Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1833: Monster under the bed 1

Xiao Zhou was under the bed and checked again.

"No!" Just about to give up, one leg was suddenly caught by him, and he came in from inside to him.

"Dacheng is still a team, don't come in, there is nothing here."

The man continued to drill inside, and his mouth continued to make a loud noise.

The boat was not right. It was just that the man had already drilled in front of him. Xiao Zhou held a flashlight on the other’s face and the person settled on the spot.

"Hey!" The flashlight fell to the ground, and then the screams of heartbreaking.

Dacheng was a little closer, heard the sound, and immediately rushed to the bedroom, only to see the whole body of Xiao Zhou drilling under the bed, and both feet were desperately knocking on the ground.

"Xiao Zhou, Xiao Zhou!" Dacheng didn't know what happened. He only knew that he had an attack. He hugged him two feet and pulled it out. He wanted to pull him out first, then suddenly he was loose. Sitting on the ground with his own ass, looking in his hand, his head blew open:

Holding in my arms, it was actually the two legs of Xiao Zhou. The front end of the thigh was not known to cut anything. Two **** and fuzzy lacerations, blood continued to flow from the bones.

Dacheng saw this scene, his legs were soft, and he was lying on the ground. After a few seconds, he suddenly realized, screamed and turned and crawled out. At this moment, a pair of hands came out from under the bed and jerked from behind. Hugged his waist and dragged it under the bed.

When Captain Wang rushed over, he only saw a pair of hands holding the waist of Dacheng from behind, and slammed him under the bed, and the ground was bloody.

"Who, come out!" Captain Wang raised his gun in both hands and shouted loudly.

"Go, go..." Dacheng waved his hand weakly and weakly, and was suddenly pulled under the bed, followed by a scream and shattered sound...

The captain of the king felt the legs weak, and the hand holding the gun was shaking, and the whole person stayed alone.

The horrible sound continued for a long time, everything stopped, and the room was dead, only the dark red blood flowed out from under the bed.

Under the bed, what is it?

One hand, stretched out from the pool of blood. The palms are dry and wrinkled, and at first glance it is not the hand of a living person. The muscles of Captain Wang’s cheeks twitched and the other hand stretched out.

"Takaka ..." under the bed made a strange smile.

This horrible laughter made the captain of the king lose the courage of the last trace of support. He turned around twitchingly and ran outside the door. He heard the voice of "嘶嘶" coming from behind, being a limb and the ground. The sound of the friction... The captain of the king felt that his head was going to be blown up, and he tried to move to the door, trying to bend over the door and look back.

A unkempt guy, dragging his legs, crawling on the ground with both hands, moving a little toward himself, his face covered with bones, two eyelids covered with cobwebs, and his open mouth revealing two rows of dry Tooth flower, there is a group of locusts crawling on it. The body covered her mouth and giggled and smiled.

It’s the dead body that didn’t know how many days!

Captain Wang instantly lost the courage to survive, and one leg was inserted in the doorway. There was no way to go over and fall to the ground. The huge fear turned into anger and fired several shots at the body.

There was a shot in the eyelids, and the eyes slammed open, spewing a black blood, and with some creeping mites, twisted and twisted on the ground.

The body suddenly speeded up and shook his head and rushed over.

Captain Wang screamed and inserted the pistol into his mouth and hit the last shot...

Xie Yuqing listened to the report and brushed his teeth. After listening to it, he took a sip of water and spit it out. He said: "Three police officers are inexplicably dying? How is the situation?"

At the other end of the line, he said: "There were three bodies that were torn by police officers and a dead body. From the scene, the three police officers were all dead in the hands of the corpse, but the truth is After the autopsy, the body has been dead for at least half a month... How could it be murder? The branch suspected that it was a psychic event, so I came to report it to me."

Xie Yuqing said, "Well," asked: "How can these sacrificed brothers go to the crime scene and discover how their bodies were discovered?"

Ruan said: "At the beginning, the 110 police station received an alarm. In the room of a certain building on the scene of the crime, some people were murdering. The squadron of the joint defense team of the police station in the jurisdiction and two policemen went to the police and never received it. Feedback, the three police officers could not be contacted, and the branch then sent personnel to find out, and then they found them... Head, are we now, or wait until dawn?"

"Go now." Xie Yuqing yawned, "Go to the office and wait for me."

Hanging up the phone, Xie Yuqing looked through the mirror and looked at Xue Qi behind him. He said, "It’s a zombie, let me go."

Xue Qi dissatisfiedly licked his mouth and said: "I don't understand why Shicheng has so many ghosts and zombies. After a while, there is a spooky case. Here is how to say that it is also the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties. How can you make so many monsters and monsters frequently?"

Xie Yuqing listened to her saying that she felt a little strange, but she couldn’t tell why, just didn’t want to, went into the house and wore clothes, went out with Xue Qi, and rushed to the police station to meet with the cockroach, and then together Caught to the crime scene.

The four bodies were still in their original position, but the bed was removed and the blood was broken and the limbs were broken. It looked very fierce.

Xue Qi followed Xie Yuqing and came to the front of the body covered with spider webs. He leaned down and dipped a little blood, and smelled it in front of his nose. Xie Yuqing asked: "Zombies?"

Xue Qi did not make a sound, and took a finger of the body, examined the bones, then shook his head and said: "There is no corpse, the bones are normal, and it is black, not a zombie."

"Not a zombie?" Xie Yuqing stunned. "Is it not a zombie who can kill after death?"

Xue Qi said: "If it is a zombie, it is impossible for him to die after murder. He is taken away, that is, there is a sinister occupying his body and using him to kill."

Xie Yuqing looked at him with a sigh, and he was a little bit arrogant. He asked, "Why?"

"Where do I know, generally this kind of win is to avenge the enemy... But the three policemen died together, it seems that they should not be vendettas, and the general ghosts are chosen to use the living, not to use a dead body, and This dead body is also very embarrassing. There is no blood in the body, but the skin is intact. It should not be a natural death. Otherwise, it should have rotted."

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