Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2041: 2041 Crawler 1

Second, he is very prestigious among these brothers. The third knows that he can't hold back people at a time. When he is the boss, he is likely to be counterproductive.

However, the most important reason is his self-protection mentality: there is Wu Lianchang in front of him, in the future, even if something changes, the first unlucky one is him, he can run, can’t run, can also Changing the flag is easy to change. Generally speaking, this kind of talent of the master class is popular everywhere. Therefore, it is wise to do this three times.

Ye Shaoyang took advantage of their blood and wine, and gathered in the ear of Cuiyun. He whispered something. Cuiyun looked at him with shock and looked at him. Ye Shaoyang nodded and lowered his voice. "Don't ask anything, Believe me."

A dozen of bandits had finished drinking blood and wine, as if they had done something big, they were all very excited, and some rhetoric, I wish I could go down the mountain, but it was still raining outside, only to stay.

A soldier said that he was a little hungry, so he looked for Laowan and they wanted something to eat. Lao Wan, who witnessed the process of killing people and determined to go to the bandits, had already scared the courage, dared not hide, took out the food in the backpack, and gave them to the deserters.

Everyone ate something, and three went to Wu Lian’s ear and looked at Lao Wan and others. He said, “Big brother, we are going to be bandits. There is no money to buy and sell. Waiting for us to do it, it’s exercise. A bit of skill."

Wu Lianchang hesitated for a moment, his face sank, and walked to the front of the old Wanwu people. He said: "The country has no way. I don't want to give the warlord a life. I plan to stand on my own side, lack some funds, and I hope that all the fellow sponsors will sponsor it. ”

When Lao Wan and others listened, they suddenly became dumbfounded. They looked at each other and did not speak for a while. These deserters turned into bandits in the blink of an eye...

Wu Lianchang smiled and said: "Don't let you bother. Just open the baggage and let me wait for my own inspection. Advise the fellows, don't be smart. I can't be a vegetarian."

Then he greeted two people and walked to the old man with a gun.

The old Wan Lao tears, and had to open the backpack, shaking his hands and taking out the money bag. Although taking his money is more uncomfortable than cutting meat, but after all, life is more important.

After taking the old Wan’s money bag, several soldiers swarmed up and turned his baggage baggage to the sky, looting the valuable things. This only let him go, came to Chen Maozi, Chen Maozi has been at this point, and there is nothing good, so I have to send the money.

After the turn of Cui Yun and Ye Shaoyang, several soldiers saw Ye Shaoyang lying on the ground, motionless, kicked and kicked, said: "What happened?"

"He, he was scared." Cui Yun lowered his head.

Several soldiers laughed and didn't care, let Cui Yun take the money out. Cuiyun hesitated to take out a bulging bag of money and pleaded for them to leave some.

The soldiers carried the money bag and poured all the money into the ground. There were a lot of oceans, at least a few hundred, and a few people looked straight. Three also came over and asked why Cui Yun had so much money.

Cuiyun rubbed his face with both hands and choked, telling them, "This is my cousin who sold the land and the house at home. With money, I want to go to Jiangxi to run a relative and find a way out. It’s all here, how many bosses are there? Leave us a little..."

Of course, several soldiers ignored. A soldier pointed to Ye Shaoyang lying on the ground and smiled: "There is a way out. You can do good with us, but you are brave enough, that is not acceptable."

The money bag was installed, and several soldiers finally came to the front of the two eggs. The two eggs had already turned the money bag out, but only a few oceans.

A soldier immediately lifted the gun and put him on the gun. He said, "You are not honest!"

The two egg tarts slammed into the ground and pleaded with enthusiasm: "The bosses, I really have no money. I originally came out to find a job. As a result, the money I gave to my father gave me the loss in the bureau. I really have no money, I just want to go out to hide... The bosses know that people really have no money."

Suddenly, the second egg thought of something, said: "I am going up the mountain with you, anyway, I am also a bad life, I want to get involved, go up the mountain with you, ask the lords to complete."

The two eggs licked the heads of the soldiers in front of them.

With the gun on his soldier, he turned his head and explored the direction of Wu Lianchang and the three.

"Don't be so rude." Three made a gesture of shooting.

After seeing the two eggs, they waited for the soldiers in front of them to clog and cried: "The bosses, I have clues to provide, I am on the side of this girl, she has three yellow croakers!"

The soldiers heard it and shocked.

Cuiyun was soft on the ground, bowed his head and shivered.

Three looked at her and replied: "Crumbling, an ordinary woman, how can there be three yellow croakers!"

The second egg cried: "It's true, the boss, she talked to her cousin on the road, I heard, she wrapped three yellow croakers around her waist... I can't eat the yellow croaker..."

"Two eggs, you are not a human!" Cuiyun screamed in a rage.

"I'm really in stock!" Three were also surprised, let everyone go away, and they went to Cuiyun and stared at her bloated waist: "Get it out, what are you waiting for!"

Cuiyun squinted and cried, and Ye Shaoyang was not willing to pay the money.

There is nothing in the third, and the head does not return to the ground: "kill her man."

"I take it, I take it!" Cui Yun cried and squatted in front of Ye Shaoyang, picked up her clothes, untied the burlap strips around the circle, and took out three yellow gold bars from the inside.

"Hey! There are really guys!" Three took three yellow croakers in their hands, and they measured it. It was real gold, so they threw it to the brother behind him, and said to the second egg: "Thank you."

Two egg tarts smirk, hoes like garlic.

Three raised his hand and pulled the bolt. He was shot at him and shattered his head on the spot.

"Ah!" Cuiyun screamed again.

The soldiers were also shocked and asked three: "What did you kill him?"

"Not only to kill him, everyone here has to kill the light, they have seen our appearance after all, and know our origins."

After this sentence, Lao Wan and Chen Maozi burst into tears and kneeled on the ground and begged for mercy.

Three staring at Cuiyun's waist, after the burlap strips were untied, her slender waist was revealed.

Three ways: "Look up."

Cuiyun didn't dare to go, so she had to lift her head.

Because of a rain, the makeup on her face that was used to deliberately hide her appearance had already been spent, and was drenched by the rain.

(End of this chapter)

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