Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2202: 2202 dead 2

Wu Tong nodded and said: "It is very possible. Before the ghost carcass exploded, the tomb was full of corrupt smells, and the heart made us run. He probably didn't touch the direction and got into the road. It might be far away. I found no one behind me."

This speculation makes everyone more convinced, Ye Shaoyang thought for a while: "However, why he has not come back yet, he should have discovered that no one has followed him, even if he was afraid of such a corpse, now everything is solved. It should be all back."

Everyone guessed, and finally felt that there were only two possibilities: either being attracted to something or... being in danger, not having time to call for help...

In addition to the way, there is only one exit, and everyone immediately rushed over.

"Take the instruments out!" The big heart greeted, and the first one rushed over. Passing through the arch, the opposite is still a long and narrow tomb, with some glowing ore inlaid on the wall.

After a while, the sound of running water came from the front, everyone was a little shocked, and then went forward, the air was very moist, and the sound of running water became louder and louder. Soon, everyone found the source of the sound of the water: a stream Crossing through the foot, flowing water, there is a stone arch bridge, passing to the opposite side.

Miaoxin stood at the bridge and observed for a while. He said: "This is the groundwater, and it is also the place where the dragon veins are. The water flows through the tomb and comes to the enemy. This is also one of the best feng shui, but I want to repair the tomb on the stream. , there is a very big deal."

Ye Shaoyang secretly nodded, although he did not quite understand Feng Shui (at least compared with such experts), but he could not help but feel that the person who built this ancient tomb was really a big hand. It was just this tomb. I don't know how much manpower and resources I need to spend.

"Everyone is careful, this may be the place to live, if there is a flaw..."

The words of the wonderful heart, let everyone shake the heart, think of the huge lizard that looked at the face, this thing, but more difficult than the general evil.

Walking over the arch bridge, fortunately everything was peaceful, the front, the tomb turned to the left, and walked for a while, still without the shadow of Cao Yuxing, soon, the tomb was at the end, there was a stone door in front, there was a lock on the stone door, but the stone door It was opened with a slit, just the angle at which a person could drill in.

On the ground outside the door, there was a white bone lying on it.

Everyone was shocked and confirmed that there was no danger. This white bone is in good condition, the hair is very long, and the long braided person's hair and teeth are the most preserved things like bones. This ordinary person does not know that hair is more preserved than skin and muscle.

I used the oil lamp to look at it, and looked at the person carefully. I wore a dress that looked like a robes. Because of the age, it was completely powdered, and I could only see the style. The man was kneeling on the ground, his feet facing the stone gate, his head facing outward, and a hand reaching forward, such a vivid expression, so that everyone suddenly thought of the scene at the time:

This man ran out of the mountain gate. He didn't know what was going on, dying and struggling. When he ran here, he couldn't support it. He finally died here, so he maintained such a posture.

"This person has died for at least a hundred years." Ye Shaoyang squatted in front of the body, roughly looked at it and turned around and looked at it. He took the oil lamp to the side and observed a bag around the deceased, saying it was a bag, but It is also as bad as his clothes, but most of the things inside are still intact and scattered directly on the ground.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the past, there are a lot of copper coins, Bodhi and the like, are all instruments.

Miaoxin picked up a pair of compasses and put them under the oil lamp. At the end, he said, "This is my ancestor..."

Everyone is stunned. Wutong blurted out: "Is that father in the father and son? Finally, did not run out, the one who gave the opportunity to the son?"

Miao Xin shook his head. "This is a scorpion of the father. It is also his disciple. He followed him to the tomb."

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "You are not saying that your family's ability is a single pass?"

"Yes, the secret master of the geography is indeed a single pass, but it is the same as your spells. It is a disciple. For the inheritance, it is necessary to have the blood of our family. But there are still many descendants in Feng Shui. I myself. There are also many brothers... This one on the ground is a nephew of the father. At that time, he also worshipped the father as a teacher and did not go out of the tomb..."

"That, how do you know that he is the one you said?"

My heart pointed to the compass in my hand and said: "The back of this Yang public plate is engraved with their names. This is the tradition of our family. It is a disciple who enters the room. Everyone has such a thing, engraving his own life. Chen Xinchu. It’s him.”

Ye Shaoyang knows the wonderful heart of the original family name Chen, um, if there is no accident.

My heart converges on the person's belongings on the ground, puts it in my own bag, and then picks up the bones and bones here for hundreds of years. The whole body has long been completely rotted without any odor.

Miaoxin leaned on the stone platform holding the bones to the side, looking at the ancestors, silently said: "Chen family ancestors, I am your descendant Chen Miaoxin, today is the convergence of your bones, you did not compete in the year Things, let me be the future generation, let me wait for me here. After everything is over, I will take you out and the scenery will come..."

After that, he squatted three heads in front of the bones. This is the apprentice of his ancestors, and he is also an ancestor. She is also worthy of her head.

After the end of the wonderful heart, this turned and said to the group: "Since he died here, it is said that it came out from inside. There must be a demon in this place. We must be careful."

Everyone nodded, Lu Xiaoqing said: "There is only one road here, and Yu Xing is bound to be inside."

"What are you looking at? What is this symbol?"

Ye Shaoyang’s attention was on the phoenix tree, and she found that she was staring at the stone gate and watching it. After she walked over, she saw that the door was carved with unknown symbols, which looked like a gossip, but not a Pisces in the middle. It was like a spear with a red dragonfly that passed through the circle. Of course, this is just Ye Shaoyang’s own imagination. This painting is too abstract.

"I don't know what it is. I just think that this symbol must have some use." Wu Tong murmured.

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