Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1943: The 1943 plot of the suspended view 2

"There are a lot of ghost soldiers who have committed this crime. It is said that there are still a few big men. ewwんw1xiaoshuo" Chen Lu said to the group, she is now responsible for intelligence in the Valley of the Wind, and she is also doing her due diligence, "only from Baiyun City." In a few dozen miles, I will arrive in an instant, and you will quickly send someone to fight."

Yang Gong said: "It seems that it is a large-scale operation. It is no wonder that as we rise and refuse to be included by them, it has become the biggest enemy of Taiyin Mountain except for the Yinshi. They have to advance the front line and must take it. We are working."

Ye Shaoyang did not make a sound. He also understood why Taiyin Mountain came here: Baiyun City is the largest city in the Valley of the Wind, and its location is in the far north. Although it is not the direct sphere of influence of Taiyin Mountain, it is also away. Recently, they are the most direct threat, and Taiyin Mountain is finally unable to sit still.

It is also because of this reason that he will appear here, the brains of the Valley of the Wind are also here, everyone to discuss countermeasures, it is necessary to keep Baiyun City.

"Who will be the leader of the ghost?" asked the wind.

Chen Lu said a few names.

"Jade-faced Rakshasa!!" The pony jumped up from the throne of the city owner as soon as he heard the name. "I am going to go, I will lead the team and go grab her!"

Chen Lu frowned: "What are you doing so excitedly, do you know her?"

"When I helped the little leaves to play white, this jade face was visited by Rakshasa. I was teased by this king. Oh, it’s a very interesting girl. I always wanted to grab her to be Mrs. Zhaizhai. This is really Sent to the door!"

Chen Lu angered: "What is the wife of the village, we are not a bandit!"

"Cough, the lady of the city, all the same. Road, I am going!"

Daofengdao: "This war is not a trivial matter. Except for the palace, you should go. I should have gone personally, but I have no time."

Everyone understands what it means to say that he has no time. For the Tao, some things are more important than leading the soldiers.

Pony and others began to develop a battle plan. After listening to the wind for a while, walked toward the back of the palace and shook his head gently.

Yang Gongyi chased him up and said, "What are you shaking your head?"

"They called their tactics, a mess!"

"It's okay to pull, and it's a good rule. It's really nothing to do. Fortunately, the other side is always like this. It's hard to fight, no tricks."

The two walked behind the palace and chatted.

Daofeng said: "I heard that there are several military divisions in Taiyin Mountain. How can I not see one?"

Yang Gongyi naturally did not know, sighed: "Really, a good military division is more important than anything else. We are here to be a pity that Jianwen Emperor is too arrogant, and recently concentrated on practicing the emperor's heart, otherwise he can be competent."

Daofeng shook his head and said: "He is an emperor, he can steer at the helm. He can't do it in terms of specific tactics. What I need is a strategist Lin Sansheng."

Yang Gong said: "I also thought of him. You are not talking to Shaoyang. Would you like to come over and help him? He is happy."

The wind stood and said: "Yes. When the duel is over, I will ask him to come over as a military division."

Yang Gongyi nodded silently. Although he had no intersection with Lin Sansheng, he didn't know much, but since he is a person around Ye Shaoyang, he must be trustworthy.

The two crossed the palace cloister and came to the back garden.

The garden is very large, all kinds of strange peaks and strange paintings, and the walls of the gallery are completely imitating the architectural style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. But it is not only for people to appreciate. The flowers and plants here are all kinds of different kinds of ghosts. The aura that is constantly needed to release the evil spirits is blocked by the Taoist style, and any ghosts and sorcerers are cultivated here, and the degree of improvement is passed outside.

This garden is usually blocked. It is a forbidden place in Baiyun City. Except for the wind and the collar, even the twelve disciples can't enter without permission.

But at this moment, an old man in a blue long gown is sitting in the garden, sitting directly on the ground, not knowing what is being played.

Not far behind him, stood a brocade, but the clothes on his body were broken, and a long mouth was opened on the sleeves, quietly watching the old man sitting on the ground playing with things.

Daofeng and Yang Gongyu walked over.

The road looked at Nangong’s clothes and his head and scattered heads. He said, “Is it lost?”

"If I lose, I won't be here." Nangong Shadow Road, "No loss, no win, the other side is very strong, this trip is not empty."

Road wind: "So you come to thank you?"

Nangong Ying ignored him and said: "I came to ask Qingyun's master a question."


"Already asked."

With the character of the Tao, it is naturally impossible to ask him what he asked. He can't afford much interest in anything that is not his own.

Nangong Ying did not say anything, turned and went outside.

The road said: "Wait a minute, the Taiyin Mountain is committed, there is an opponent, Snow Magic, you may be interested."

Nangong Ying lived and smiled coldly. "You are too bad. You know that I am a Ashura, and I have never committed a crime with the Taiyin Mountain."

The wind said: "Know, you, like the Buddhas, are shrinking in the boundless world and have never asked about ghosts."

Nan Gong Ying shook his head: "It will be useless to me."

"Not saying useful, let's go."

Nangong Ying went a few steps forward and stood and said, "Where is Snow Magic?"

"There are dozens of miles away from Baiyun City, and it will arrive in an instant." Daofengdao, "You want to be clear, don't drag your family down."

Nan Gong Ying said: "I just looked for him to fight, not involving the forces behind their respective identities."

Yang Gong inserted a sentence: "I hope Snow Devil thinks so."

"What did he think, I can't manage it." Nangong Ying finished, and went out.

Yang Gong looked at the back of Nangong Ying and said: "This martial arts is also a rare sight." Then think of something, "Yes, I have always had a question, to say that this Nangong Ying likes to challenge the strong, why not go to the Qing Dynasty To challenge the old mother of Lishan, or to find a bell in the Yin Shi, or even a Tibetan king?"

Daofengdao: "The strongest man who wants to challenge Nangong Ying is not the one who has been famous for a long time. He only challenges the mysterious evils that have become famous in recent decades or have never been seen before."

Yang Gongyi frowned: "Why?"

"He just wants to prove that he is using a fashionable word in the world, called the new generation, he wants to prove that he is the strongest in the new generation." Qingyunzi is still playing with the things in his hands, and he does not say back. "Unless he really became the first strongman in the new generation, he wouldn't do it to the old guys, like me."

(End of this chapter)

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