Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2169: 2169 mysterious statue 1

I took a good look and said: "I am the leaves of Mansu Shahua from the outside of Hell. It is most sensitive to yin. It is very strong here. After we go in, be careful. You wait for me. Arrange. Shaoyangzi, give me the package."

Before leaving, Miao Xin opened a list for Ye Shaoyang, which listed some things, some were medicines, and then things like hammers and nails, all in a cloth bag, let Ye Shaoyang help her .

Ye Shaoyang was chosen because she felt that Ye Shaoyang was the worst among several people. Once he was in danger, he could provide the least amount of help, so let him be an assistant. Ye Xiaoyang had no opinion. And in this kind of behavior, there is also a kind of trust: although he laughed at his strength, he still gave him the important things.

Ye Shaoyang handed the bag to her. Miaoxin pulled out a shovel head from the inside and looked at it. Frowning to Ye Shaoyang said: "I don't want you to buy a sharp shovel, how to buy a flat head."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "Miss, you should be Beijing and Shanghai. This town is good for you. You have to do something, I will help you."

Wonderful to find a wooden stick, painted two lines on the ground, and then let Ye Shaoyang use a shovel to dig into two ditch, and then take out a paper bag containing the grass ash burnt into the peach leaves, scattered in In the ditch.

Ye Shaoyang looks in his eyes, and his heart is also somewhat awkward. In Taoist spells, "grey" is a big classification. It has many functions. The most common ones are the bottom ash and incense ash, and the grass ash is also used, but like the wonderful heart. I have never seen the ash of peach leaves buried directly in the ground. The geologist's pulse is really different from the door.

After burying the grass ash in the ditch, cover the soil, then find a few stones from the vicinity, put a piece on the ground where the ash is buried, and then take a small box from the bag and open it. Look, there is a red powder inside, take a little bit of it and pour it into a small cup made of bronze with three legs.

"Miao Xin girl, what is this?" Ye Shaoyang could not help but curiously asked.

Miao Xin glanced at him and found that he was referring to the bronze cup in his hand. He said: "This is the triangle used by Zhou Wenwang. It is the inheritance of our local teachers. It is used to allocate any medicine. Try to use it as much as possible. Can bless the effect."

Ye Shaoyang was on the spot and muttered: "How many years have passed since the Zhou Dynasty? How do you know that this was used by Zhou Wenwang?"

"When my family was in the Zhou Dynasty, it was a georre, and it was passed down from generation to generation." Miao Xin placed the medicine in the triangle, and did not lift his head.

Pour a packet of red powder into the triangle, mix it with water, and then use a brush (not a cinnabar) to smear it, apply a strange mark on the five stones that you put down, and then put things away. Said, "Okay. We can go in."

"This is ok? What is the role?" Ye Shaoyang looked curiously at the stones on the ground, a ditch that buried the peach leaf ash, a few stones... What can these things do?

"This is a kind of land array that can prevent foreign ghosts from invading. It also allows me to feel its existence within a radius of ten miles, so that I know where the exit is. In the ancient tomb, it is easy to get lost." My heart is to explain patiently. After Ye Shaoyang listened, he felt that the geologists were profound and profound, and indeed they were different from their own masters.

Cao Yuxing took the remarks and took a few words. By the way, he satirized Ye Shaoyang’s buns, and Ye Shaoyang was disgusting to talk to him. He was too lazy to care for him.

"I remind you that there may be a smelter in this ancient tomb, and there are hard things to deal with. After going down, you must listen to my greetings, or you will have an accident. The consequences are unimaginable." Before entering the hole, wonderful The heart said to everyone very seriously.

Wutong and Mao Xiaofang both focused on Zheng, and Lu Xiaoqing and Chen Xiaoyu faintly showed a contemptuous look, not a contempt for the wonderful heart, but a target for this ancient tomb.

Ye Shaoyang looked at their expressions and understood the mentality of the two people. This kind of person, he has seen a lot before: they have been the pride of the Son of Heaven, enjoying the most special treatment, of course, there are talents, all the way to practice, strength I have never met a peer who has never encountered anything that is really difficult to deal with, and I have just walked in the rivers and lakes, and my mind is proud. Even if I hear the words "smelting urn", I have not felt nervous from the bottom of my heart. They, more than just taking this action as a ticket, is a means of wooing the heart.

Ye Shaoyang sighed in the heart, this kind of person, sooner or later, is going to suffer.

They thought that they usually fight with others and go out with some unimportant opening actions. Even if they practiced the Tao, they have not experienced the real battle of life and death.

Practice is not the same thing as actual combat.

This reason, Ye Shaoyang knows when he is very young. Thanks to Qingyunzi and Daofeng, when he was very young, he took him to walk along the rivers and lakes, to catch ghosts and demons, and to grow up a little bit in actual combat. If there is no such experience, then those who are independent of themselves In the sinister situation, he can't be tempted once and for all. Luck is there, and more importantly, in contemporary language, it is four words: combat literacy.

When you are ready, everyone will go into the hole.

Ye Shaoyang followed Mao Xiaofang at the end of the team.

This is a cave that appeared because of the collapse. It is flat and can only climb sideways. After entering the hole, I immediately felt the yin wind blowing into the bones. Indus has given each person a righteous pill, which is contained in the mouth to avoid the invasion of yin. Although a few people are at least the position of the Master, but long-term absorption of yin, it will cause discomfort.

Lu Xiaoqing carried a three-color lotus lamp and walked in the front. The cave is a downhill, surrounded by faults, all over the rock wall, and it is a natural cave, it is not good to go. A few people have spent a lot of effort. After walking a few tens of meters deep, the cave has reached the head. There is a stone wall in front. It is artificial and looks at the road. There is a small one in the middle that can only accommodate people. The hole, the yin wind is blown out from here.

"This is the wall of the tomb." Through the illumination of the three-color lotus lamp, Miao Xin reached out and explored the stone wall. He said, "Yes, it is the tomb of this Yuan Dynasty."

Someone immediately asked her how to judge.

"Look at this tomb brick, the width is narrow and narrow. This is the unified style of the Yuan Dynasty tomb bricks. Only the tomb bricks of the Yuan Dynasty are like this. There will be no mistakes. It can be seen that my family’s statement is correct. This must be The tomb of Zhao Xi’s descendants."

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