Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2121: 2121 Five Pass God 1

It's like the gm in the game, you can ignore the rules of the game, and infinitely blame.

If the latitude of time is seen as a rule, then Xu Fu is a person who has destroyed this rule. In Lin Sansheng's cognition, there is no word to describe this behavior.

Xu Fu glanced at Lin Sansheng and said: "Where is what you think, if I do that, it will lead to time and space chaos, and I don't know what results. I rarely change history, even if it is extremely subtle historical details. This time, it is already a violation of the principle."

Lin Sansheng nodded and said: "Then you found this millennium too old?"

"I haven't gone yet. I have to come first, to create an altar for Donghuangzhong, to protect the knowledge of the nine-tailed fox in advance, and to wait for me to take too old, and then fill in the flesh for her."

"Well, what do you need to do, I will cooperate with you!" Lin Sansheng was ecstatic. He believed that since Xu Fu was willing to contribute to the resurrection of Xiaojiu, there must be hope for success.

Xiaojiu must be resurrected!

Nothing else, if Xiaojiu can't be resurrected, he believes that Ye Shaoyang can't live. He knows the importance of Xiao Jiu in Ye Shaoyang's life.

Xu Fu took him to the depths of Zhulin.

In the morning, Ye Shaoyang slept soundly and was awakened by Mao Xiaofang knocking on the door. He sent a breakfast from the following to buy, fried dough, soy milk, the most traditional food, this era has long been there.

After the two had finished eating breakfast together, Mao Xiaofang told him that when he went down to buy food, he had already inquired with the innkeeper, saying that the valley was called a ditch, and it was really haunted. No one dared to go there.

"Where is the strange name?" Ye Shaoyang is very curious.

"I am also curious, the boss said that because the ravine was so much in the past, the locals gave the name casually. They don't know the things of the ghosts, and ordinary people can't see so many ghosts, but the place is really haunted. There have been many people who have died in the past, and now no one dares to go."

After the meal, the two went out together and continued to find someone to inquire about it. It has been been known for many years about the haunting of the ditch. No one can tell when it started. The two asked for a long time, but they didn't ask any clues about this matter, but they found another clue: There is a mountain temple on a mountain that goes to the north less than a few miles away. The locals don't know. What gods are enshrined in it, and it has not been stopped for many years, and it is said that it is very effective and bless this season.

When Ye Shaoyang heard it, he immediately felt that there was a problem: in a place where the ditch was less than a few miles away, there was such a mountain temple, saying that there is no relationship between the two, it is hard to believe.

When the two together, they decided to go to the temple first. Because the mountain is high, both of them filled the kettle with their own water, and then placed other luggage in the inn, and set off together to find the temple.

Returning to the vicinity of Shibuya, the two walked in the direction asked by Mao Xiaofang, and found the mountain temple on the top of a hill buns.

This place is actually very easy to find. At the foot of the barren hill, a stone road was built and led to the top of the mountain. And the two deliberately observed that the middle of the stone road is very smooth, and it seems that people often go.

It is impossible to have any tourists or the like in this barren mountain ridge. The only possibility is that there are often people going up the mountain.

Generally, the small temples between the mountains and the wild are all deserted. There are so many incense temples, which must be unusual places. Generally speaking, it is very effective.

The two went up to the top of the mountain and found the mountain temple. There is a very large yard, which is a small house with a spire, which is the main body of the temple. The small temple itself is not large and the shape is very simple. On the side of the yard, there are two houses. When Ye Shaoyang walked by, there was a room where an old man came out and looked at them up and down. He said: "The two are foreigners, do you come here?" ”

The two originally thought that it was just a ridiculous little temple. Besides, it was said that there were still people living in the temple. Mao Xiaofang hurriedly said, "We are crossing the road. I heard that there is a mountain temple here. It is very effective. I want to come and pay a visit."

Finished giving out a silver dollar to him.

For this walk, neither of them wears a robe, and they are replaced by ordinary people. This old man is not suspicious, let them enter the house to get fragrant.

"Grandpa, I heard that this temple is full of incense, and often people come to the incense?"

"Not usually, at the beginning of the fifteenth, the blind people around the ten miles and eight towns will come here to worship, this is not, because the incense is good, the town sent me to be a temple wish."

Ye Shaoyang listened and laughed: "When the elderly are not guilty, how can they become a temple?"

The old man saw that they gave more money, and they gave them a brief history of the temple. This temple was built in the town a few decades ago. At that time, it was still the Qing Dynasty. Anyone who comes to the mountain to take medicine, hunt or the like, as long as he walks into this area, it is easy to be enough for the soul, and the locals have no choice.

Later, a Taoist priest passed by and circled in the haunted valley. After returning, he told the villagers that he could build a temple on this mountain and worship the mountain god. He could suppress the ghosts in the mountains and ensure the weather was smooth. At that time, everyone Poor, it is not a serious matter, but that night, there are many people in the town who dreamed that the mountain gods talked to them, let them listen to the words of the old Taoist, and build a temple here to worship themselves, to protect the party.

Everyone has done such a dream, and it is naturally impossible to coincide. In the fear of the mountain god, they hurriedly found the old Taoist who had not yet gone, let him take the lead to help them build the temple.

This mountain temple was built like this. As a result, it was a bumper harvest in the past. People in the town said that it was a blessing of the mountain god. After the construction of this mountain temple, Shibuya never heard of anyone. The thing that was entangled in ghosts, this is naturally the result of the guardianship of the mountain gods, so the folks began to believe in the mountain **** and sincerely offer.

For many years, no matter how the outside world is, this village has seventy-eight villages. It is always a good weather, and the harvest has always been good. Therefore, the tradition of worshipping the mountain gods has been passed down because the incense is good, and there are some things in the temple that need to be greeted. Therefore, the town specially invites people to live in the temple, to serve as a temple, to purchase incense sticks and to be responsible for the hygiene here.

The old man who spoke said that he did not have a family, no children, no children, he lived here a dozen years ago, and the town allowed him to take a part of the incense money for his daily use.

(End of this chapter)

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