Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1822: Xiaohui driving to 1

Ye Shaoyang does not speak. This is the only guess that best fits the truth.

"This person, I must have seen it!" Ye Shaoyang said with certainty. "He feels so familiar, absolutely where he has seen it, but unfortunately I can't think of it."

Yan Lengyu said: "You have no memory of his appearance?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and looked at the window with deep gaze. He said, "I think of it now. He is very likely to use Yi Rong, because he licked me at the time, his face was very stiff, and his face did not change. This is not in line with common sense."

Yan Lengyu said with a sigh of relief: "If it is really easy, it means that he must be someone you know, or you don't have to do this. You remember carefully, did you know a highly talented mage before? Perhaps it has been concealed for many years, and it has such mana."

Ye Shaoyang said: "This is almost impossible. If you say that you are not afraid of pretending to be forced, the world of magical circles is really no better than my talent. Eight achievements are one, oh yes, Su Mo, who is hanging on the sky, is also talented. Not bad, the strength is similar to me."

However, Su Mo is a sister, and her figure is good. Even if her appearance can be faked, her body shape and body can't be faked, so she ignores it.

Yan Lengyu listened to the name of "Su Mo" and suddenly thought of something. "Will it be the brother of Su Mo, Li Haoran?"

"Never," Ye Shaoyang did not think about it. "I haven't seen Li Haoran, I don't have to be easy, and if he finds me, he will definitely die. I feel that I met this guy today, it seems to be running." ""

"It should be to test your strength." Yan Lengyu guessed, "As for the purpose, it is really hard to say."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I have a guess, perhaps, this guy is not a human master at all."

Yan Lengyu frowned. "What do you mean?"

"The spell guild, I am a bit skeptical, this guy is sent to me by the spell guild, because I can be sure that there is no such strong person in the world."

Qi Lengyu suddenly sat up from the bed and said nervously: "The spell guild will not come so soon?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Then I don't know, I feel that there will be no other people besides them."

Yan Lengyu thought for a while and said: "This is possible. After all, they have this motive, and they may not be able to touch your strength, so come to test it... but since it is a spell guild, how? Will you know you, why should you be easy?"

Ye Shaoyang couldn't answer this question. The two men discussed it for a while. They all think that the possibility of a spell guild is the biggest, and the second is the person who hangs on the sky. Besides, I really can't think of any other people with such power. strength.

"Shaoyang, if it is really a spell guild, this time you have figured out your strength, the next step may come to deal with you. You have to be careful."

This sentence in turn aroused Ye Shaoyang's pride, sneer a voice: "They really want to die with me, I am not afraid, the soldiers will stop, when I am afraid of who."

芮冷玉道: "But the guild guild is a force, you are your own, if they do their best to deal with you, how do you cope?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled at her. "Who said that I am a person, and there are many people who catch ghosts."

"Yes, I didn't think about it, at least there is a road." Leng Yuyu said, "I think you can tell him, just in case."

"I can't rely on the wind for anything, unless I can't beat it. When it comes time, if they really want to deal with me, I really hope that they come early, and I want them to see the strength of the human master."

Ye Shaoyang thought of Daoyuan real person at this time. Although Daoyuan’s real temper is not good, but he is full of strength, and he has not cultivated for many years, it is not so easy to be irritated. At that time, he suddenly gave up his position and went to fight with Nangong. People from the world to the ghost domain. In fact, the fight is a breath, for the human Master.

With this in mind, Ye Shaoyang is more expecting to confront the spell guild. Of course, the premise is that the other party does not care for himself and is blind.

芮冷玉伸手环抱叶少阳的肩, 幽幽 said: "Shaoyang, I know that you are not afraid of anything, or you are not my favorite Shaoyang, but ... you must be careful, even for me, my brother Already gone, in this world, except Master, you are my closest relative..."

In a few words, Ye Shaoyang’s heart was crisp, and he reached out and touched her face and said, “Do not worry, I haven’t married my wife yet, never die.”

Yan Lengyu thinks of her brother, and she shed tears. Ye Shaoyang has been holding her until dawn, and then fell asleep together.

Woke up is already at noon. Ye Shaoyang woke up first, woke up the cold jade, and after the cold jade woke up, he reached out and touched his clothes. Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "Do not worry, I have endured it now, now I see the dawn, how Also stay for the first time on the wedding night."

Yan Leng Yuhong glared at him and suddenly thought of something. "You are not saying that Xiaohui is coming, what time is it?"

I forgot this! Ye Shaoyang hurriedly picked up his mobile phone. When he saw several missed calls and text messages, he was the number of Xiaohui. He blamed himself for being careless. When he followed Hu Wang up the mountain last night, he muted his mobile phone. Later, Forget to call back...

After rushing to dial the past, after the connection, the voice of Xiaohui was heard. Ye Shaoyang apologized with enthusiasm. Xiaohui was not angry, and even comforted him in the opposite direction, so that Ye Shaoyang felt even more unwilling. After asking her to wait at the airport, she immediately cleaned up and went out with her cold jade. Just went out and the door next door opened. Yao Mengjie poked his head and saw them together. With a unkempt look, I smiled and said, "You just get up."

Ye Shaoyang knows that she must have misunderstood, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, she knows the relationship between Lengyu and her. She simply said that she wants to go to the airport. Yao Mengjie said that she also wants to go and see, Leng Lengyu has no objection, so the three together Going down, Yan Lengyu drove two people and rushed to the airport.

On the way, Yan Lengyu asked Yao Mengjie to find Ye Shaoyang as a bodyguard. "Miss Yao, I don't object to Shaoyang to contribute to you, let alone you are introduced by Miss Zhou. What you call secrets that cannot be said, I also I don't want to ask, I only ask, why should I limit it to one month? A month or so, don't others chase you?"

(From yesterday, I couldn’t take care of my back pain, and my right leg hurts. Once I sit, it hurts. It’s not an excuse. Even when I watch a movie, I feel so sweaty. It’s better now, so today’s update is a bit late, sorry. Already.)

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