Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1963: The secret in the 1963 rune 2

Next to the man, a young girl sneered at the back of the swaying fairy, trying to say something, and the man stopped with his eyes.

The people behind him saw this attitude of men, and they all suppressed the impulse to speak. I thought that even he would not say anything, and he would not be able to say it. Shake the fairy is weak, but it is by no means a good talker. Now it is on her site, and she has to endure it.

Lin Sansheng drifted into the valley. Although he did not know the exact location of Ye Shaoyang, the pagoda was the most vivid coordinate. He was easy to find the past.

Ye Shaoyang said his guess very briefly, and then said helplessly: "I really have no choice but to see you."

He ventured to find Lin Sansheng, but he still didn't want to come to it.

While listening to Ye Shaoyang's introduction, Lin Sansheng looked up and down the pagoda. His eyes finally locked on the strange symbols and walked around the pagoda. He said, "This is definitely a rune!"

Ye Shaoyang’s heart moved and asked: “How are you sure?”

The orange also said: "Why can't it be decoration?"

Lin Sansheng said: "It is definitely not a decoration. If it is decoration, it will not only have the top circle. You look at this first layer. All of the following are bare. This does not conform to the principle of decoration, and each symbol is different. Since it is not a decoration, it must be a rune."

Ye Shaoyang and the orange looked at each other and suddenly realized that they had not thought of such simple logic. In fact, they do not blame them. In the face of the huge mystery, the attention of both of them is attracted. The more the details, the more easily overlooked.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Since it is a rune, how do you open it?"

Lin Sansheng shook his head. "I can't do anything about this, but since it is a rune, it must be written in some kind of text. Shaoyang, you can draw it down quickly. Let's go back and study slowly, and wait until we find its origin. Then come back to unlock the seal, anyway, this pagoda can't fly away."

Ye Shaoyang agreed, immediately took out a piece of yellow paper and used the cinnabar to trace the rune on the pagoda.

Lin Sansheng looked around and looked around from the valley. He couldn't see the top of the mountain. Naturally, he couldn't see the people on the top of the mountain. However, Lin Sansheng was looking at the hair straight and urged: "You are going to Shaoyang, here. Can't stay for a long time!"

The orange is busy asking: "What did the military officer find?"

Lin Sansheng said: "This terrain is much more terrible than I thought. It is surrounded by mountains and the distance is so close. Only this one exit is easy to be sealed. If the law is assembled, it will fall from the sky. It’s the shackles of the middle, there is no chance at all!”

He constantly urged Ye Shaoyang to hurry.

Ye Shaoyang painted eight runes on the yellow paper and collected it in his arms. Some of them reluctantly asked Lin Sansheng: "Is it so gone?"

"Walk away, hurry, go back and study slowly, there is always a chance to come again!"

Although Ye Shaoyang felt that he was a little too nervous, but did not stop, the three flew away from the valley, however, it was a step later.

A hurricane, blowing from above, the three looked up, two cold light, shot from the peaks on both sides of the front of the valley, falling in front of them in the blink of an eye, hanging in the air, left and right, forming a " x", blocking the way.

Fuck! Was ambushed!

Ye Shaoyang’s reaction to the battle was extremely fast. In the moment when these two cold lights were just formed, they flew out and played two dark gold gods. His heart was clear. Since the other party dared to launch an attack, the momentum of these two auras must not be Unusual, so the shot is a dark gold charm, want to break this mark, go out and say.

The power of the Dark Gold Rune hits the two auras of the "x" shape, and Ye Shaoyang suddenly feels a palm of his hand, and his heart is not horrified: it seems like the momentum!

However, his dark gold charm is not vegetarian. In the moment of contact, the two auras are crushed. However, without waiting for the three to flee, more of the aura falls from the sky, like a flying sword hanging down, constantly forming in front. One after another "x"

x, is the most basic cutting symbol in the Daomen Lingfu, one left and one right, cross each other, which represents a kind of cutting killing. Although the rune is simple, the imperfection contained in it is powerful.

Ye Shaoyang stared blankly at the hundreds of cuts hanging in the air in front of him, and the heart was cold.

"There are also behind!"

The words of the orange reminded Ye Shaoyang that he turned his head and looked at it, not only at the back, but at the top of the mountain in the four directions of front, back, left and right, and there was a constant light falling in the air, hovering in the air, forming a cutting symbol. The scene was spectacular and shocking.

This is the Big Dipper?

Then I gave a definite judgment in my heart: I can form hundreds of cuts at the same time, which is not what humans can do!

"Chong a hand!" Ye Shaoyang said with a bite, pulled out the Qixing Longquan sword, although it seems that there is no hope, but nothing else can be done, can not sit still.

Unexpectedly, Lin Sansheng said: "If you can't get out of it, Shaoyang will quickly fight for defense. It will last for a while!"

Ye Shaoyang understood what he meant. He took out three incense burners specially prepared from his backpack and placed them around him to form the shape of the three pools. Then he quickly took out the three musk and ignited them together. Only the incense burner, then take out the ink fountain, pull out the red line, string the three casting mothers, and use the incense burner as the foot, entwined layer by layer, while constantly chanting the spell:

"Sanqing is on the top, seeing the light, protecting the disciples, and letting the three arches"

Ye Shaoyang is the most concise of the world's three talents. This is the countermeasure that I thought of in advance after I learned that there is a Big Dipper. This is the most initial change of the yin and yang. It is also the most stable and most important. The number of the three and seven pairs is the number of the cymbals in the Dao, which is exactly the same. If it is one attack and one guard, the defense effect will be increased several times.

When Ye Shaoyang arranged, the surrounding "x" began to move, and slowly rushed toward the position of the three people. After they met each other, there was no overlap and crossover, but the corners were combined and connected end to end. A whole.

Innumerable "x", when combined, becomes a grid shape, which is a huge net, covering the three in the middle

Ye Shaoyang finally arranged the Tiandi Sancai array. Three incense burners were wrapped around the cinnabar red line. After the activation of Ye Shaoyang's character, the red line suddenly lit up and looked like an equilateral triangle, protecting the three in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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