Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2001: 2001 Donghuangzhong 1

In other words, Xiao Ji’s current actions completely ruined her cultivation. The most important thing is that the two injuries on her body are fatal. If there is no Nedan body, she will die. ......

"How dare she do this!" Lishan's old mother shouted. "For Ye Shaoyang, is it worth it!!"

Shaking the fairy looked at Xiao Jiu, suddenly understood the feeling in her heart, muttered: "Perhaps, it is worth it."

The broken inner Dan instantly gave off a powerful spiritual power and blocked the sword of Li Haoran.

Li Haoran, who has always been insulted, was shocked. He looked at Xiao Jiu in a foolish way and said, "Why is this?"

"No reason. I like him." Xiaoji said weakly.

"I like him" is like a hammer, hitting the heart of Ye Shaoyang. But he was not able to do anything with Xiao Jiu, but he could only cry silently. At this moment, he deeply felt that he was so incompetent...

"Reincarnation ghost boy, isn't he sweetheart?" Li Haoran naturally knows the relationship between Ye Shaoyang and Yan Lengyu.

"How is that, I like him, just like him."

I like him, what does it have to do with him, and what does he have to do with people he likes?

Li Haoran did not move and looked at her slyly. "I am the testimony, the reincarnation of the 10th, the third world is the blasphemy, the seventh world is the way, everything is clear to the chest, and there is also a woman, but I don't know much about men and women. It’s nothing more than a karma on the road. You are blindfolded and you can’t betray others.”

"Even if it is a karma, I also recognize it."

"That is good, I will fulfill you."

Li Haoran's eyes were cold and cold, and the sword in his hand continued to exert pressure, squeezing past the enchantment formed by Xiao Jiu Nei Dan.

Xiao Jiu strives to maintain the enchantment, and the blood in the body flows out from the wound more quickly, sliding down the surface of the tower, and moistening the cast iron of the millennium.

"Shaoyang, I am leaving..."

Xiao Jiu looked at Ye Shaoyang and threw Ye Shaoyang on the ground.

Feelings to the depths of people alone, the fate of the fate to go, the soul flies away nowhere, the millennium waiting for an empty...

The four rumors given by Master Zhishen emerged in Xiaojiu’s mind.

It turns out that it should be at this moment.

After all, make a choice.

Xiao Jiu’s heart was not sad, no struggle, but only after the wisdom of the Zen Master told her the four rumors, she has been uneasy, do not know when the choice comes.

She foresaw that everything would happen in this action at the moment, but I never thought that everything came so fast.

"Little nine!"

Ye Shaoyang just got up and went to save her. Li Haoran's sword broke the enchantment formed by Nei Dan, stabbed the heart of Xiaojiu, gently, and then pulled out.

The sword has pierced the heart, and the demon is like a human being. The heart is broken and the body is dead. He just thought that Xiaojiu was very persistent and very sad. He wanted to fulfill her, but he didn't want her to be so devastated. After all, he still had nothing to hate.

After the sword was pulled out, a slamming sound spurted out another blood.

Xiaojiu’s body swayed twice and almost fell, looking down at Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang flew up and climbed to the top of the pagoda, picked her up, hugged her in her arms, staring at her in a silly manner, tears falling on her face and flowing down her cheeks.

"Tell me, how can I save you, what should I do?"

Xiaojiu shook his head and grabbed Ye Shaoyang’s hand, panting and saying: “You are going.”

"I will take you with you!" Ye Shaoyang wanted to pick her up, suddenly found a trace of anomaly, looked down, suddenly shocked the scene:

The tower is melting!

The blood flow of Xiaojiu is on the iron tower. It seems to be some kind of strong acid. It melts the tower a little bit, first the surface layer, and then melts it a little.

Everyone was shocked again, and they looked at this incredible scene with big eyes.

When the tower melted to a certain extent, the strange runes engraved on the four faces began to brighten, and then, because of too much melting, the entire tower was overwhelmed and collapsed. Ye Shaoyang was holding Xiaojiu and fell to the ground. Fortunately, Ye Shaoyang was prepared, and the force slowed down the pressure of falling. The two landed safely.

Ye Shaoyang first checked the injury of Xiao Jiu and found that he had not bleed, and his heart felt a little relief, and looked up with Xiao Jiu:

After the tower melted, it left a foundation, which was a few times smaller than the original tower. There were two people high and the shape was still like a tower. The whole body was dark, and on the top circle, there were some golden symbols. It was the words on the tower that no one could understand before.

"The demon language..." Xiao Ji looked at these symbols and murmured.


"This is the lost demon script..."

Ye Shaoyang stunned and asked: "No, not everyone has seen it. I don't know what it is. How can you see it at a glance?"

"This is engraved in my memory... Only the demon king who inherits will know that when I was born, I understood this kind of text. No one knows me except me."

It turned out that...Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought that Xiaoji had been trapped in the world for thousands of years. When this pagoda was discovered, she did not see it before. Qingqiushan lost her because she did not have her master. The strange pagoda related to Donghuangzhong.

Only she can understand it in the world, but she has never been here...

"What is written on this?"

"You hold me up, I will go see a few more symbols."

Ye Shaoyang listened to her and said that she was curious about this thing. It seemed that nothing was happening. She was relieved and took her from the ground. She glanced at the cold jade. The cold jade has been Xiaobai and Xueqi. I hugged it up, because I posted three fixed souls, lying straight in the arms of two people, and I was not moved. Ye Shaoyang was relieved.

All the battles stopped for a time, everyone was watching this strange thing, no one came to control what Ye Shaoyang did, even with expectations.

Everyone wants to know what this is.

Even Li Haoran temporarily gave up his intention to attack Ye Shaoyang and stood quietly waiting.

Ye Shaoyang held Xiaojiu and walked around this strange thing. He watched the surrounding Yaozu characters all over again. Seeing Xiaojiu’s daze, Ye Shaoyang looked up and down this strange thing and took a breath and said: “I How do you feel that this thing looks like a clock?"

"East King Bell."

"What?" Ye Shaoyang did not hear clearly.

"Donghuangzhong..." Xiaojiu’s look is also very exciting, because the white face is too ruddy because of excessive blood loss. “I didn’t think that Donghuangzhong was here...”

(Write in the middle of the night, make up the update of the day before)

(End of this chapter)

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