Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2004: 2004 choice 2

After seeing the woman, Qing Qing lived in the cold jade, his face changed slightly, and chased the past. After Qing returned to the safe place, he did not go any further. The son-in-law chased him and stood by him. Chong Ye Shaoyang shouted: "Ye Shaoyang Want your sweetheart, change it with Donghuangzhong! Otherwise I will kill her in an instant!"

After that, with one hand to press the cover of the cold jade, the result of the accident: a hand of Hou Qing, grabbed her hand, said coldly: "You are not allowed to hurt her."

Nvwa changed her mind and refused to be in the presence of a number of people. She said: "After the Qing, you know what you are doing. For a human woman, you really want to give up the future of the corpse!"

Hou Qing whispered: "What are you making, she is in her hands, even if Ye Shaoyang gets the East Emperor Bell, they have to listen to us."

The woman stunned and said: "You are right, but you really don't want to protect her?"

"What happened to the two things?"

The woman snorted: "But I still want to work together on two plans!"

At the moment, he told his men to continue to **** the East Emperor Bell. Her thoughts are very simple. If she can grab the Donghuangzhong, she will grab it. If she can't get it, she will use Ye Rongyu to threaten Ye Shaoyang.

"Donghuangzhong is an empty world, you must not let the corpse get it! Stop them!"

Shaking the fairy stood at the top of the swaying peak, giving orders to the bottom, and immediately the strongmen of the airspace went to block the zombies, and the two sides launched a **** battle. However, the zombies are constantly coming out from the gap between the two mountains. The black people are crushing a group, and they immediately take advantage of the number.

Nüwa sneered: "Since I dare to launch an attack, I am naturally prepared."

In fact, the first wave of her corpse army has already arrived, but it did not go from the valley to the storm, but took advantage of the efforts of several forces, but squatted forward and ambushed in the middle of the two mountains. Waiting for the key moments to advance together.

Once the huge number of corporal army entered the valley, it immediately filled the space. The space powers, the Yin soldiers led by the four gods, and the ghost-picking alliance, retreated to the vicinity of Donghuangzhong and struggled to resist.

Ye Shaoyang turned a blind eye to all this. He looked at him with Houqing. After Qing smiled slightly, it did not bring any hostility, only proud.

芮冷玉, now in his arms.

"Dumb! I believe in you!" Ye Shaoyang said with such a word, Hou Qing was understandable, his eyes flashed, and he remembered his experience as a "dumb", although he saved Ye Shaoyang. Once, even if he did not hesitate to affect the plan of the son-in-law, he also clearly told Ye Shaoyang that he had already saved his life-saving grace, but the sentiment is still there.

Needless to say, his kindness to the cold jade.

Therefore, Ye Shaoyang played an emotional card with him. Although he is very embarrassed and dissatisfied with this result, he still believes that Houqing will never hurt Yan Lengyu. After saying this, he stopped looking at Xiaoyu, but took his gaze back to Xiaojiu. After all, there is no danger under the cold eyes, but the small nine souls are already thin and almost transparent.

Her soul power, all dissolved into the East Emperor Zhongzhong.

Ye Shaoyang felt a strong attraction. He rushed out from the East Emperor Zhongzhong and continued to drill into his body. Gradually, he had a wonderful feeling in his body. It should be an illusion. Everything around him was gone. He seemed to be in the body. Among the oceans, the radius of Donghuangzhong is like a warm wave, and the heat is baking on one layer.

Gradually, he did not see it, but felt the existence of Donghuangzhong in his consciousness, as if he was gradually integrated with himself.

Is this a sacrifice?

Ye Shaoyang was shocked. Why can he sacrifice Donghuang Zhong?

"Shaoyang, Donghuangzhong has been unlocked by my soul. My soul will also be integrated into you. After all, I am connected with soul crystal. Since you are my master, it is also the master of Donghuangzhong, the future road. Very long, I can't stay with you anymore, I can only give you the East King Bell."

"No, no, no, no! I don't want anything, Donghuangzhong, Xiaojiu, I only want you!"

Ye Shaoyang screamed in tears and shouted in tears, but Xiao Jiu’s image was getting thinner and thinner.

"Shaoyang, I have not regretted that I like you." Xiaojiu’s voice, even in the knowledge of God, is as weak as a mosquito.

"Small nine, in fact, I also like your time in the Western Region. When I was holding you, I was very happy." Ye Shaoyang was afraid that he had no chance to say it. He couldn’t help but say quickly. "At the time, I was tempted. If There is still a chance, I really want to be with you!"

"Thank you." Xiao Jiu’s almost transparent soul smiled. "Although it is comforting me, I believe."

"Fox sister, I will send you a ride!"

Shake the fairy to take out the flute, and blew a song that was low and twirling: Wang Zhaojun’s first play on the way to the Western Region. Although she is an opponent of the infighting, although she has never seen the Yaozu, but the actions of the nine-tailed fox have touched the swaying fairy, and also moved the Laoshan and other people, all the wounded on the peak of the light, together Stand up and use his own way to give a small gift to Xiao Jiu. Say goodbye to her.

The flute flutters and is intertwined with the sound of strangulation in the valley. Although there is a great contrast, it also highlights a tragic feeling.

"You once told me that gathering together is a fate, and the best is to force it. Shaoyang, the end is done"

The last trace of the soul of Xiaojiu also dissipated and merged into the Donghuangzhongzhong below.

"Small nine!" Ye Shaoyang sent a cry of heartbreaking.

A generation of nine-tailed fox, the demon of the day, this fragrant disappeared.

The four runes on the East Emperor's bell were completely bright and fluttered around the East Emperor Bell.

The seal of Donghuangzhong was opened, and the original dark outer layer gave off a dark golden glow, and the spirit went straight into the sky.

This ancient legendary instrument, the exclusive of the East Emperor Taiyi, finally revisited the day.

However, all this has nothing to do with Ye Shaoyang. He squats at the top of Donghuangzhong, watching his tears drop on it, and then flowing down, his heart is filled with endless sadness.

In his heart, the world is gone, because Xiaojiu is already dead, and he is integrated with Donghuang Zhongrong.

"Shaoyang, Shaoyang! Things are not over yet, cheer up!"

An eager voice called Ye Shaoyang, forcibly flapping Ye Shaoyang's shoulder and pulling him back to reality. Ye Shaoyang looked up and was Guangzong Tianshi.

"What is going on with me, Xiaojiu is dead." Ye Shaoyang muttered in dismay. If it wasn't for the cold jade, it was still in the hands of Houqing. If it wasn't for Xiaojiu who sacrificed himself to save himself, he really wanted to kill him on the East Emperor's Bell.

(Yesterday's third chapter. Don't worry, don't want to be spoiled, but please believe that Xiao Ji still exists and didn't want to talk about it, but so many people threatened me)

(End of this chapter)

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