Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1807: Atonement 1

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked at it. It was Zhuo Ya, and he was lying tens of meters behind him.

Before I only held Xie Yufei, I forgot her. Originally she was trapped by Chu Yun, Chu Yun died, the mana failed, she naturally got out of trouble.

"After I took the first shot in the girl, I was attached to her and blocked her from the back."

It turned out to be...

Ye Shaoyang rushed to her and nodded. "Thank you. Thank you very much."

Zhuo Ya bowed and said: "I thank you, Master, you refused their temptation to help me, even if the soul is flying, I can't repay..."

"Thank you." Ye Shaoyang smiled.

At this time, the sound of the siren came from afar, and it seemed that a police car was driving here. Xie Yuqing’s cell phone also rang.

Xie Yuqing asked Ye Shaoyang to answer the phone for her, which was called by the police. Ye Shaoyang told the other party that it was not long before a police car drove over and stopped nearby. Several policemen came down and met for the first Ye Shaoyang, the Liu Guang who loved Xie Yuqing.

Seeing Xie Yuqing like this, Liu Guang was also frightened. After listening to Ye Shaoyang’s explanation, several people carefully took Xie Yuqing to the police car.

See Ye Shaoyang also get on the bus, Xie Yuqing said: "The orange is not still there, you still have not finished processing, you go."

"But you..."

"I'm fine. I will go to the hospital to find me. I can rest assured."

What Xie Yuqing thinks of, turned to Liu Guang and said: "You go with him, this is my case, a psychic event, you let him deal with it, some people are killed at the scene, I will tell you back."

Liu Guang nodded, let the subordinates take care of Xie Yuqing, and then pushed Ye Shaoyang out of the car. Several police officers followed.

"There are a few people in the building who are dead, you can go and see." Ye Shaoyang pointed to the direction of the building.

Liu Guang was shocked and looked at him suspiciously. "How did you die?"

"You go back and ask Yu Qing." Ye Shaoyang did not want to explain, but did not know how to explain, simply pushed to Xie Yuqing.

Liu Guang listened to this and asked several of his men to go to the scene and follow him behind Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Zhuoya, standing on the side of the road, and said, "You follow me first."

Zhuoya obediently followed.

"Mr. Ye, who are you talking to?" Liu Guangshun glanced at Ye Shaoyang's gaze and saw nothing. He thought that Xie Yuqing said that this was a psychic event, and the back suddenly became a bit cold.

Ye Shaoyang also ignored him and walked toward the grass opposite the building. Just walked in, and the orange immediately greeted him. Seeing Ye Shaoyang with a policeman, he asked, "Boss, Yu Qingjie?"

"Sent to the hospital, she is fine, rest assured."

The orange grew a sigh of relief. "It’s okay, just scared me."

Liu Guang only heard the voice, the person who couldn't see the orange, the hair stood up and the throat was dry and asked who Ye Shaoyang was talking.

"You still don't want to see it." Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment, the identity of the orange is the real brand Yin, the ordinary mortal sees her for no reason, the eyes will be stinged by pure yin, and Ye Shaoyang has no time to protect his body. Just don't care about him.

"What about those people?"

"It's all here." The orange nodded and turned and walked into the grass.

When you open the grass, you can see that there is a flat land in the middle, and there are five people in total.

"This is the most difficult one to deal with. At least there are cards above the Master. It is very difficult to deal with." The orange went to one of them and said.

Ye Shaoyang fixed his eyes and saw that he was an old man of nearly sixty years old. His face was dark and he wore a red gown. Although his head had been scooped up, he still looked like a long majesty.

"It's him, it's him!" Zhuoya suddenly screamed and fell to the ground, crying.

Ye Shaoyang did not bother her for the time being, and then looked at the other few. Two of them were also dressed by the Master, and they were all killed by the oranges. One of them is Li Fanghu who is drinking with Ye Shaoyang during the day.

The orange went to the side of the two young people and said: "These two are not mage, I have not killed, keep asking for you."

Ye Shaoyang swept his eyes and immediately recognized one of them, Li Hongjiang, Li Shaoye, and the other was a young man who seemed to be pampered and a brother.

Zhuoya cried for a while, and also moved over. When she saw this son, she snorted and cried even more sadly, then laughed again.

The oranges took a shot on each of the two brains, unlocking the demon power and banned them. The two men woke up and saw Ye Shaoyang standing in front of him, shocked.

"Young Master Li, I met again." Ye Shaoyang looked at him, said coldly.

Li Hongjiang twitched and suddenly climbed to Ye Shaoyang, hugged his leg and cried and said: "Mr. Ye, this is not a blame for me. It is Wang Shao who forced me to do this. I don't want to, you are me. Benefactor, how can I bear to hurt you..."

"Who is Wang Shao?"

Li Hongjiang glanced at the son of the son.

"I am Wang Xiaoyu, my father is Wang Gang, I want to... Mr. Ye spares my life, how much money is needed, as long as Ye Shaoyang opens." Wang Xiaoyu also pleaded.

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "Who is your father?"

Liu Guang looked up and down Wang Xiaoyu and said: "It turned out to be Wang Gongzi." Then he said to Ye Shaoyang, "His father is the chairman of a private coal mine in Steel City, and he has a lot of money."

"So, are you going to let him go?"

Liu Guang said helplessly: "What a joke."

Wang Xiaoyu was still pleading, and suddenly a hazy voice remembered, "Wang Gongzi, don't come innocent."

Wang Xiaoyan was shocked and turned to look. Zhuo Ya is out of the real body.

Wang Xiaoyu lived on the spot.

Liu Guang saw that there was a woman out of thin air, and she was also scared of the soul, and she took it away from Ye Shaoyang.

"Zhuo...Zhuya?" Wang Xiaoyu was so scared that he was sitting on the ground and muttered.

"Wang Gongzi still remembers me." Zhuoya snorted and smiled. This smile was in the eyes of Wang Xiaolu, but it was terrible to the extreme, trembling, and a yellow liquid flowing out of the lower body... urine.

Zhuo Ya looked at Ye Shaoyang and said: "Let the Grand Master put Jane out, this Li Gongzi is his enemy."

Ye Shaoyang took out the magical charm attached to the treasures of the precious treasures. The volley fluttered and put Jane out and landed on the ground. Zhenzhen saw Li Hongjiang, but it was not as big as Zhuoya’s reaction. It was just a cold smile. Two lines of tears flowed down and said faintly: "The sky has eyes."

Li Hongjiang is also looking like a soil, shrinking to the ground, can not speak.

Ye Shaoyang looked at Zhuo Ya and looked at Zhen Zhen. He said, "Who will talk about it first, what is going on?"

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