Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2063: 2063 another rider 3

Li Haoran put down his hand, which made Qiu Yazi very surprised. He felt that he was not walking, and he was not playing. He could not speak for a while.

"Let you teach me to see me, I am very annoyed, my patience is limited." Li Haoran's tone is still so light, but stopped in the ears of Qiu Yazi, but with an irresistible pressure.

Qiu Yazi stared at Li Haoran for a while, then turned and walked into the door leading to the backyard.

As soon as he left, several of his inner disciples were even more embarrassed. Originally, several people were gearing up and wanted to teach the guy who dared to squat on the mountain gate. As a result, his master Qiu Yazi was defeated by a move. I ran away and didn't give them any care. These inner-door disciples looked at each other and didn't know what to do. Had to be stupid and standing still.

Li Haoran did not look at them at all, continued to open the Taoist, and looked up.

After a cup of tea, Qiu Yazi came back. This time he came not only with himself, but with three Taoists.

Several inner-door disciples of Qiu Yazi were shocked when they saw the four of them coming in together.

This includes four people, including Qiu Yazi. They are the four disciples of Taohuashanjiao. They are not the supervisors or the abbots. The four are the quasi-Tianshi tablets. They usually accept the disciples and fight against each other. time. Unexpectedly, for an uninvited guest, the four strongest people in Taohuashan were dispatched together. However, more than they think is still behind:

Immediately after entering the door, the four men stood in a row, and a passage was made in the middle. An old man in a gray robe slowly walked over.

"Teach the adults!"


Everyone cried in surprise. They know that the mana that teaches adults is only one step away from the realm of immortals. Recently, it coincides with the chaos of the world, and they simply closed the door and thanked the guests. They practiced retreat in the mountains. Even these inner disciples have not seen the old man for a long time. I didn't expect to actually go out for the rushing people in front of me.

What they didn't know was that Qiu Yazi immediately understood the gap between him and Li Haoran after he lost to Li Haoran. Seeing that he insisted on seeing the teacher, there is no way. Qiu Yazi understands that if this matter is not taught, their four disciples will go together, fearing that it is not the opponent of this person. There is no way to go to the retreat of the mountain to find a report.

After listening to the teaching, I also felt that this matter was embarrassing, and I did not dare to neglect and summoned the four disciples to come over.

"The poor roads and the mountains and rivers, not only take the position of the peach blossoms and palms, just listen to the disciples, and respect the driving to see the poor road, I don't know what?"

In this era, the new cultural movement is over. The ordinary people's words are basically vernacular, but the real people of Shanhe are clear before, and they don't touch people very much. The words are still a bit of a taste of the past.

Li Haoran’s eyes were recovered from the Taoist scriptures and fell on the real people of Shanhe. He said: “How many generations of Zizu Zhenjun?”

The mountain river is a real person, instinctively glanced at the statue of the gods around, the most middle one is the purple robe Zhenjun, which is the first generation of Taohuashan.

"The thirteenth generation of the purple robes of the poor road."

"Thirteen generations, there are quite a few." Li Haoran looked at the statue of Zidou Zhenjun, said, "You are not like this god, the purple robe is not so elegant, he is a purple sable, a pointed monkey, described as wretched..."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was discolored.

The real people of Shanhe are very well-recognized. Hearing that he insulted himself to send his ancestors, he couldn’t help it. He spread a hand and his palms flowed purple. It was a call of Ziwei Tianhuo that was summoned by the seal, as if born out of thin air, this hand, It is also his school.

Li Haoran glanced at his palm and shook his head. "It's really a generation that is not as good as a generation. The purple robe was a very spiritual fairy. His generation passed down, and even the immortals are not..."

The mountains and rivers are full of anger and anger: "You can deceive me, dare to deceive my ancestors, and the mountain people dare to be angry!"

Lifting the palm of his hand and taking a picture of Li Haoran.

Li Haoran gently lifted a hand and wiped it across the air. The spiritual power seemed to be born out of thin air, forming an enchantment.

The hands of the real people of Shanhe hit the top, and the purple flames overflowed. After the body, the disciples were moved by the aftermath. The eyes were fixed, and Li Haoran did not move. The enchantment in front of him was under the simmer of the Ziwei Tianhuo. .

This scene deeply shocked the real people of the mountains and rivers.

"Don't you know, the true body of Zipao Zhenjun?" Li Haoran also had some accidents, and asked.

"You... you insult..."

"The heart is moving at random, the purple gas is coming from the east. If it is constant in the curse, it is broken in the technique, and it is in the mountains. It may not be more than enough. It will be Shaoyang and not in Shaoyin..."

Li Haoran read this and lived in the mouth, looking at the real people.

The real people in the mountains and rivers heard the passage of his reading, and suddenly they were stunned. The four disciples behind him were also screaming.

"You...how do you know that I am in the mouth of the Taohuashan, what kind of person are you?" asked the people in the mountain river to eat.

"I used to preach under the Donghua Mountain. Zi Yan listened to my preaching for three years. I realized that this piece of mind was passed on to him and let him open the school. You are the Taobao Mountain Gold Treasure in the Taohuashan Town. With him, I am your founder, see me today, don't you visit?"

Shanhe really looked at him stupidly, his lips trembled: "You are..."

Li Haoran raised his left hand and stroked a few strokes in the air. He sprayed a green gas from his fingertips and formed a shape of a bull's head over his head. His aura was like a light.

"You are... the ancestor of the Qingniu!" The people of the mountain river called, "Impossible, it is impossible! The young ancestor is a man thousands of years ago..."

Li Haoran raised his hand like a flower, and the **** gently flicked, and the head of the cow, which was made up of the air above his head, suddenly made a long sound.

Everyone, including the real people of Shanhe, felt trembled and softened, and all of them were kneeling in front of Li Haoran.

The real people of Shanhe really know that it can’t be faked. The other party is really a young ancestor...

The self-proclaimed ancestor of the Taohua Mountain, Zizu Zhenjun, is just one of the disciples of the Qingniu ancestor, not the best one. After one hundred years, it is only qualified to give shoes to the young ancestors.

The mountain river really cried with excitement, his head squatting on the ground, and fell to the feet of Li Haoran.

"I don't know where the founder came, and the disciple died..."

Li Haoran’s face is still not shocked, saying: “Take me to your home.”

The mountain river real man's sanctuary, located on the highest peak of Taohua Mountain, is not a general secret room, but a four-sided airy pavilion, built on the top of the cliff, from which you can overlook the panoramic view of Taohua Mountain, and the Feng Shui is in full view.

(End of this chapter)

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