Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1934: 1934 brothers and enemies 3

Yan Lengyu breathed a sigh of relief, "I saw the reversal drama again."

But the reversal is not over yet:

In the face of Lyon, Yao Mengjie's expression melted a little, gently shook his head and said: "Lyon, there is a secret, I have never wanted to tell you, my father knows that I let you become a vampire, but he has not punished I am willing to give the property to me. Do you know why?

Because...he knows my plan, he knows that I want to eliminate the vampire, and our family, each generation will have a pure blood vampire, absorbed by the vampire family to become their king. Dad hated the vampire very much and told me that he would rather have a family and never want to send the king to the vampire family..."

Lyon looked heavy and said: "Is he let you do this?"

"No, although my father hated this kind of inheritance of the family, how could he be willing to make you a vampire? I personally did this. I told him about my thoughts. After he learned it, he was very angry and shut me down." Years, later he understood, or said, it has become a foregone conclusion. Since there is no way to change it, let me let go and finish my will..."

Lyon looked at her slyly and couldn't speak.

"After you become a vampire, you can't give birth again. There are no future generations in our family. It has continued the curse of hundreds of years. It is finally over here..."

After listening to this, Lyon was shocked to the extreme. He said: "Since my father hates vampires and wants to stop the curse in the last way, why should we give birth to us?"

"My father gave birth to you, for the sake of marriage... At that time, he was still young, his heart was in his career, and the curse of the family was not so strong. Later, the vampire queen of our aunt Madrid family died under the chasing of the church... ...this incident shocked him a lot. He didn't want his children to have the same experience in the future, and he didn't want the descendants of the family to repeat this experience..."

Lyon was silent for a moment and said, "Why did the father still give birth to you?"

"Because I am a saint... I am sent by God to destroy vampires."

Lyon shook his head gently: "There is no **** in this world."

"But they all think there. Eva and a few wizards use the crystal ball to divination of my father. They all say that he will give birth to a saint's child, and will have a curse of the Bourbon family for hundreds of years... although the father will be suspicious But according to the law of cursing, if he no longer gives birth, the power of curse will come to you... There is always a vampire in every generation. So, I have it."

Lyon still shook his head: "You are not a saint..."

"Maybe, but from the little Eva, they told me that maybe I really have a mission, maybe it is a subtle influence. In short, I chose this road. I don't regret it... My only painful thing is to take you. Become a vampire..."

"I don't think you are right to do this, but you have something you insist on, so good, at least my sacrifice is worth it. Come over, I will give you the badge."

Yao Mengjie glanced at him.

Lyon smiled helplessly. "Reassured, I won't hurt you."

Yao Mengjie walked over and walked to Lyon step by step. Lyon raised a hand... touched her hair and said a bunch of French:

"Everything is over, Catherine, my only... sister, don't be afraid... no one can hurt you in the future."

Yao Mengjie burst into tears on the spot, kneeling in the arms of Lyon, and yelled in French: "Brother."

Lyon was trembling, he waited for this moment and waited for too long.

What hatred, the contradiction between humans and vampires, he was tired of it... Nothing, only the feeling of holding his sister in his arms made him feel a little warm.

As a bystander, Ye Shaoyang and others looked at each other and they all looked at each other with a smile. The brothers and sisters recognized each other and they were all happy. Things can develop to this point. It is simply... no thought at all.

At this time, Ye Shaoyang came back with a breath of breath, turned around and saw a black hole-like void crack, oranges jumped out from the inside, looked around and found that everyone was there, rushing leaves Shaoyang spit out his tongue: "At last it is It’s busy. It’s not late. Is the vampire dead?”

Ye Shaoyang knew that she was talking about Lyon and said to him, "Where is it."

The orange turned to look at it and recognized Yao Mengjie. He snorted: "How is she there, opponent?"

"The one she is holding is the king vampire."

Orange said: "Is that handsome guy? I asked the opponent, what kind of king vampire you have to deal with."

"It is him."

When the orange was shocked, he hesitated and said with a word: "She...who is with the person she is dealing with?"

Meihua Dao: "Yeah, haven't you seen that we all have finished work? People are brothers and sisters, and now they recognize that they are not playing."

The orange mouth twitched and turned to look at everyone, muttering: "How could this be, what is the situation?"

"We don't know what it is." Ye Shaoyang is also very helpless.

The plot reversal was too fast. At the beginning, it was rushing to eliminate Lyon. I did not expect this kind of reunion.

"It's also very good," Xiaobai said. "How good is the ending of the big reunion."

Leng Yuyu said: "I am afraid that there is no reunion."

Over there, Yao Mengjie and Lyon are together and are still talking.

"Brother, everything is over, don't leave, stay with me." Yao Mengjie looked up at Lyon and said quietly.

Lyon touched her face and smiled bitterly: "You have to deal with a vampire, but leave a vampire king by your side. What does it look like, how do you tell the people of the church?"

Yao Mengjie stunned and said, "Then let's go... we can still meet again, you can come to me by yourself."

Lyon grabbed her hand and put the family crest on her hand, holding both hands, muttering: "Things will pass out, you and me... After all, you can only live one, otherwise people will ask you why Got me... you can't explain it."

Yao Mengjie stared at Lyon.

Lyon reached out and stroked her blond hair and said with compassion: "Although I think your career is wrong, since you have to do it, stick to it, I will die here, and those church people will trust you more... ..."

"No!" Yao Mengjie shook his head hard. "I won't do it for you!"

"You don't need to do it." Lyon smiled at her, pinched her nose, and suddenly flew, and flew over to the South Palace.

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