Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2065: 2065 another passer 5

However, Li Haoran had a supernatural power, but he did not know how to go back. In the end, he thought about it and came up with the same conclusions as Sibao and Wu Jiawei: all this is because of Ye Shaoyang, and Xu Fu could not leave Ye Shaoyang here completely. No matter, so only find Ye Shaoyang, you can find Xu Fu, find Xu Fu, have the opportunity to leave the world!

Xu Fu! !

Li Haoran bit his teeth and screamed Xu Fu in his heart. He has decided that if he sees Xu Fu in the future, he must kill him to report today's revenge!

However, all this is only to find Ye Shaoyang first.

Ye Shaoyang is completely ignorant of all this. I don't know that there are so many people looking for him. I don't even know that my friends and enemies have come to this world. He is just continuing to act according to his own plan.

Ye Shaoyang was invited by Zhang Daochang to chat in the Qingfeng view. In the face of Zhang Daochang’s inquiries, Ye Shaoyang did not dare to say that he was traversing from the future world. After all, this era did not have the culture of crossing one hundred years later. Most people still could not understand through this kind of thing. Ye Shaoyang did not want to pay too much. The tongue to explain, just tell Zhang Daochang, he was originally a heavenly master, for some reason, now the mana is greatly reduced, so it seems that only the strength of real people.

For this explanation, Zhang Daochang is convinced. The strength that Ye Shaoyang showed in his previous practice, whether it is the firmness of the Tao or the skill of the practice, is far from being a real person.

After learning the truth, Zhang Daochang’s attitude towards Ye Shaoyang was even more respectful. The two of them talked for a while, and Zhang Daochang did not care about his age as soon as he was jealous, and took the initiative to call him a brother.

"Xiandi, what are you planning to come to Jiangxi today?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and said: "I don't care, I am going to Longhushan, see a predecessor, I have something to look for."

When Zhang Daochang heard it, he was even more depressed: "Longhushan is in Yingtan, in the northeast of Jiangxi, why did the younger brother come to our central side?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled bitterly: "It’s a bit embarrassing to say this..."

At the moment, I first met the war, and then I was told by the bandits. Zhang Daochang heard that he was because he had no money. When he wanted to go to the public hall to fight for the corpse and make money, he couldn’t help but laugh. With a thumbs up, he said: "Ye, the younger brother, I have seen the lack of money in selling the fields and selling the house. I want to rely on the corpse to earn the toll. I really heard it for the first time."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged: "Then I have any way, I will only catch ghosts and demon, but now it is a chaotic world, no one is watching feng shui, and so on."

Zhang Daochang said: "It’s hard to make money without rushing."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I know, if I have other methods, I will not do this."

Zhang Daochang laughed and personally picked up the teapot and gave Ye Shaoyang the water. "Ye, brother, if you don't give up, I will lend you this entanglement."

"Do you lend me?"

"You and I are at the same door, even if it is a river and lake emergency, Ye Laodi has to borrow, then it is a loan."

Ye Shaoyang hesitated and said that he did not need much entanglement... If Zhang Daochang could lend himself, he would solve a big problem for himself, and he would not have to go to Yizhuang, but Ye Shaoyang himself did not think that he was a person of this world. It is really not good to owe others, so as not to know how to return in the future.

When Zhang Daochang saw him hesitating, he immediately guessed his thoughts. At the moment, he enthusiastically agreed to Ye Shaoyang.

"Just do it, Ye Laodi, you don't have to be polite with me, although my breeze is not a money house, but there is still a bit of money, you and I have a fate, I will call you a leaf brother, I am a guest here. When I left, I didn’t even send it, it’s not a joke.”

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and said that he had to comply. The moment he said: "It is said that, but in my case, it is not good for your money. If you have anything to help, I can make some effort."

Zhang Daochang immediately said no.

After drinking the tea, Zhang Daochang was going to collect the apprentice. Ye Shaoyang also wanted to go to Cuiyun and told her that Zhang Daochang had sponsored the money, so they went to Sishen Village together. Ye Shaoyang asked Zhang Daochang to go to Liu Si’s home to go to the house and went to Liu Laohan’s home.

Liu Laohan went home one step earlier and said that Ye Shaoyang’s deeds had been told to his wife and Cuiyun. The heart of Cuiyu’s hanging has finally been put down. Liu Laohan and his wife were not excited. They received Ye Shaoyang enthusiastically. Liu Laotai was afraid that Ye Shaoyang was tired. He also cooked a few grass eggs. He had to let him eat and made Ye Shaoyang very embarrassed.

As he spoke, Liu Si’s wife came over to the door and asked them to go to the house to eat. The children were fine. The stones that had been hanging over their hearts for a long time were also falling. For Ye Genyang, the benefactor, naturally wants to be entertained.

Liu Laotai is also very excited. The last two women together, they cook at Liu Laotai’s house, and everyone gathers at noon.

Although there are not many dishes in the village, there are many wild vegetable mushrooms and some wild game from the mountains. The two women are eager to pack up. Cuiyun looks at itching and helps.

At noon, several women tossed out a table of farmhouse dishes, opened an old wine brewed by the family, and hosted Ye Shaoyang and Zhang Daochang. Zhang Daochang was pleased and gave the ceremonial ceremonies. He gave Liu Wu a handful of Yang Gongpan as a gift.

Ye Shaoyang also gave him a bloodstone pendant made by himself. Liu Si and his wife are very happy and propose to let the children recognize Ye Shaoyang as an uncle. Ye Shaoyang almost didn't have a sip of wine.

Liu Wude is a peer with his master, or a good friend. He called him a teacher, so that such an elder would call his uncle, Ye Shaoyang worried that he would lose his life and had to make an excuse to push it.

After dinner, Ye Shaoyang took Cuiyun and said goodbye to the two families. He followed Zhang Daochang to his Taoist temple and then set off from there.

The two couples reluctantly sent them to the entrance to the village. When they were about to separate, Liu Laohan pulled Ye Shaoyang aside and stuffed a small thing into his hands.

Ye Shaoyang looked down and looked at it. It was a big ocean. He smiled on the road: "My uncle, the goods I sent from the nephew, I will accept it, but the money is still forgotten, and your family is not rich, which is not appropriate."

Liu Laohan put the ocean in his hand and said seriously: "This is not the general money. This is the token that my nephew Liu Zhenyun gave me."

"Liu Zhenyun... Oh, think of it, that commander Liu!" Before that, when he was a leather/life force, he later fell into the grass and became the head of the big bandit. In Ye Shaoyang's heart, this person is really a bit legendary, so the impression is quite deep.

(Write two chapters on the train, people in Changsha, go home on the 3rd)

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