Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2007: The new beginning of 2007

Xu Fu

The four were shocked.

The horse returned to the gods, and turned into a white horse, rushing out into the distance. "I went to the Yinsi to report, you go to Xu Fu, no matter how to entangle him!"

Xu Fu, now is the culprits of the Yin Yu’s number one wanted. Once found, everything should be suspended for a while to capture Xu Fu as the first priority!

The black and white impermanence and the bull's head were close to the frog fragments, and Xu Fu's figure was seen from the middle.

"Where is this?" Bai Wuchang asked, and immediately saw the huge object of the spherical body under Xu Fu.


The trio did not say anything, immediately turned around and rushed back, but fortunately they just left, the speed is also very fast, and soon returned to the valley, I saw Xu Fu all the way, black impermanence: "I am going to take you"

The bull's head slammed him with his arm and said, "What do you take, can you hold it, change your lines!"

"Hey Xu Fu took a break!"

The three men flew up and rushed to Xu Fu.

Xu Fu turned to look at the past, took out a judgement pen from the sleeves, wiped it a few times in the air, formed an infinitive symbol, and floated over.

It’s just a note that has been turned into a hand, and it’s blocked by three famous gods.

Xu Fu no longer looked at them, his right hand spread out, holding a large print in his hand, gently glanced, released a stream of light, covering the entire Donghuangzhong from top to bottom, and could not open his eyes in the middle.

The three gods broke the indefinite character and rushed to the past. At this time, the golden light also dissipated.

nothing left.

Ye Shaoyang is gone, Xu Fu is gone, everyone is gone, if these people's disappearance is understandable, then the most incredible thing is that even Donghuangzhong is gone.

"How could this be!" Shaking the fairy and others was shocked, watching this incredible scene, one by one like a copper bell.

Spells are not illusions, not magic.

Donghuangzhong is a physical instrument, and the instrument can be contracted and transformed by mana, but it will never disappear.

"It's over!" White impermanence fell and sighed, "They went out of the world!"

"Outside?" The bulls are puzzled.

"Don't forget that Xu Fu has a mountain seal in his hand. You can break through time and space, and shuttle back. In principle, you can go to any node in time and space! Xu Fu must have taken them all away and went to another time and space. ”

Everyone looks at each other. A ghost behind him asked: "Another time and space, is that the past time?"

"Yes, any dynasty is completely parallel with our world. If there is no mountain seal, we will never find their trace."

Black impermanence looked at the piece of frog mirror that Xu Wenchang gave. This Lingbao, which has three lanes and six lanes, can't be traced. Now it has completely lost its brilliance and is going dark.

“Why did Xu Fu do this?” asked another ghost.

"Ghosts know!" Black impermanence snorted, and suddenly thought that he was a ghost, but he did not know, could not help but sigh. "The teacher is not successful, the teacher is not successful! This is really troublesome, Xu Fu did not catch I also lost the little angel who should be robbed, how can this be good!"

In a word, everyone’s heart, this time is really shameful.

White impermanence sighed: "If I can, I want to travel through time and space, so I don't have to go to the sinister to report."

Everyone couldn’t, and they had to continue to chase the corpse army. The black impermanence on the road kept silent. Suddenly, he said, “Seven brothers, what did you say before, let me have a good time to solve other time and space, will there be people in our time and space?”

White impermanence: "How come, different dynasties, there will be the same people."

"But the yin always has it?"

White impermanence stunned: "That is inevitable. After all, it is the time and space of the past. Everything is developed in accordance with our world. Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, there is nothing wrong with it. Some people have natural sinisters."

Black impermanence: "The problem is coming. Since there is a sinister, there is us, there is Cui Fujun, who is the space of the great emperor, and who is it?"

White impermanently shook and shook his head and said: "It is us, but it is not."

Black impermanence still wants to say something, white impermanence waved and said: "This is not something you and I care about, don't think about it again, we don't understand it."

"So who knows?" Black impermanence showed a strong interest.

Niu Tau said: "I have an adjutant under my hand. I died a long time ago. He is a physicist. He knows a lot of knowledge about this. I listened to what he said about parallel universe. It is very similar to what Qi Ye said. Eight, you can go and talk to him when you go back."

Black impermanence hastily thanked.

The three continued to chase the corpse army.

Ye Shaoyang’s disappearance was also a huge accident for Daofeng. He did not expect Xu Fu to come. He used Ye Haiyin to bring Ye Shaoyang to the past. He couldn’t guess what Xu Fu did, but he was sure that this was done. Ye Shaoyang. Instead, I feel a little relaxed in my heart:

Ye Shaoyang disappeared at this time. In fact, it is the best result. Otherwise, with his character, he will definitely go to the post-Qing to ask for a cold jade. If he fails, he will only die. If he succeeds, he will take a cold jade. Becoming a target of public criticism, at that time, even if it is a sinister, it will not protect him, but will take him everywhere.

And when he returns to the past, these things certainly don't have to be considered. I have also relieved a lot of pressure and can do what I want to do.

Thinking of this layer, the wind is also a lot easier. However, it is another question that comes to mind:

Shaoyang, when can I return to the world, or can he still come back?

The road wind flew out of the valley, found Yang Gongyi and others, and together they took out the scope of the star sea.

No one is tied, and with their strength, they are also free to come and go in the army.

When he escaped, he only thought of a very important question: he was in the valley before, and he was thinking about the disappearance of Ye Shaoyang, but he ignored the existence of a person: Li Haoran.

When Donghuangzhong was ringing, he was clearly by his side. Although there was no fight, but when things settled and he left the valley, Li Haoran did not come out to block him. He did not even see him. This is not in line with common sense.

The road wind wants to think about it. I feel that Li Haoran may have hurt his left hand. His strength is not as good as it used to be. He is not sure to keep himself. He simply went to recover from injury. With Li Haoran's character, this is very possible. After hundreds of years of reincarnation, he has a much lighter concept of time than the average person and will not be in a hurry to take revenge.

However, the road wind still thinks of another possibility, if it is really like Ye Shaoyang can be troublesome.

1 Regarding the plot, I said before, I will write according to my own thoughts. Can you not see the deep meaning of doing this? Why should you write cold jade like this and let Xiao Ji go to sacrifice? In fact, the easiest thing to do is to let Shaoyang do all the work on Lengyu, and then 2 about Shaoyang, there are many weaknesses in the positive positives, many problems, but this is more real, after all, I want to write, not A perfect high-ranking hero, but a human master with flesh and blood and weakness. Then accompany him to rob the testimony, continue to improve, and after watching, he will grow to which step. 3 Regarding the new plot, it is the Republic of China volume, and will join many real-life stories of the Republic of China. Please accept the book in the volume, Republic of China: the golden age of the Master. Finally, the number of chapters in the brackets is not counted and can be counted.

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