Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2051: The 2051 Soul of the Soul 1

However, just when they made a judgment and planned to protect their companions, the door suddenly opened, and a mahogany sword flew in the air, stabbing the little ghost opposite Ye Shaoyang, the inertia of the mahogany sword flying from a distance, the little ghost directly I ran out, but it was a coincidence that Ye Shaoyang’s yin and yang mirror had a blow. In midair, the little ghost screamed, spit ghosts, and flew the mahogany sword. He glanced at Ye Shaoyang and flew out the window.

The two ghosts behind Ye Shaoyang and above the head, seeing their companions out of danger, do not need to rescue themselves, temporarily change their minds, and rushed over Ye Shaoyang.

This sudden change, disrupted Ye Shaoyang's plan, in a hurry, Ye Shaoyang rushed forward, almost at the same time as he stepped, a ghost hand was shot on his shoulder, Ye Shaoyang was a spirit, forward Going down, the ghost hand just passed down his back, and the sour and numb feeling spread instantly. Ye Shaoyang took a nap and rolled forward a circle, hitting a few pieces of copper coins with one hand. Temporarily resist it.

Just then, several priests rushed in from the door. The foremost one was in their forties, the black beard, and the dust in his hand, followed by a few young priests like his disciples.

After the black priest entered the house, he looked up and saw a few ghosts and immediately shouted: "Array!"

Several disciples immediately spread out on both sides, one by one holding a mahogany sword, and looking nervously at the three evil spirits in the room.

The evil spirit took a sigh of relief, sitting cross-legged on the ground, his hands sealed, and he used the suffocating gas to expel the ghosts on his back.

People are different. Even if a ghost touches a person, it will immediately cause bruises, not to mention that he has just finished a palm. Ye Shaoyang now has a low mana and is afraid of the spread of ghosts. After seeing the arrival of the rescuers, he immediately sat down and began to practice.

The three little devils are not without IQ. This time, they can't take care of Ye Shaoyang. They look around and see each other. The three people stand together and rush toward the black priests.

"The enchanting dare!" The black priests shouted, and many of the disciples around them immediately shrank toward the middle, holding the mahogany sword one by one, and stabbed the three little devils according to the rules of some arrays.

The three little devils blocked it and shook the two priests, then flew sideways and drilled out through the window.

"Poor and chasing!" The black priests ordered that all the disciples stood still until the three evil spirits flew away. The black priests looked down and looked at Ye Shaoyang and said, "Who?"

Liu Si and Liu Laohan had never seen the evil spirits before, but they heard the laughter of the evil spirits and the battle of the fight. They scared to shrink in the corner and did not dare to move. The black priest suddenly asked this question, and this came back. Liu Si immediately got up, snoring against the black priests, then plunged into the bed and looked at his unmoving son, a little overwhelmed.

"I have seen Zhang Daochang, my children don't know."

Zhang Daochang walked over and looked at the child, grabbed his wrist, and used a sigh of gas to perceive it. He spit out his breath: "Fortunately, nothing is wrong, but the soul is weak and fainted."

Turning around and looking at Ye Shaoyang, who is still on the ground and trying to make a ghost, he said: "Who is he?"

"He is the guilt of Liu Laobo's family. He said that he came from a Taoist priest from Maoshan. He heard about the affairs of my family Xiaoshun. If you want to come over and see it, you will be in trouble. Thanks to Zhang Dao, he will not be able to imagine it."

Zhang Daochang frowned and said coldly: "As the saying goes, I don't bother with the two masters, Liu Si, I see you poor, only to help you, how do you find someone else halfway, I help you not for money, not for the name I only want to find a yin, I am not afraid that you will find someone to help, but you have to find a mana, otherwise it will be counterproductive and will only delay the life of your child."

"Yes is." Liu Si saw Zhang Daochang angry, and almost rushed down, and he did not pay for it. He said that he did not want to find this Taoist help, but only because of the face of Liu Laotou, let this young man come to see Look, I didn't expect him to be in trouble when he shot, and he regretted it in his heart.

Liu Si said, but he was afraid that Zhang Daochang did not believe it, and pulled out Liu Laohan to let him appear. Liu Laohan also had some regrets in his heart. He did not pay for it. He also explained to Ye Shaoyang: "He is also kind, but he did not expect ghosts to be so difficult to deal with."

"Good heart! If you killed this child, is it still good?"

Liu Laohan was a slogan.

Ye Shaoyang stood up and slammed out the last glimpse of the ghost that was forced out and contained in his mouth. He looked up at the Zhang Daochang and said, "Is the lesson better?"

Zhang Daochang stared at him and said with a condescending attitude: "Is it right? Is it wrong? I think you are at most a alchemist. I want to deal with three evil spirits. In a common saying, the capital of two or two silvers also wants Do you buy and sell gold?"

Ye Shaoyang is a bit speechless and angrily: "You still think that you saved me, right?"

Zhang Dao said: "Is it not?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled bitterly. "If you didn't suddenly come in and shoot at the little devil, I would kill it, and even kill the other two in one fell swoop, but it is good to read it, forget it."

Zhang Daochang laughed and laughed, and the disciples around him also laughed together.

"It’s all here, it’s still so big!"

"It's really stubborn. If my master saved you, you have now been killed by evil spirits!"

Zhang Dao’s mouth also floated a helpless and contemptuous smile. He waved his hand to the disciples and told them not to talk about it. He said to Ye Shaoyang calmly: "I have seen many young people like you, some teenagers. When the mage learned the fur of the spell, he thought that he was invincible in the world. What kind of evil spirits and demon would dare to challenge, and sooner or later he would have to suffer a big loss. It is very likely that he will sacrifice his life, the law of monasticism, care for the peace of mind, and analyze the situation. I will do what I want, I hope to be useful to you."

These words are calm and calm, and there is no deliberate irony. They just stand on the identity of a predecessor and educate their younger generations. However, this gesture of teaching has always been condescending.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged helplessly.

Zhang Daochang said: "What brand are you, Alchemist?"

Ye Shaoyang didn't want to lie, but when he said that the fairy immortal, it was a bit shocking, so he said, "Tian Shi."

Zhang Daochang several disciples snorted. "As long as you are still a master, dreaming?"

(End of this chapter)

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