Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2104: 2104 Zombie Road Chief 4

Chen San is a Taoist who does not enter the stream. Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang talk about these things. He has never heard of them. Before they watched them talking on Xingtou, they dared not bother. They couldn’t help themselves. They advised them to eat vegetables first. The opportunity to live said: "What kind of person is the Promise Master who said the two?"

Mao Xiaofang reveals a very admired look and says: "The Promise Master, known as the human god, if there is no mana above him in the human world, he dare not say that there is no ancient person, absolutely no one."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this and suddenly thought of Master Qingyunzi, and there was a road. In fact, compared with the hard power, the Taoist wind is not under the Promise Master, even the Master Qingyunzi, the dying war, is also the same as the Promise Tianshi... But this thing can not be said, just smiled, no rebuttal.

After talking about the magical world, Ye Shaoyang excused himself to practice in the mountains before, or the first time he went down the mountain, and Mao Xiaofang inquired about some things in today's magical circles. He said that Mao Xiaofang is the true incarnation of the Taoists he encountered in this world. I know more than those people before. He originally said that it was similar to what Zhang Daochang said before, some names and martial art.

But when it comes to the depths, he tells Ye Shaoyang an amazing news: Today's magical world, the true highest level is not the Taoist two, but the spell guild.

The member of the spell guild, Ye Shaoyang listened to Qing Yunzi simply said that it is a descendant of Xuanyuan, his home is not in the world, but in Zhoushan. As for where Zhoushan is not, Ye Shaoyang does not know. He originally wanted to ask Mao Xiaofang. It is estimated that he does not know, and these things have nothing to do with his own money. I don’t think about it.

What Mao Xiaofang said is almost the same as what Qingyunzi once said: in this troubled world, the north and the south are unreasonable, and many sects cannot be inextricably linked. The spell guild comes to the world to unite the power of the entire magical world and protect the human world. The aspect is too peaceful, so as not to enchant the world.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered that Qingyunzi also talked about this paragraph when he talked about the spell guild. However, as a contemporary person, Mao Xiaofang knows more. In the speech, Ye Shaoyang heard that he seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied with the spell guild. Do not ask.

"In our world, from the rules of some people, the spell guild forcibly intervenes in the world of magical circles, pointing fingers and ordering the world, it is a bit offensive to say."

Ye Shaoyang sinks up and thinks about it. The world of magical circles is supposed to be controlled by human beings. Although the people of the spell guild are long like people, they are not in this world. They are not strictly human beings. Things on earth?

In his own time, the guild guild was basically a virtual organization. The rulers were also the masters of several major sects. They jointly took charge. If they had other people from other worlds, they would like to confess their own spells. One does not agree. However, this is not his own world after all. Ye Shaoyang is only curious. It is clear that the two worlds are the same relationship. Then, when did the spell guild leave the world basically, why did you not see any spell guilds in your own time? The traces under?

Although Ye Shaoyang is curious, he does not want to find out the idea. Even the opposite: he does not want to leave too many traces in the world. He is a bit worried that he will disturb the direction of history and what kind of results will result. know.

"To Ye Tianshi, what are you planning to go down this time?" After talking about these big events, Mao Xiaofang asked with a wine glass.

"I... I have to go to Longhushan to find a real person."

"Oh." Mao Xiaofang apparently did not know who Daoyuan was, and his expression was slightly disappointing. He was caught by Ye Shaoyang and asked: "There is nothing to say to Dao."

Mao Xiaofang took a sip of wine and said: "This is the case. I was on the way to chase my younger brother. After passing through a mountain, it was night. There was a vision of a ghost in the mountain. I almost went. Dao, I waited until dawn, tried to find out, and found no abnormalities in the valley. I had to chase the younger brother and didn’t have much time to stay, but I kept thinking about it, now the mission is finished, I I want to go back and find out, but Ye Tianshi also knows that there are bounds like a ghost. I am afraid that I can’t cope with it alone, so I want to find someone to accompany me.”

Ye Shaoyang understood it as soon as he heard it. He frowned and said: "It’s not clear tomorrow, it’s not a ghost festival. How can there be a ghost night? Unless it’s a very yin land, or what the generation has something to seal the evil thing, It is a sorrowful stagnation, but there will not be so many ghosts."

Mao Xiaofang sighed: "There are more than a hundred ghosts. At that time, there were ghosts in the whole mountain. Therefore, I was very different. I felt that I might not be able to deal with them alone. But my master, when encountering such evil things, naturally can’t care, Shan Gao Lu Yuan, now I can't find someone to go back to the mountain gate. I heard Ye Tianshi's removal of the human form, and I learned that it is also a very good mage. I wanted to go with Ye Tianshi to go this way, since Ye Tianshi has something to do. Then it is not forced."

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and he hesitated. From a rational point of view, he really didn't want to control this thing, but Mao Xiaofang said that he was right, his character in his bones... When you encounter such a thing, you really can't care, but Yingtan Longhushan is not far from the front, and he will turn back and go with Mao Xiaofang, and he has to delay a lot of time...

After thinking for a long time, Ye Shaoyang made a move and proposed: "Mao Dao, do you see this way? The front is Dragon and Tiger Mountain is not far away, otherwise you will go with me to Longhushan, after finding Daoyuan, I told him One thing, if there is nothing unexpected, I will accompany you to deal with this case, how do you see it?"

When Mao Xiaofang heard it, he said, "This is good, just because I have never been to Longhushan. I have always wanted to visit it. I will take this opportunity to walk with you!"

After making the decision, everyone was more relaxed, so I continued to eat hot pot and drink.

Ye Shaoyang didn't want to stay here. After discussing with Mao Xiaofang, he decided to leave on the same day, so Mao Xiaofang went back to his inn to collect some luggage and made an appointment to come to him.

Ye Shaoyang returned to the inn of the name that he lived in, and Ye Shaoyang thought about it carefully. He asked Cui Yun to let her stay here and wait for herself. Anyway, if I came back from Longhushan, I still had to go through it. It’s better to pick her up here.

(End of this chapter)

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