Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2067: 2067 to Yizhuang 2

Ye Shaoyang said: "There will be a few more people, and it will be all the way."

Zhang Daochang sighed: "There are not enough people. Recently, there are many people who are riddled with horses. There are many dead people. Several rushing corpses are rushing to the corpse. There is only one corpse on the mountain. I want to wait for the rest to catch the corpse, but the time is not enough. Second, even if there is a magical blessing, there is no way to seal the body for a long time..."

When Ye Shaoyang heard this, he really understood it and said: "The brother wants me to help this."

Zhang Daochang said: "With your brother's strength and insight, if you have this corpse, there will be problems. The most important thing is that this group of bodies is just going northeast, where you are going. It’s a smooth road, so..."

"That's fine, anyway, I will go if I go." Ye Shaoyang readily agreed.

Zhang Daochang did not expect him to promise so simply, staring at him and saying: "Brother, are you really willing to help?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "What is wrong with this, it is not a big deal."

"The younger brother is righteous! Then there is a young man!"

Zhang Daochang also told him some details. Originally, this matter has been delayed for a long time. Since Ye Shaoyang promised, of course, the sooner the better. Ye Shaoyang proposed this to go to work.

Zhang Daochang called two Taoist children, helped Ye Shaoyang carry his luggage, and several people went out together to go to the public hall.

Gongzhuang Yizhuang is away from the mountain road of the Qingfeng view for dozens of miles. The road is idle and idle. Ye Shaoyang excuses himself to keep in the mountains, and he does not know much about the outside world. He inquired about the situation of today's magical circles.

Zhang Daochang has limited status and cannot reach the upper floors of several major sects. However, because he is mixed in the world, he still has some understanding of the general situation. He talks along the way and tells his own understanding to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang listened very seriously.

As for the situation of the magical circles in the Republic of China, he also read it from the records of the classics, but the records in the classics are mostly in the middle of the upper echelons of the major sects, as well as some unusual anecdotes that are not produced by the evil spirits. There are not many records of the real world of the magical world.

Ye Shaoyang listened to Zhang Daochang’s remarks, and four words appeared automatically in his mind: the dragon and the snake mixed.

In the period of the Republic of China, the magical world was far more complicated than he imagined. It was the most brilliant period of the magical world.

"Ye Laodi, you are a Maoshan disciple. You should be the masters of several major sects?" Zhang Daochang said with envy.

Ye Shaoyang had to say yes.

Zhang Daochang said that several of them are legendary figures for him. Most of Ye Shaoyang also knows that he has seen it from his classics. He is his own predecessor. He had to perfuse him to talk about it, but he did not talk about it.

"Does that leaf brother and Zhang Xiaohan know?" Zhang Daochang suddenly asked.

"Zhang Xiaohan?" Ye Shaoyang carefully recalled that he had never heard of this name.

"Yes, Zhang Xiaohan, the first genius of Buddhism, you don't know?" Zhang Daochang was a little surprised.

"Oh, how do you know him?" Ye Shaoyang deliberately asked about it, and his heart was amazed. The first day of this statement was actually in the Republic of China.

"Hey, Zhang Xiaohan's name, as long as it is a mage, which one has not heard of it. The genius of Buddhism once in a hundred years, it is still my own family, but unfortunately, like us, there is no chance to even see one side."

Ye Shaoyang was more curious and asked him: "What do you folks say about him? Let's listen."

Zhang Daochang then talked about the information about Zhang Xiaohan. Zhang Xiaohan, in his twenties, is a disciple of Jiuhuashan. He is said to be a Zen master when he is less than 20 years old. His mana is profound and his future is boundless. He is recognized as the most promising young man in the art world. Three years ago, I went down the mountain and went to the north and south. I went to the demon and demons everywhere. I also looked for famous masters of my peers. I didn’t have a chance to defeat the world.

Ye Shaoyang listened to this commentary and immediately remembered a familiar name: Daofeng.

Listening to the longevity of Zhang Daochang, this Zhang Xiaohan should be a very powerful person, but what makes Ye Shaoyang puzzled is that he has never heard such a name. After that, Zhang Daochang also said the names of several young geniuses, Ye Shaoyang has heard, after these They have become the big names in the magical world. Only Zhang Xiaohan, Ye Shaoyang has determined that he has never seen his name in any classics.

Ye Shaoyang can't figure out why this is, just think that there must be something for it. He secretly remembered the name Zhang Xiaohan in his heart.

The golden age of the mage... countless geniuses emerged, competing with each other in troubled times, and showing their magical powers.

Ye Shaoyang listened to Zhang Daochang and said all the way. It is simply a literary genre of the Republic of China's magical circles. The geniuses of the various sects are on the scene of this ecstasy, and they are competing to survive... if they don't have too many things to do. Ye Shaoyang actually wants to stay in this world and compete with these so-called geniuses.

Cuiyun couldn't understand what they said, and he didn't interject at the side. He had his own calculations in his mind. The two Taoist children did not dare to intervene. Only Ye Shaoyang and Zhang Daochang asked one answer. In the tens of miles of mountain roads, they heard the two men screaming all the way.

When the days were dark, they finally came to the public hall.

Yizhuang was in a mountain, several Taoist priests, occupied an uninhabited village, found some slightly better houses to live in, and hired several villagers to live here, raised some chickens and ducks, and planted some vegetables. The whole place was broken, but it seems that there is a little feeling of paradise.

Around the village, I did plant a circle of peach trees, and a circle of jujube trees, surrounded the village, and arranged like a labyrinth. From the front hill overlooking for a while, Ye Shaoyang immediately saw the doorway and said: Nine songs double squad."

Zhang Daochang nodded: "The younger brother is not a Maoshan Tianshi. He can see it at a glance. It is indeed a nine-ring chain.

The "煞" here is for the ghosts and zombies, the peaches and the ghosts, the jujubes. After all, Yizhuang is the place to park the body. It has nothing to do with the ghosts, but because of the heavy yin and the deep mountains, it will inevitably attract some ghosts and ghosts to absorb the yin cultivation, or simply return the corpse.

Arranging such a formation with jujube and mahogany can prevent outside ghosts from coming in and prevent zombies from running out.

As for the nine-story link, it is actually a winding road. It is not complicated. After people enter, they can see the bend and turn, and one road can go to the end. But for ghosts and zombies, these trees become vast. If the forest is not enough, it will easily get lost in the middle, and it will not turn out.

(End of this chapter)

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