Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2086: 2086 female corpse resurrection 1

But in turn, if you pass through, you are no longer bound by the original book of life and death, then you... the principle is not to be killed, nor is it to be immortal? /p

This is another paradox. ./p

Ye Shaoyang certainly can't think of the truth. When he has a chance, he can find his own ballpoint pen and book from his backpack, and write down all the things he can't understand, and think about it in the future. /p

In the evening, I was brought to the evening, but fortunately the rain stopped completely, and the three men rushed to the dead road. /p

Because of the rain, the mountain road is slippery, people are fine, and the body is very bad. Chen San took out some cow felt paper, tied some wooden sticks, and gave each corpse a pair of foot covers, and then rushed the mountain. /p

Walking and walking, Ye Shaoyang suddenly called Chen San to stop and said: "Wait!"

Chen San looked back and saw Ye Shaoyang's face dignified, his heart tightened and said: "What happened!" /p

Ye Shaoyang stared at the left and right, slowly said: "There are evil things to follow." /p

"No!" Chen San listened to this sentence and almost fell. He said with trepidation: "How come you encounter evil things... It won't be so clever."

"It shouldn't be a coincidence." Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized, "I understand, I was still good before, the ghost that was destroyed by me, did not have the repair of the bloodstone pendant.... She is the body of Cui Yunjie, only the companion helps. They thought that they should be inside and outside, but they didn’t expect one to be destroyed by me.”

Chen San listened to him and said that he also looked around. "That... this ghost is not coming to us for revenge?" /p

"Don't dare, the ghost is not stupid, seeing that I have destroyed another one. At the time, I didn't know that it was not my opponent. It is impossible to take revenge now." Ye Shaoyang's eyes fell on the female body. "I suspect that they are running. This is a human form. Otherwise, we will not try to find our way."

"That, that's what you do." /p

"Cold!" Ye Shaoyang sneered. "Since it doesn't dare to show up, we stare at these bodies, as long as it dares to come, I destroy it."

As long as it is not a sudden attack, Ye Shaoyang is actually confident. Although he is not good at the present, he still has no problem with his own instruments and the elimination of an ordinary devil. /p

The three continued on their way. /p

Ye Shaoyang was able to detect that something was always in the vicinity, but he couldn't determine the specific location, and it didn't matter. He only posted a charm on Chen San and Cui Yun, reminding them to pay attention. /p

After going to the middle of the night, I heard the sound of the water in front of me. Chen San rushed over and looked back. She came back with a bitter face and told Ye Shaoyang. Because it rained, the mountain flooded, and the road was rushed. The front could not go, only the road was broken. . /p

"Walk around the road, what's wrong?" Ye Shaoyang saw him look wrong, and wondered. /p

"There is no way around the road, just from here, there is only one road, called Erlong Mountain, where there are bandits..." /p

Ye Shaoyang's mouth was pumped and said: "Is there any other way?" /p

"Yes, it’s a long way to go, it’s going to take a few more days, and it doesn’t necessarily guarantee that the road will be smooth.”

Ye Shaoyang took a breath and he was no problem dealing with demons and ghosts, but the words of the bandits... but there are guys, Ye Shaoyang, I don’t know why I remembered the section about the sky lanterns that Chen San said before, some scalp. /p

"When you go the road you said, you will encounter bandits?" /p

"That won't be. It's not easy to meet from the foot of the mountain. It's just that there is such a possibility, and it is generally a bandit. It won't be difficult for us to rush."

Ye Shaoyang thought about it and decided to go this route. After all, if you walk around the road, it will be a lot more trouble, and the future is unknown. /p

But before that road, Ye Shaoyang let Cuiyun make up a bit, like the next time, the unkemptness of the face, so that the man did not see interest, so as not to encounter the bandits, was robbed to do the wife of the village. /p

After the detour, I walked until the dawn, and it suddenly rained again. At first, it was not big. The zombies were wearing a fight, but the impact was not great. But Ye Shaoyang worried that the heavy rain would wash away the charm of the zombie and ask Chen San. How to do. /p

Chen San has walked through this road, saying that there is a broken temple at the foot of the mountain. It can temporarily shelter from the rain. It just happens to be bright, and you can spend a day in the temple and hurry in the evening. /p

When Ye Shaoyang heard about breaking the temple, he remembered that he had encountered a few stupid deserters in the ruined temple. He was robbed of a few gold bars. Some shadows were asked. Chen San’s temple was too close to the bandit, and there would be no accident. /p

"There is no problem, the empty eggs hurt, go to the temple to do anything." /p

Ye Shaoyang listened to this, and Chen San was busy asking him what happened. /p

"Nothing." Ye Shaoyang smiled, the word egg hurts, a hundred years ago. /p

The three people continued on their way, and after walking for about half an hour, they found a broken temple in the front of a mountain. They looked quite complete. The three drove the body in. The collapsed beam in the hall was decaying. Heat the hot rice to eat. /p

Ye Shaoyang observed it in the temple, and now the statues are all collapsed. There are a bunch of termites inside, which is very disgusting. Ye Shaoyang found a rotten card in front of the statue, and the face was gone, so he could not see what the gods were in the temple. Looking at the structure of the house, it should be the kind of **** of folk beliefs, not the temple of Taoism or Buddhism. /p

Three people baked dry food on the fire, and after the meal, the day was bright. /p

The three men took out the covers from their luggage and lie down. Ye Shaoyang could feel that the thing was nearby, so he didn't dare to sleep. He chatted with Chen San about the bandits of the Erlong Mountain. He heard some rumors of hearsay, and Ye Shaoyang listened with relish. Cuiyun lay down and lay asleep. It is. /p

The two had been idle for a while, and suddenly there was a horse call outside. Both of them were a glimpse and looked at each other. /p

"It won't be...the bandits." Ye Shaoyang asked. /p

"I don't know, after this generation of bandits, it seems that there really is no one else..." Chen San's face is green. /p

Between the talks, I was able to hear the hooves, stepping on the mud, and then singing the little tune. /p

Ye Shaoyang and Chen Sanchao stood up and realized what they wanted to find a place to hide, but the temple was so big that there was no place to hide. /p

Between the hustle and bustle, I remembered the voices of several people outside, and the sounds were all savage: /p

"I said, this is the uncomfortable feeling of his mother's rain. How many brothers will break into the temple?"

"Staying at you, Dadang waited to send a letter." /p

"It’s raining, you can’t see it! How can this go down the mountain? When the big family gives you a day, when you go down the mountain, you can’t go down!” /p

"Don't bother, don't bother, listen to the three!"

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