Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1949: The last photo of the 1949 2

The two men looked at the sunset together. e

On the top floor of the building, some people are watching the sunset. Lin Sansheng stands on the edge of the roof and looks at the distance. For him a ghost, the concept of time is very light, and there is really nothing else to do, a lot of time is remembering the past.

However, he chose to stay on the top floor of Ye Shaoyang's home, mainly monitoring. Although Xu Fu only revealed that face, he believed that Xu Fu would definitely come!

Staying on the rooftop until dark, Lin Sansheng wants to go out for a while, looking down at the window of Ye Shaoyang's home, and suddenly shocked: a figure is flying past the edge of his balcony.

Lin Sansheng did not hesitate to catch up, and the opposite person turned to the opposite side along the side of the building and disappeared into the field of vision. Lin Sansheng hurriedly kept up. He just turned out of the corner. Suddenly a powerful force came in. Lin Sansheng was caught off guard and hurriedly resisted. Although he had removed this powerful force, a sharp thing was on his neck.

Lin Sansheng looked at it with a fixed eye. He was a judge and was taken by a Taoist man. The priest was full of eyebrows, but with a black beard, he could not see the age, looked at him quietly, and said, "The man of the yin?"

The tone is a bit strange, not like the Chinese spoken by the world now, but the difference is not big, it is a bit like a Mandarin with a certain accent.

Lin Sansheng was very excited to suppress and said: "You are Xu Fudao?"

The Taoist brow slightly wrinkled and repeated it again: "The man of the yin?"

Lin Sansheng arched his hand: "Small yin and yang master book Lin Sansheng, the ghost of the Ming Dynasty, met Xu Fuzu!"

"How do you know that I am Xu Fu?"

Sure enough, Xu Fu! This legendary character!

In front of Xu Fu, although the robe is an ancient style, it looks no different from the current Taoist, but Lin Sansheng can't say it. Xu Fu has an indescribable mysterious temperament, especially his eyes, which are so deep-looking. Do not go in.

Lin Sansheng forced to restrain the excitement and said: "Ye Shaoyang described your appearance, especially this sentence is not used in the Yin Shi or the human world."

Xu Fudao: "What are you doing with me, but the Yin Shi sent you?"

"No, I am an official in the Yin Division, but this official position is also recommended by Shaoyang. I am a ghost-caught alliance."

"Ghosts League?" Xu Fu frowned slightly.

"It’s an organization with Shaoyang. This is hard to say. Let’s go back later. Dare to ask the founder, why should you follow Ye Shaoyang?"

Xu Fudao: "Are you a Taoist?"

Lin Sansheng stunned and understood that he asked him because he called him a ancestor. Only the disciples called him a teacher who was more than three times longer than himself. Now he said, "Yes, the teacher of Xiaosheng is Guangzong Tianshi, Ben. It’s a good root left in the world after Zhang Guo’s rise to the Promise.”

"Zhang Guo? I don't know."

Lin Sansheng stunned, only to think that Xu Fu was a Qin Dynasty person, his master's deity, Zhang Guo, was a thousand years in the Tang Dynasty. Xu Fu had never been in the world, and Bacheng did not know who Zhang Guo was.

This is a bit embarrassing. Although Lin Sansheng does not like to force, but tells his own teacher, it is also a kind of pride. Generally, even if it is the chief of the sergeant, it must be scared, but in Zhang Guo, there is absolutely no The effect is now a smile: "The founder is more than a thousand years older than my family, and naturally I know."

Xu Fu looked at him and said: "I don't know, I don't know, Tang Sanguo, the child. His strength is still under Ye Fashan."

From the human world to the sinister, no one dared to call Zhang Guo, even if the three kings did not dare, but Xu Fu called Zhang Guoxiao, there is really no problem, and he has a natural tone, no pretense, also There is no disdain, just a statement of a fact.

Lin Sansheng looked at Xu Fu and said, "Zu Shi, how do you know my master? Are you not already in the world?"

Xu Fudao: "I am just a visitor to the world. I have been watching for thousands of years. I have also been watching. What you asked before, it is not what you should ask."

Lin Sansheng made a salute and said: "Dare to ask the founder, is it really time to reverse the law?"

Xu Fu’s eyebrows picked him up and down, and said: “Time and space are irreversible.”

"But it is said that the mountains and seas on your body can break the reincarnation and travel to any time in ancient and modern times."

Xu Fudao: "When you travel in time and space, you don't reverse time and space. Time and space are parallel, and you don't interfere with each other. Why do you reverse it?"

Lin Sansheng said in a hurry: "Whether it is reversed or walked through, it is said that as long as there is a mountain seal, can you really go back to the past?"

Xu Fudao: "What do you ask for this?"

Lin Sansheng couldn't wait to say his request, and when he arrived, he asked Xu Fucheng himself.

Xu Fu looked at him for a while and said: "What you said, but it is not difficult to do, but through the three circles and six roads, for the sin of the sin, and the sin is unforgivable"

Lin Sansheng nodded. Although he had never heard of a precedent in similar matters, he also knew that once he was caught by the yin, he would certainly not be light. He said with a bite: "I have thought clearly, as long as I can With her, even if the future is destroyed, I will recognize it."

Xu Fu smiled slightly. "The things about men and women are the most boring, but you are also infatuated. Why should I help you?"

Lin Sansheng looked at him stupidly, and said with a bite: "As long as the ancestor is perfect, I will serve in the future before the saddle, let me do anything!"

"Really, anything can be done?"

Lin Sansheng nodded hard.

Xu Fugang wanted to speak, suddenly noticed what, grabbed Lin Sansheng, and sentenced the official pen to sweep in front. Lin Sansheng suddenly felt surrounded by a mysterious force. The next second, the eyes were completely dark.

However, in a few seconds, several people flew down and appeared in their disappearing position. They were the two kings and three kings of the reincarnation division, followed by black and white impermanence, followed by a ghost.

The second king of the law holds a piece of something that looks like a maple leaf. It is sparkling and has the size of a palm, but Guanghua is dispersing.

"What happened, people are gone!" Everyone looked around and there was no ghost shadow around.

Black impermanence said coldly: "I will say that your things are not reliable!"

The three kings said a bit uncomfortable: "How is it possible? This is what you can see. The Bodhi leaf that the Tibetan Bodhisattva himself stamped, as long as he appears in the world, will certainly be able to perceive his place, and there is nothing wrong with it!"

(End of this chapter)

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