Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2009: The 2009 cousin 1

Because of the age, the time has passed, and the era has been marked by the war, many old ghosts have been forgotten in the corner of history.

However, that era was an era of frequent and extraordinary events.

The monks who are occupied by the Taoist temples, regardless of whether they have the ability to catch ghosts and demon, most of them are playing the sign of the Master, walking the rivers and lakes, better than the meal.

However, the risk is still very big. If you encounter a evil demon who can't cope with it, one will explain it accidentally.

However, there are still masters who have the skills. At the time, materialism was not rooted in China. The people were still convinced of the ghosts and gods. The attitude toward the Master was also extremely admired. This included many warlord dignitaries. It was not unusual to do a good job in order to do a ritual. .

The ghost that can't be finished, the demon that can't be finished, in a sense, this era of chaos is also the golden age of the Master.

Floating in a vast red sea, Ye Shaoyang's consciousness is vague, and as the waves go up and down, slowly move forward.

In the distant sky, there is a shadow of the road, which looks like a mountain, hidden in the middle of the clouds.

Didn't wait for Ye Shaoyang to look at it clearly, a familiar voice rang behind him: "Shaoyang!"

Ye Shaoyang was shocked. Looking back, she was cold and jade. She wore the tight-fitting leather coat she had worn when she first met. She was long and fluttering, and she looked like a female agent, standing in the middle of the sea and slowly sinking. Going down, only revealing his head and a pair of hands.

"Shaoyang, save me", Leng Yu said with difficulty, his eyes filled with hope, and he asked for help.

Ye Shaoyang immediately swam past, and at this moment, another familiar voice came from his left side: "Shaoyang"

Looking around, it’s Xiaojiu. Like Yulongyu, she floats in the water and struggles constantly. She only has despair in her eyes, and she has not asked Ye Shaoyang for help. She only said one sentence: “To save the cold jade ”

Ye Shaoyang looked around and saw that both of them were hanging on the line and they would sink, but there was a strong distance between them. Ye Shaoyang had a strong feeling: he could only save one person!

Save the cold jade, or small nine?

Ye Shaoyang is caught in a painful struggle. At this time, he saw a black giant wave, rushing from a distance, at this speed, it will certainly come over within ten seconds.

Must save one!

This thought emerged in the heart of Ye Shaoyang. I want to save my heart and save one. At least I can't let both of them die. Save one, but save?

In this difficult choice, Ye Shaoyang’s heart is always struggling, and there is no way to make a decision. He can't accept one and sacrifice one. The huge waves slammed over and drowned the cold jade and Xiaojiu together.

"Do not!!"

Ye Shaoyang shouted and slammed up and opened his eyes.

Everything is gone. There are no waves, no cold jade and small nine. Ye Shaoyang opened up and understood that he had made a dream.

He gasped for a while, looked around and found himself in a completely strange room. The room was quite broken and there was no light. Ye Shaoyang looked in the darkness: a desk, a wooden cabinet, and this sleeping. The beds are all wood and look old.

What is this place? Why are you here?

Ye Shaoyang stunned, and in the faint brain, the memory began to recover. He remembered the battle of the airspace and remembered the last scene: he used a mana to ring the East Emperor Bell, and then collapsed and seemed to faint. That's right, that's my last memory. But where are you now?

Ye Shaoyang wanted to come and think that the biggest possibility was that he was saved. After all, his little friends were there at the time, and of course they could not leave themselves alone.

Ye Shaoyang feels that the first thing that should be confirmed is that which space is empty, ghost, or human?

Ye Shaoyang held up his body and wanted to sit up. As a result, the general pain was torn under the ribs, causing him to sneak into the bed and turn it over for a long time.

In the pain, he thought that this is the wound left by the fingers of the cold jade: injured in the air, even if the projection returns to the world, the wound of the meat will still exist. It is also based on this point that Ye Shaoyang judged that this place is human, because the pain of this tearing jump is only the flesh.

"Hey, is there anyone?" Ye Shaoyang lay down for a long time, feeling better, and couldn't help but shouted loudly. What he thought was that no matter where it was, the little friends couldn't leave this wounded person alone. It must be nearby.

Sure enough, the door slammed open. Ye Shaoyang was on the bed and heard two footsteps. He couldn’t lift his head and asked, "Who is it?"

"Oh, your cousin finally woke up, Amitabha, Bodhisattva bless, I think he hurt so much, I thought he couldn't live. Hey, wake up, wake up."

A female voice of a pointed door chattered, with a strong accent of the northern dialect, Ye Shaoyang can understand, my heart is confused: cousin? What the hell?

Driven by the great curiosity, Ye Shaoyang stood up and looked up. He saw an oil lamp and looked at the eyes of two people. One was an old lady. He looked like Ye Shaoyang when he was a child in the Dream of Red Mansions. The Liu Wei, a mouthful of **** teeth.

The other is a woman who looks like she is thirty years old. She can still have a long hair. There is a beautiful woman on her left eyebrow and a lot of freckles on her face, but the overall look is still beautiful.

Ye Shaoyang did not pay attention to her appearance, but the dressing of the two women: both of them wore a light-colored pair of cloaks, and the hair was combed back and rolled up. This dress Ye Shaoyang can't describe it, how to say it, anyway, it is the kind of woman dressed in the past that is often seen in movies.

Female ghost?

Ye Shaoyang's instinctive first reaction, but not at first glance.

The two women stared at him with a smile, and the old woman like Liu Wei spoke again: "After, how are you?"

"You are this who are you?" Ye Shaoyang muttered.

The old woman snorted and looked at the slightly charming young woman.

The young woman took a look at Ye Shaoyang and said to the old woman: "He has a fever of 80%, and he has been sleeping for a few days, even I don't know." Turning head to Ye Shaoyang said: "I am your cousin."


(Tonight, I’m a friend of the night, I’m going to have two chapters. I try not to drink alcohol. If I come back early, I will write it later.)

(End of this chapter)

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