, the Master can't do it, even if it is done. I don’t dare to restrain the soul..."

The couple were shuddering and could barely stand. The guy behind is also a face.

Ye Shaoyang no longer pays attention to them, looks at the ghosts in front of him and says, "What is your situation?"

The ghost stood stunned and looked blank. He didn't seem to hear what Ye Shaoyang said.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Lao Guo and shook his head: "The soul is lost."

When Li Boss heard it, he said, "What do you mean?"

"Literature means. The soul is not complete." The word lost, this is actually the case.

Ye Shaoyang took out a magical charm and collected the soul in it. He wrapped it with a piece of five emperor money and perceived it. He sighed: "Sure enough, I lost my soul, and I have to talk."

Take the soul out again and send it back to your body.

This serial is like a stream of water, watching like a magic, a few people are stunned.

Mrs. Li was completely convinced, and said in a war: "Master... Is there any way to save my son, how much money can be!"

Ye Shaoyang did not answer, and the people on the dynasty looked at the past. I saw a layer of gauze wrapped around me. There was a vague ooze in it, frowning and reaching for the gauze. Mrs. Li immediately said: "Master, my son. Body... very scary, you are mentally prepared."

This is also prepared with my heart, what kind of horrible pictures have you seen?

Ye Shaoyang smiled and completely uncovered the quilt. On the next sweep, the young master Li was covered with gauze. The bag was followed by a mummy. Most of the gauze was soaked with yellow water stains, giving a smell and The taste of the medicinal mixture.

When asked, these gauze were wrapped by doctors. They contained antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. They were wrapped in gauze and could maintain their medicinal properties. They were replaced three hours.

Ye Shaoyang asked Lao Guo to help, and helped Master Li to find the interface of gauze and tear it apart. Ye Shaoyang was psychologically prepared. Seeing Li’s body, he couldn’t help but scalp, not horror, but disgusting. ......

From the neck down from the neck, Master Li is almost full of blisters, densely packed, and the people who watch it are goose bumps. There is an impulse to stop breaking these blisters. Some blisters have indeed festered, and yellow pus flows out.

When Mrs. Li saw such a scene, she cried on the spot and snorted and said: "There has not been so much in the morning, only to the chest, now it is almost to the neck..."

Ye Shaoyang endured the stench and stepped back two steps. Lao Guo also came up and frowned. "This is not a poison."

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