Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 1995: The beginning of the 1995 desperation 2

Li Haoran, is not the embarrassed but the two corpses, the reincarnation of the strong.

Because the space on the spire is very narrow, after the three people stand, there is basically no extra space. Although it is a void, it is a bit of a repair that can fly in the air here, but there is no root at the foot, it is impossible to maintain a long-term offensive, otherwise these people have already flown. Therefore, the rest of the empty powerhouse, there is only one choice left: the wind.

The road wind was surrounded by the group and could be seen by Ye Shaoyang. It was because he stood on a pile of corpses. These corpses have monks and priests, and some demons. The blood on the ground flows into the river, although it is not a corpse. The sea, this scene also looks shocking.

Ye Shaoyang saw this scene and thought of two words: Tushan.

The road wind is surrounded by the middle, the firepower is fully open, and all the instruments and spells that can be used are displayed. In the face of the siege of the people, there is no wind and the wind is very hot. From time to time, one person is shaken out. Non-death is hurt.

On a low hill on the side of the valley, several people are meditating or vomiting. Ye Shaoyang saw the old mother of Lishan at a glance, and Su Mo was also in the middle. Needless to say, these were all wounded by the wind and are recovering. .

Ye Shaoyang knows that Lishan’s mother has already lost. There are some elite disciples on the side who are looking at the clothes. They are guarding the law and waiting for them.

Look at the wind, the **** is scattered, the body is broken, the face and body are covered with wounds, but the eyes are bloody, the expression is cruel and full of evil, it seems chilling.

The road wind appeared in the crowd, his eyes flashed and said: "What are you doing back!"

"Help you!" Ye Shaoyang's answer is very simple.

"Childish!" The wind snorted, but the bottom of the eye was a mild color.

In the end, there was no white for him.

The conversation between the two people caused the attention of the sieges. Those who were not in contact with the outside world immediately swooped over to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang immediately leaned back against each other, and each was responsible for the enemy in different directions and launched a defense.

"What to do!" asked Sibao. He is not afraid, but he knows that the purpose of Ye Shaoyang's trip is to save the wind and Yang Gong, not to kill, but now he has been trapped, and at a time he is a little overwhelmed. But fortunately, this is also a lot of pressure for the wind.

"First drag, only wait for the wind to save yourself, or we can't do anything."

The three were prepared, and each of them also showed the strongest means. The siege of them was also a few masters, and some elite disciples under their respective doors. Supporting for a while will definitely be no problem.


Ye Shaoyang heard the roaring sound, turned his head and looked at it. The wind was holding the whip and holding it all the time. He continued to force the people around him to squat down. When he arrived, there was a monk who could not escape. He was smashed by the wind and a whip, and immediately disappeared.

"Master, why are so many predecessors of the predecessors, can't you still have a way?" A disciple of Lishan saw the scene in front of him, and was shocked and said in the ear of Lishan.

The old mother of Lishan has been vomiting for two weeks, and the injury is no problem. However, the recovery of hernia in the body takes a certain amount of time. It is impossible to have the strength to fight with the strong one at a time, and can only watch the battle.

The problem raised by this disciple, Lishan’s mother seriously thought about it.

To say that these people who are besieging him, there are many sects who are arrogant, and some are still the head of the school. Although they are a little worse than the swaying fairy and the Lishan old mother, as long as there are three or four people together Even if the road is strong, it is not an opponent.

"The real battle is not only the hard power." Lishan's mother looked at the road of killing the gods and exclaimed, "If you are harder than the hard power, I will not lose to him, but the space is too peaceful for too long." ”

The disciple blinked his eyes and said: "The disciple is dull and does not understand what the two have to do with each other?"

"Although the space has always been intrigue, but it is all about the heart. For hundreds of years, there has not been any large-scale war, especially the old guys of us, who have been comfortable for too long. We have been concentrating on cultivation and pursuing mana. Progress, but gradually lost the instinct of the battle."

"The instinct of battle?"

"The road from the human side, until the creation of the Valley of the Wind in the ghost field, he has been fighting, never stopped, fighting skills, do not know how many times ahead of us, this is one, and the second is that he is not afraid of death. ”

Although there are many people on the siege, no one has the murderous spirit of the wind, especially after seeing the companion's tragic death. It is even more irritating and more fearful, which has virtually weakened his momentum.

The disciple observed it for a while and nodded slightly: "The disciple seems to understand a little."

Laoshan's old mother said: "Yes, you see them, seeing the tragic death of the same class, immediately the momentum is greatly reduced, the road is killing, the momentum is getting more and more mad, it is impossible to stop. This is the gap between our practitioners and him."

The disciple hesitated: "But, the road is not a Maoshan disciple, why is there such a big gap with us?"

Lishan’s mother looked at the disciple who asked for the question and said, “What is the purpose of your practice?”

The disciple snorted and bowed a little shyly: "Certificate the Broadway"

"Yes, the practitioner must have this kind of heart. But what about the after the avenue?"

The disciple stayed, thought for a while, shook his head, he didn't even know what to do on the Yuanyuan Avenue, let alone what to do after the testimony, and never thought about it.

"Disciple is dull"

"You are not dull, even me, I don't know what to do if I really prove it, but what can I do later. But the different styles of the road, the purpose of his practice is to kill, even if it proves to be a mixed source, or kill!"

The disciple is stunned. “Is this still a practitioner?”

"I don't know, but I see that he was born for murder!"

The purpose of practice is to kill! This is what Lishan's old mother can see. As for the meaning behind this killing, she can't even see it.

The road wind made a gap in the encirclement. The man flew out and rushed to Ye Shaoyang. He did not have such kindness as Ye Shaoyang. He directly slaughtered all the way and wounded several others.

"Shanhe community map!" The road wind reached out to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang stunned. He didn't know what he wanted the Shanhe Society to do, but he had to give him.

The wind turned and left, heading for the pagoda, a vertical body, the fish went up, rushed to the top of the pagoda, and hit the whip against the head of Li Haoran.

(End of this chapter)

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