Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1957: Departure 1957 2

Ye Shaoyang and Yan Lengyu saw him very unexpectedly and felt uncomfortable at the same time. EΩwww┡

Jianwendi rushed to them and smiled. "Ye Shaoyang, the hatred of his wife, I have already remembered that there will be a battle between you and me, but today I will help you with your help."

Ye Shaoyang said with a white eye: "You are going to pull it down, you are all dead, and you are still awkward. Now the world is a republic."

"When you are not in the world, you are now in charge of the 100,000 soldiers and civilians in the Valley of the Wind."

傀儡 Emperor only, have a fart! Ye Shaoyang almost blurted out, and immediately thought that people are good to help, no matter why, he can not be too small, or hold back, deliberately said to the wind: "Hey, what is your wind valley? Just take him one?"

"Twelve disciples, then will pass. The rest of the people are fighting against foreign enemies in Baiyun City." For this incident, the road did not say much, said quickly: "To solve two things tonight, go to the star sea first, then Go directly to Lishan, and you will have to work hard in the future."

Ye Shaoyang stunned and thought of this as a good idea. Especially for himself, he quickly closed up both things, and he prepared for marriage with peace of mind.

"Shaoyang, where is your fish sausage?" The wind suddenly asked.

Ye Shaoyang snorted: "Dry?"

"Let me use it."

"You still lack the instrument?" Ye Shaoyang said so, still came to the corner of the room, opened the old Guo special safe, took out the fish sausage.

This ancient **** soldier, since falling into his own hands, thought of a circle no one can send, has been locked in the safe did not move.

The road wind took over the fish sausage, the sword was pulled out of the sheath, and the sword that had been bred for a long time immediately shot the eye-catching aura, and the non-human beings who felt the presence felt a shock.

The instrument of Jiu Duanguang can definitely rank in the top five among all the instruments in the world's magical circles, and it can almost be compared with the Qixing Longquan sword.

The face of the road is also showing a touch of moving color.

Ye Shaoyang noticed, shrugged and said: "You want to take it."

The road wind stalked the fish sausage and threw it to the Jianwen Emperor.

Jianwendi took the sword and said to Ye Shaoyang: "Thank you."

Ye Shaoyang squatted on the spot and looked carefully. Only then did he notice that Jianwen was not a ghost, but had a physical body. Of course, it could not be a human being. This made Ye Shaoyang feel curious. I don’t know what method was used by Jianwen Emperor. Spiritual body.

It is natural to have a spiritual body. Just like in front of you, he can use the instruments of the sun. However, from the perspective of ghosts, no matter how he reshapes the spirit, it is a kind of evil.

He has lost the opportunity for reincarnation, even if he reports to the sinister, he will be laid to hell, and he will be tortured for a while.

Qi Lengyu saw that the fish sausage was taken by Jianwen Emperor. It was very uncomfortable. He couldn’t say it well. He quietly pushed Ye Shaoyang behind him. Ye Shaoyang returned to God and asked the wind: “What is this!”

Road wind: "Let's borrow it."

Ye Shaoyang is not good to say anything, look around, talk to you again, and then go out together to go to the Qing Dynasty.

Ye Shaoyang first used the method of Xiaojiujiao to open the space crack leading to the Qing Dynasty. This can directly lead to the vicinity of Qingqiu Mountain and avoid appearing in the boundary river.

There are various guards sent to the border river. If they see such a large group of people entering the Qing Dynasty, they will surely report to their sects in panic, so that they have not yet reached the star sea, and the action is exposed.

Ye Shaoyang first passed through the void and looked around. It happened to be near the Qingqiu Mountain. There were no people around, so I was relieved that everyone would come over.

A group of people sneaked in. Ye Shaoyang didn't have time to go up the mountain. He led everyone to find a place to hide, and then activated the soul print of Xiaojiu. When it was not long, Xiaojiu took A Huang and Azi, and a team of soldiers wearing silver armor came all the way.

After meeting, there is not much to say, Xiao Jiu first let Azi go ahead, if there is anyone on the road, let her inform in time, then the pedestrians follow, and shuttle from the middle of the forest.

Here is the scope of the Qingqiu Mountain. After the mountain forest, there are countless foxes hidden in the mountains. Most of them are quietly practicing and cultivating the inner Dan. When they see a large group of people approaching, it is very strange and even showing hostility.

However, after seeing Xiaojiu, one by one immediately stopped practicing, automatically letting out the road, kneeling on both sides, and dare not look up.

It took at least an hour for everyone to fly out of the mountains of the Qingqiu Mountain. After going out, all the way to the north. At the beginning of the passage through some hills, you can also faintly see the buildings on the mountain, there are Taoist temples, Buddhist temples, and Some buildings that look very strange.

Under the leadership of Azi, everyone was careful to hide themselves along the way, but they were not seen by anyone.

Although the Qing Dynasty is vast and innocent, it is completely different from the human structure. This is a world of practice. Whether it is a person who has risen from the world, a ghost, or a goblin or an evil spirit, they are all piled up together to form a martial art like this. Then they look for places where the spirit is full, and the scope of the establishment is limited to a certain A hill, like the Qingqiu Mountain, although hundreds of miles around the main peak are the territory of the territory, there will not be any buildings, and everything is wild.

Because the road is far, it is impossible to do long-term flight, or the mana will be exhausted.

After running for a few hours all the way, under the direction of Azi, I finally saw the seven peaks of the Stars Sea, swaying in front like a few fingers. The mountains of each mountain are very steep, towering into the clouds, and can be vaguely I saw a piece of architecture on the summit.

At the foot of the mountain, everyone found a forest to hide, Azi pointed to a mountain in the middle of the mountains and said: "This is the peak of the light."

Everyone is looking at it. This highest mountain, like the arch of the stars, is located in the mountains, higher than all the mountains around. From here, I can’t see any change in position. Ye Shaoyang feels Unlike the Big Dipper, it is more like a lotus flower. This shaking peak is like a flower that rises from the lotus.

Among the clouds, you can see some palaces faintly, at the top of the mountain, with distant bells, floating from the top of the mountain. This feeling of quaint vicissitudes is better than that of Lishan, which makes Ye Shaoyang An illusion of crossing back to ancient times.

Looking at the star in front of the sea, Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of a problem and blurted out: "Where is the sea?"

"Sea?" Azi and others stunned.

"Well, isn't it a sea of ​​stars? Is there no sea?" Looking at a few weird expressions, Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and said, "What's wrong, is this question silly?"

(End of this chapter)

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