Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2194: Wonders of the 2194th Tomb 2

I don't be a hero, a hero is not good at the end.

I don't want to be a good man, and the organization is going to be empty.

I am me, the knight who walks in the dark, despite being alone.

In the dark tomb, Ye Shaoyang and the indus accompanied him. On the way they discussed the stone sarcophagi that they had seen before, the fish in the sarcophagus, and the two crickets.

It has always been believed that the two baboons may have lived in the groundwater system under the mountain earlier. The people who were repaired by the tombs deliberately repaired a well and gave them an exit to attack those who broke into the ancient tomb. In the previous battle, Ye Shaoyang felt the existence of demon from the two skeletons. Therefore, these two skeletons must be used to develop a fairy, and have the instinct to attack the outsiders autonomously.

Thinking of the huge body and the ferocious power, Ye Shaoyang is actually somewhat scared. He has to admit that this kind of living evil used to keep the tomb is much better than some organs.

If both cockroaches came out together at the time, the consequences would be really unimaginable.

As for the ghost fish and the sarcophagus, Ye Shaoyang thinks that the water in the stone shovel is definitely connected to the groundwater system. The use is not known for a while, and it can only be explained slowly later.

"That leaves the sentence, so that the future generations are careful, is it really a wonderful ancestor?"

"It is very possible, no matter who it is, it has come in, and has played against it, and escaped."

"But why the secret roads were open before, only the stone gates here are locked. How did the people who passed through here come in, why did they lock the door after going out?" Wutong had many problems, but The questions are all on the idea.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and said: "I have thought about this problem. It is very likely that the person who was not the one who took the road before. This road... I suspect that the person who repaired the tomb is not a normal passage."

"Oh..." Although Ye Shaoyang said it was a bit unclear, but Wu Tong still understood some. She doesn't know much about the tomb, but she knows a little:

In ancient times, when you were touring the tomb, you had to leave a path for the workers to walk through. You can go straight to the various locations of the tomb and carry the stone objects to build the tomb.

The reason why the main road is not taken is because many places are "one-way streets". After repairing, there is no way to go out. This is also a way to mention the anti-theft thief. The most important thing is that this worker walks. The road is generally in the corner of the entire feng shui, is another road opened, in Feng Shui, it is not part of the ancient tomb, so it will not destroy the feng shui of the tomb.

Generally speaking, after the ancient tomb is completed, this road will be sealed, and people will be unable to go. What is more, in order to prevent leaks, the owner of the tomb will kill all the people who repair the tomb, and some will directly Hanging in the tomb...

Wutong looked at this cemetery with nothing. He thought for a while and said: "You said that this is the tomb of the workers. This is also possible. It is only... We have checked it before, except for the stone door that cannot be opened. There are no other entrances and exits in the tomb?"

"Don't forget the well, maybe, there is a way to enter the tomb."

"No!" Wu Tong said, "If the following is the underground river, will it be drowned when you enter?"

"It is to let people drown, so that they can not enter the ancient tomb, even if they are not drowned, if they encounter sputum under water, it is basically a death."

From ancient times to the present, the ancient tombs were repaired to prevent the tombs from being stolen, and various organs and the like, but in addition to the later generations because of the crustal movement, the tombs were buried and vacuumed. The general tombs were not completely Vacuum.

Because the so-called Feng Shui, a "wind" word, must mean that there must be air coffins to seal, the main tomb can be sealed, but the entire tomb must have a breath of breath, the word "qi" has an important position in the hearts of ancient Chinese people, A real large tomb, if there is no flow of atmosphere at all, then the entire yin feng shui is dead, and can not be used to bless the future.

In order to circulate air, it is sure to repair the tomb, and finally look for underground rivers and the like, and the atmosphere will be connected, so that Feng Shui is alive. In this way, it will give the posterity to be awkward. As long as you understand the secrets of Feng Shui, you naturally know where the ** is, and then enter the tomb according to these rules... But the owner of the tomb will also bury it everywhere. Various agencies to prevent the intrusion of future generations.

Although Ye Shaoyang is not the same as the four treasures, he still knows these basic principles.

The two marched around the tomb and eventually turned a gourd-shaped arch to a larger place:

The surrounding walls are also inlaid with the glowing stones, which make the whole space barely illuminate.

This is a burial room with more than 100 square meters. It is very empty. There is a huge vase in every corner around it. Besides, there is only one thing in the middle of the tomb.

It was a golden thing, and it was narrow and wide underneath. Even in the case of only cold light in the tomb, it still glittered with golden luster. The top floor, which occupies at least ten square meters, looks like a pyramid, but it is layer by layer with lots of beautiful carvings.

"What is this ghost thing..." Ye Shaoyang was the first to see this kind of thing, and it was a bit sluggish for a while.

"Hancheng..." Wu Tong muttered to himself.


"Frank, a Buddhist facility in the Western Region of Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism."

"Oh." Ye Shaoyang understood it at once, and took the lamp and walked over it. According to the light, under the light, this mandala looks more magnificent.

Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but reach out and touched a corner of the altar city. He said: "The trough, the gold!"

"How do you know?" Wu Tong asked quickly.

"Guess." Ye Shaoyang is very confident.

Wu Tong did not marry him, and he nodded and said: "Gold, it is also possible, the Buddha country has always used the gold and silver jewelry to make the mandala."

Ye Shaoyang illuminates with a light, and this only sees the middle of each layer above, indeed it is inlaid with many gems. Most are green. After seeing the phoenix tree, it was said that it was turquoise and the specialties of the Western Regions, which further confirmed his own speculation.

“I said, why is there such a thing in the ancient tomb?” Ye Shaoyang asked, looking at the carvings on the upper part of the mandala, and found that they were all Buddha-like characters, but the shape was a bit abstract, and the image was enshrined in the Han temple. Different.

"No, these are not Tibetan Buddhas..." Wutong frowned and said.

(Recommended a book written by a friend: rushing to the family. More traditional novels, written very authentic, a friend who likes can search.)

(End of this chapter)

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