Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2155: 2155 main mother's choice 3

"You know, Shaoyang loves her very much, right?"

"I..." Guagua was so quick to sweat. "That, I only know that the boss loves you very much. It seems to be very good for Xiaojiu... You don't want to be jealous. You never thought about it." With Xiao Jiu, he always wanted to be with you and wanted to marry you."

"Yeah, we are all about to get married..."

The head of Yan Lengyu went down, and his expression was obviously sad.

After Qing could not help but reminded: "Cold jade."

When the cold jade seems to think of something, the look becomes decisive, and he said to the melon: "If Xiaojiu is resurrected, Shaoyang will be very happy with her."

Guagua slammed on the spot, his mouth squirming, and wanted to say something to persuade her, but did not know what to say, his heart is a child, for the so-called love of adults, understand what is going on, but after all, there is no deep understanding On this issue, he does not know how to say it.

"You are the closest person to Shaoyang, even if you agree, it is completely okay." Yan Yuqiang said with a smile.

"No, no, it's just... I don't know how to say it." Guagua was scratching his head in a hurry.

"Well, I am looking for you, just want you to tell Shaoyang... If you see him in the future, tell him, don't use it for me, I will stay here and leave."

"What!" Guagua was shocked, "Why?"

"I... I want to marry him." Yan Lengyu glanced at Houqing and said with a sigh.

Guagua was petrified on the spot, and even thought that he had misunderstood, pointing to Houqing and said: "You...want to marry him?"

Guagua seems to have come back, and jumped up. "No! You are going to marry him! I said, you are not mistaken! You marry him, what should the boss do!"

"He has a small nine, enough."

"But...Oh, do you like him?"

Yan Lengyu bowed slightly and adjusted his emotions. He said: "Dumbs like me very much."

"I like what you use. The question is, do you like him?"

After Qing heard this, his face showed a hazy expression, but he resisted without attack. Yan Lengyu sank a bit and said: "Is it important? I only stay here, it is the safest, he protects me, I can live here forever..."

Guaguao still wants to say something, 芮冷玉道: "Oh, you don't want to say. I am here to tell you about this matter. You tell Ye Shaoyang, I am married to a dumb, my soul, will be in the body The family will live forever, he... never come to me again, and I will never want to see him."

"No! I don't believe it!" Guaguah called. "You are my mother, my wife, how can I marry someone else! Absolutely not!"

"This is my business with Shaoyang. I don't need you to manage it. You just have to tell me what I said."

"No, even if the boss agrees, I don't agree!!" Guagua is thundering.

Yan Lengyu and Hou Qing were a little surprised at his performance. They don't understand that melon is a gluten in some respects. In his cognition, Yan Lengyu and Ye Shaoyang are a pair. They are always a pair. They are determined to be together. Not together, he is unacceptable anyway.

Suddenly, what Guagua thought of, turned his head and looked at the posthumously, and said: "You must force her, isn't it, you shut her up here, then force her, isn't it!"

After Qing smiled a little, said: "Do you think that she is easy to be forced to submit? Your master Ye Shaoyang, can not protect her, so she will stay here, with me, I can protect her. You understand Do not understand."

Guagua pinches his fist and smashes his eyes.

"Guagua!" Yan Lengyu was afraid of him, and he screamed, "If you know, let's go. On the road... pay attention to it." When it comes to the last few words, Yan Lengyu specifically used the accent. .

What Guagua wants to say, Hou Qing suddenly stepped forward, grabbed his neck with one hand and took him out of Dongfu. Yan Lengyu watched them leave, sitting on the sofa and burst into tears.

After about half an hour, the closed Dongfu was opened again, and Houqing came in.

At this time, the feelings of Leng Lengyu have eased, and after seeing Qing Qing approached, he said: "He went back?"

"Reassure, I said that I won't kill him. The two armies fought each other, and they were killed and wounded. There was not much to kill him. It was not necessary." Hou Qing went to the front of Yan Lengyu and looked down at her and said: "Just The right prince of Taiyin Mountain sent a ambassador to come over and let me return you to them. As long as I promised, they are willing to send troops to help me deal with these guys in the air world."

Yan Lengyu did not look at her and said: "You did not agree."

"Of course I didn't agree. Even if I used the whole Taiyin Mountain to change you, I won't change it. I want to be a Jiangshan. I want to be a beauty. As long as I hit the airspace, I will be a Taiyin Mountain in the future. How can I help me?"

He was so cold that he looked up and stared at him for a while and said: "The son-in-law, they agree that you are doing this, they are not afraid to pay the evil Taiyin Mountain?"

"On the contrary, they are very supportive, because I am doing this, I will not offend them because you are in my hands. They will only use more chips to exchange, which is what I said with my son-in-law, leaving you here. s reason."

After that, Hou Qing smiled and said to Yan Yuyu: "I just cooperated once, how can you thank me."

In a word, let Leng Lengyu fall into the previous incident and sigh and mutter: "I don't know if Shaoyang will believe it."

"He knows that you really married me, maybe give up."

Yan Lengyu shook his head. "With his character, it should not be. However, it is better to make a prelude in advance, and it will always be better in the future."

Hou Qing smiled and said: "You want to use this method to let Ye Shaoyang die, but he has lost his name, why bother."

Yan Lengyu did not answer.

"You haven't said, how do you thank me?"

"You can't let me really marry you, even if I want to, how do you tell the son-in-law?"

After Qing did not say anything, he knew that Yan Lengyu would not really want to marry himself, and the son-in-law would never agree. At least not at the moment.

"When I lay this void, I will deal with it slowly, in short..." Hou Qing’s voice slowed down and said softly, "I believe that you will love me. By that time, everything will be there. The way."

In the unknown years, there is a clear spring in the uninhabited mountain forest. The surrounding spring is built with bluestone slabs. It is an octagonal shape, and each side of the slate is engraved with different lines.

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