Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2181: The 2181st day Shifa Wei 1

The repair of cockroaches is costly. According to the defensiveness of the phoenix tree, there is no big advantage. However, in addition to being evil, it is still a huge beast. It has a powerful collision, even if it is hard to hit. There is only one result of the phoenix tree against the wall: it was hit into a patties.

"Be careful!" screamed and screamed a few charms, but she knew it was too late. After all, everyone has just adjusted and adjusted. For this sudden offensive, they have not had time to prepare. They can only watch the rushing to the front of Wutong.

An unpredictable hunch flashed in the hearts of everyone.

However, just as the cockroach was about to hit the phoenix tree, suddenly a figure flew up the back of the cockroach, and then a sword was inserted into its celestial cover...

The sword became a purple light and got into the skull.


He made a violent roar, and then he violently trembled and turned his body over.

Everyone instinctively turned his gaze to the past, only to see the people who fell from the shackles, turned out to be the most scum of the team, Ye Shaoyang. Even Wu Tong was suddenly paralyzed.

Although Ye Shaoyang’s strength is not good, but the reaction is far above these people, but the most important thing is that he is the first one to feel that he will get out of trouble, so he is ready for the time when the situation really happens. When everyone was shaken off, only he was safe and ready for the next step.

Therefore, when Yan attacked the unstable Wutong, Ye Shaoyang took a step faster than everyone else, and decisively shot the seven-star Longquan sword into the scorpio.

The spiritual power of the Seven Star Longquan sword caused a huge killing of the cockroaches. At this time, there was a scorpion in the eyes, but there was an phoenix in the eye, but between his eagerness, his huge body could not stop because of inertia, and continued to smash into the phoenix. Go, but it is slower than the initiative to hit the past.

It was this moment that Ye Shaoyang could adjust after landing, and then cast a volley of Maoshan. Before the squatting smashed into the patties, the squid was rolled over, slipped in front of the phoenix, and grabbed her with both hands. The ankles, pumping hard. Wutong was completely unprepared, his feet were stressed and he fell backwards.

蝾螈 huge body, also rushed to her standing position at this moment, and then hit the wall of the tomb heavily, directly hit a hole in the wall, the sand fell and fell, this time Ye Shaoyang has dragged the phoenix A few meters away.

Everyone really came back to see this scene. It was a sigh of relief: If the phoenix was still standing in the previous position, squatting down, the consequences... her body is not necessarily harder than the wall.

"You..." Wutong lay on the ground and looked at Ye Shaoyang, who was close at hand. He wanted to say something. Ye Shaoyang grabbed her and picked her up. One hand was in the air, and a whistle was blown at the cockroach. Then Everyone shouted: "You all go out first, this thing is dying and struggling, it is very powerful, it is dead when it is caught!"

Everyone was shocked. Wonderful said: "What about you?"

"I will contain him. You will go out and say, there are too many goals, and it is inevitable that there is danger!"

Looking at him with a good heart, his eyes flashed and said: "Then I will contain it, you will retreat!"

"Don't fight with me! It still kills me!"

After Ye Shaoyang finished, he untied his soul from the waist and took a whip against the cockroach who had just turned from under the wall. This whip hit the back of it.

There is no mana in this world, but after all, it is a kind of iron rope, which is hard to beat on the body, and also left a shallow wound. The most important thing is that the dying shackles are in the state of violent walking. It’s like a headless fly. I don’t know who to deal with. Ye Shaoyang is just like the hatred of the game. The hatred of hatred is now concentrated on him and madly hit him. .

"Let me down, deal with it..." Wu Tong kicked his feet, and the words had not finished yet. Ye Shaoyang slaps on her buttocks. "Don't make trouble, look at me!"

Wutong suddenly did not make trouble, but it was not obedient, but... she did not expect that this guy actually dared to hit her ass, although she was shackled by Ye Shaoyang on her shoulders, posture, the **** is indeed the easiest to be noticed by him. However, in her capacity, no one dared to do this to her. She was shocked and quieted down.

Ye Shaoyang slipped a side and slid out from the front of the squatting. The rushing heart and other people shouted: "Go, what are you waiting for!"

At this time, there is only Ye Shaoyang in the eyes. Even if you attack it, you can't pull the "hate value". And as he said, the tomb is too small. If there are too many people, the goal is to increase and be easy to be If you attack, it is better to go out first, leaving a person to hold it down, let the dying struggles run out of the last point and naturally die. This is the surest way.

"Let's go, he wants to be a hero, let him be!" Chen Xiaoyu shouted and ran out along the stone door that came in. Cao Yuxing and Lu Xiaoqing have come back to God. In the past, they took a wonderful heart and fled together.

Mao Xiaofang fled when Ye Shaoyang first said it. He was the only one of the few people who knew Ye Shaoyang's details. He believed that Ye Shaoyang, since he volunteered to deal with it, there must be a way. Although the strength is not good, but Mao Xiaofang believes in him, and does not want to stay and divide his heart, does not help things, and simply obeys.

After everyone left, Ye Shaoyang didn't have any worries, and he took a sigh of relief. He blew a whistle and sang a whistle. He sneaked around in the tomb. The body was huge, but the tail was too big, and the turnover was not working. Ye Shaoyang took advantage of this and played hide-and-seek with it.

Wutong was shackled on his shoulders. As he sneaked around and was stunned, he gave up his struggle. In order to balance, he reached out from behind his back and hugged his waist.

This hug, suddenly produced an inexplicable sense of security, although the ears are screaming, sometimes even in the ear, but she feels safe. Her feelings about herself are also very strange... It is clear that her strength is above him. Why is he so held, there will be such a feeling that there will be no accident, and where does this sense of security come from?

Just as she was thinking about it, she suddenly felt that Ye Shaoyang was standing.

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