Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2173: 2173 strange fish 1

Suddenly, I took out a thing that looked like a cigar from my backpack. It was a thick scent. After I lit it, I immediately came out with a thick blue smoke. Under the good practice, the blue smoke turned in the opposite direction. Floating below.

The wonderful heart stood still, took the three-color lotus lamp from Ye Shaoyang's hand, and illumined it above the stairs. After waiting for a while, I saw a blue smoke fluttering down the stairs.

People are downstairs, the smoke is flying downstairs, and the result actually floats from the top of the head. Although this is the only way to solve the hanging ladder, but through personal experience of this process, the heart is still somewhat unacceptable.

The wonderful heart made Ye Shaoyang hold the incense, walked to the place where the smoke was smashed, squatted on the ground, took a stone pen from the backpack, drew a strange symbol on the ground like a five-pointed star, and then in the middle, After erecting a candle, after igniting, let everyone go with her in the opposite direction.

After turning a few turns, I went back to the distance again, and the candle that was inserted in the ground appeared in the field of vision.

A wonderful smile, walked to the front, folded hands, read a spell, then opened his eyes and blown out the candle.

At the moment when the candle was blown out, everyone felt a strange change around him, as if there was some kind of invisible vibration in the air, and then... everything recovered as usual.

“Nothing?” Ye Shaoyang asked, looking around, it looks no different.

"It should be okay." Miao Xin said, greeting everyone to go down, or the same turn as before. Everyone couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous. As a result, when they turned to the fourth corner, there was a long ramp in front of them. Everyone took a sigh of relief and finally got out of the suspension ladder.

"Wait a minute!" Ye Shaoyang called several people who were going to take the road and pointed to the three-color lotus lamp in his hand. The three-color lotus lamp now becomes the real three colors: red, green and black. Moreover, Feng Mingming was blown from the other side of the ramp, but the lights of the three-color lotus lamp were turned in the direction of the ramp. It seems that there is something attracting the flame.

"There are ghosts, demons, and zombies..." The masters were all present. When they saw the three-color lotus lamp showing this look, they suddenly understood. Mao Xiaofang took a deep breath and muttered: "It is normal to have zombies in this ancient tomb. There are ghosts to understand. How come there are demons?"

No one can answer this question.

"There should be danger ahead. Everyone should be careful! The zombies are okay to deal with them. In case there is an organ for the tomb thief, we are also flesh-and-mortem, but don't follow the road."

The good heart makes everyone line up in a long line, so that you can touch the ground as little as possible, so as not to trigger a certain kind of institution, and then walk in front of you, Ye Shaoyang followed her to reach out, illuminate her palm lamp, and then step by step for the camp. Going through the martyrdom, every step of your attention is under your feet.

The ramp is very long. The upper and lower sides are made of tomb bricks. They are presented in arches. There are no decorations around them. The masonry looks very firm. Walking in the ramp, Ye Shaoyang thinks that this ramp is covered with bricks and tiles. Some feelings in my heart, don't say other places, just say such a long tomb, and the stairs that I walked before, I don't know how many people will take time to repair.

And this, from the current point of view, this is only a small part of the ancient tomb... the real threat is still in the depths of the ancient tomb.

When the road went to the end, there was a road on each side, showing the shape of a "D".

On the wall opposite the intersection, there is a statue, a Buddha, sitting on the lotus platform, one hand squatting flowers, the other hand standing on the chest, wearing a three-collar crown on the head, the look is quiet, Ye Shaoyang deliberately observed At the corner of the mouth, I found that this Buddha’s face was not smiling.

Before Wutong walked over to the Buddha statue, he bowed and worshipped.

Ye Shaoyang asked: "What is this Buddha?"

"This is Manjushri, but it is the image of Tibetan Buddhism. It is different from the image of the Bodhisattva of Han Buddhism. I have seen Tibetan Buddhism in some classics. Many of them are unclear, but several Bodhisattvas can still recognize it. ""

Miao Xin listened to her and said: "It really is related to Bon religion. Bon is the Western Region. After the introduction of Buddhism, it absorbed a lot of things from Buddhism and also worshipped the main **** of Buddhism."

Wu Tongdao: "This can be said, but I still don't understand. You are not saying that this is the tomb of Zhao Xi's descendants. Why do you worship the **** of Bon?"

"I don't know, it seems that I have to go down the grave first."

Ye Shaoyang used the three-color lotus lamp to photograph the two sides, which are the same channels, so I asked which side of the heart should go.

Wonderful feeling, the wind is blowing from the left side of the road, so it is proposed to go to the left. As before, she let Ye Shaoyang hold the three-color lotus lamp, then stared at her feet, carefully stepping on the steps, suddenly found some imprint on the floor, looked down, there were many nicks on the ground, hovering on the bluestone ......

Miaoxin looked down for a while, and felt that something was wrong. So she greeted Ye Shaoyang to take out a few candles from the bag. After igniting, she placed it on both sides of the passage. Then the man stepped back a dozen steps and looked at the candlelight. The nick on the ground is a pattern, which looks a bit like a spider, but it is very abstract, the lines are complicated but not chaotic. After watching it for a long time, I still can't see what it is...

Wonderful guess, this may be some kind of totem of Bon religion. As for what the role is, I can't guess at the same time. Everyone has to give up temporarily and continue to go to the end of the road. I have not gone far, by the three-color lotus lamp. Candlelight, you can see the two sides of the tomb, there are some arched door openings, one by one, separated by a distance of ten meters.

"Look at how to be like a bomb shelter." Ye Shaoyang blurted out and thought of the holes in the bomb shelter.

"What is a bomb shelter?" Miao Xin asked.

"It is the place to prevent aircraft bombing..."

Looking at the wonderful heart and other people's bizarre eyes, Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered that there was no air-raid shelter in this era, so he had to smile. "I said casually, you should not hear it."

There is no aircraft bombing in this era. Naturally, there is no air-raid shelter, and here is the ancient tomb. In these one-to-one burial chambers, I don’t know what it is. Ye Shaoyang carries the three-color lotus lamp and walks in front of a tomb.

The tomb is small, only the size of the bathroom of a typical house, there is only one thing inside: coffin.

The coffin made of stone has a large head facing inward and a small head facing outwards, just inlaid in the tomb, there is no space around.

(End of this chapter)

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