Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1992: 1992 Cold War 1

Ye Shaoyang looked at him and said: "I don't want you to say that this is a picture of Shanhe Society."

"Shanhe community map!" Snow Devil screamed, he was not born in the ghost field, once in the yin and yang reincarnation, otherwise it is impossible to speak the human language, but the information in the reincarnation has been erased, The most memorable memory of that paragraph, I don’t want to mention it anymore.

Like other people, the name of Shanhe Society’s map, he had heard it when he was in the world, but he has always been a legendary thing. He never thought that it really existed. He stared at the image of the mountain river in Ye Shaoyang’s hand. Exalted.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Do you know how the Shanhe community map is used?"

Snow Magic did not say anything.

Ye Shaoyang immediately saw that he certainly did not know.

"I have a debut in my debut. My strength is like this. What you see is OK in the world, but the Shura ghost mother and the snake that I met are similar to you, but I have won. It depends on the map of the mountain river community. Once it is unfolded, there will be no evil things that can't be collected. Just now you saw it, and accepted the Tianchi Rakshasa, a blink of an eye."

Snow Magic thought for a moment and said, "What do you want to say?"

"I just took the shot and I will receive you immediately. The ancient fierce snake, at least you can't beat it, and still stay inside."

Xuemo smiled and said: "Then you don't do it, tell me so much?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Because the trick is not an enemy."

There is a strange look in the snow demon look, "Oh?"

"I don't know why you want to kill me, but" Ye Shaoyang pointed out that he was cold, "You want to protect her."

"Of course, I am waiting for this. If you have anything, just say, don't bend around."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Then our goal is the same. I just wanted to kill her from the valley. Everyone in the air world will kill her. I don't say you understand it. I need someone to help me. You just took it. When people come over, they can help me block them."

Snow Magic sneered: "Use my people to help you?"

"Not for me, it is to help cold jade. Otherwise we will play a game, you can try, but I have to remind you that you can't get out when you go in." Ye Shaoyang shook his hand in the mountain river community, said .

Snow Devil looked at the Shanhe Society and his heart was actually doubtful. However, when he saw the Shanhe Society’s map, he immediately thought of the previous Tianchi Rakshasa. This is a living example. And he also paid attention to the expression of Ye Shaoyang, and even some details. It looks really a bit well-informed.

The Snow Devil hesitated and sighed and asked, "Where are you going to take her?"

"Go back to the world first, find a place to hide and say."

Xue Mou said: "If you can't hide, the yin will never let the reincarnation ghost boy exist in the world."

Ye Shaoyang said: "First hide and say, there is no place for me to go anywhere else."

Snow Devil suddenly smiled: "It is better to go to Taiyin Mountain with me. You are a plastic talent, and have a husband and wife relationship with the Ghost Boy. If you return to Taiyin Mountain, you will be reused."

Ye Shaoyang’s heart sank, but for the first time someone told him that this kind of thing was owed to Taiyin Mountain. This is simply crazy that I can't even think about it.

"I haven't lived enough yet. I will talk about it later. In short, you will help me to escape the airspace. Otherwise, I will immediately summon all my doormen to stop fighting with them and come over to deal with you. Everyone will die."

The snow magic turned to look at the valley, just in the mouth of the valley, I saw two people fighting fiercely.

Ye Shaoyang also glanced at it. Although Xiaojiu did not recover from the 10%, it was also a nine-tailed fox, and it was still deadlocked with the shaking of the fairy.

Other doormen are also resisting the attack of the Air Alliance. The gangs really wanted to come out, but the mouth of the valley was small, and after they were occupied by death, there were more people in the back, and they would only be blocked in the moment.

This is also the reason why Ye Shaoyang can calmly say so much. If there is anything wrong with him, he can't give up anyone.

In the snow magic heart, the thoughts flew and said coldly: "I will go to the world to find you, kill you, take your Highness!"

"No problem." Ye Shaoyang shrugged. "But you have to catch up before the sinister finds me, otherwise it will be late."

Ye Shaoyang knows that he will find himself.

Although the world is large, there must be some mysterious connection between the people of Taiyin Mountain and Yan Lengyu. They can perceive her existence. If she is with her, she will definitely be found.

As for the yin, let alone the information on the life and death book, no matter where you hide, you can't hide it.

"You put the Tianchi out!"

"I am afraid this is not possible. I am very dangerous with one enemy. I will let her go after I get out of trouble. I have no hatred with her. What do you say?"

"I am not afraid of you running!"

The snow snorted and slammed the wine gourd and snorted: "Array forward, beware of someone in the valley rushing out!"

All the ghost soldiers rushed over and assembled into a fan shape, facing the valley, so as long as it came out of the valley, it would inevitably hit them first.

Ye Shaoyang immediately activated the soul print of the palm.

Of course, this is not his intention.

His original motive was to flick the snow magic, not to block his own path, so that he could return to the world, otherwise there would be a roadblock in front, followed by a chase, with a cold jade, only a dead end.

After Xue Mou gave his hand to the next line, Ye Shaoyang had a chance to use the Taiyin Mountain to consume the strength of the Air Alliance, just to let his own doormen withdraw and stay away from danger.

"Xiaoyu" Ye Shaoyang walked to the side of Yan Lengyu and reached out to him.

Yan Lengyu immediately tried to quit and sneaked into his eyes, gazing at his eyes and looking hard. He seemed to be searching for memories.

Ye Shaoyang noticed that the suffocating air from her was more intense than before.

Guagua and others, received his signal, did not know what the situation, thought he had something, one by one from the valley. Four treasures, Lao Guo and others, under their greetings, also flew together.

Ye Shaoyang and Yan Lengyu, who are to be dealt with by the Air Alliance, are not chasing after them, but just chasing them together.

Xiaojiu is in Taniguchi, can see the things that are born here, Ye Shaoyang’s previous fights, she all look in the eyes, I want to come to help, and I am afraid that the swaying fairy and other people will let them out, and when they are enemies, they are in danger. The situation, so I have been patient until now, I have noticed the call of Ye Shaoyang. After she and other people have come out, this is the last one to rush to Ye Shaoyang, looking at the snow magic and the ghost soldiers. :"what happened!"

(End of this chapter)

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