Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2210: 2210 Tongling Buddha Flower 2

Chicken throat, not the chicken neck, but the shape of the bone behind the root of the tongue like a "" shape, the rooster screams, can break some illusory magic, relying on the chicken throat. Ye Shaoyang believes that it is equally effective against the illusion of the lingering Buddha's flower.

In addition to Chen Xiaoyu, Ye Shaoyang gave one, but did not give Chen Xiaoyu, because he did not want to take his own insults. Even if he was given to him, Chen Xiaoyu would not have wanted it. At that time, he would definitely deprecate what he was pretending, and Ye Shaoyang would not be able to discuss it. Just ignore him.

Chen Xiaoyu himself turned Fushui and drank with his Monkey King.

The people took a bite of the chicken throat powder on the yellow enamel paper, and covered it with yellow paper, only revealing a gap for breathing. It may be that the aroma is the most special attack method of the Buddha flower. It needs to accumulate power. After releasing a fragrance, the flower of the Buddha is closed and the fragrance disappears.

Ye Shaoyang and others stood under the bridge and waited quietly for a while. No strange things happened, indicating that they did not enter the illusion. Wu Tongchong nodded and went on, and used the golden lotus fire to attack the psychic Buddha flower.

At the beginning, the buds took the flowers and leaves together to protect the stamens, but this still could not resist the power of the Jinlian industry fire. The leaves were quickly burned and the middle of the film with the film was exposed. , continue to accept baking...

"Ah..." The film in the middle of the flower of the bud is burned, and the liquid in the middle flows out. The real core of the flower is in the middle: it is a thing like a tuber, but the shape is a bit like a person, a face, a body, There are five senses, but the head is a bit like an inverted triangle, and the eyes are huge. It looks a bit like the aliens that often appear in Hollywood movies.

Without the protection of the outer layer of film and liquid, this alien-like thing has also been baked by the golden lotus industry. The mouth has actually issued anthropomorphic screams, and the limbs of some shapes are also screaming and shaking their heads. It looks very tragic. But after all, it is a sin, just a part of the flower, it is growing on the top, struggling to struggle, but there is no way to escape the fate of being burned, and finally burned together with the branches and stems...

The big psychic Buddha flower, before the prestige, has an exaggerated posture, but now it has become a pile of grass ash.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of me and said nothing.

Ye Shaoyang frowned slightly and said: "Will it be a bit too smooth, this psychic Buddha flower, so simple to be burned by us?"

Wutong Road: "Tongling Buddha Flower is very magical, but her biggest skill is that people enter the illusion, and the body is not too strong, it is a matter of course."

When you walked to the flower bed and watched it carefully, it was not only the psychic buds, but under the fire of the golden lotus industry, the other flowers and the white roses were also burnt to ashes by a fire, and the flower beds looked like a mess.

"Under this, there may be something evil, buried in the body. The psychic Buddha flower can only grow on this. We look for it and clean them up."

Ye Shaoyang looked around and there was nothing too good. Suddenly he saw the stem of the Tongling Buddha flower and the part that was not burnt. He took it and tried it. It is quite like a hand, like a fire stick. So used to dig. The soil here is moist, but the roots of the Buddha flower are entangled in the soil. It is very difficult to dig. Simply greet Mao Xiaofang together. One person stands on one side. First, the soil is dug under the bud flower, and a small hole is dug out. One end was buried, and the two of them pulled one and pushed hard.

Both of them gave up the strength of breastfeeding, and finally they uprooted this Tongling Buddha flower. At the same time that the Buddha's flower was pulled up, he brought the soil around him with him, and everyone gathered in front of him and suddenly became shocked.

"How could this be!" Miao Xin screamed and screamed.

In the middle of the flower bed, under the soil, there are layers of corpses, but not one is lying there, but the flesh and blood are connected, the head, the body, the limbs, all twisted and tangled together, Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of a very no The right example is like a pot of stewed meat. But it's human flesh... The whole looks a bit like a whole body, with countless heads and limbs.

The most important thing is that the meat is rotten, emitting an unbearable stench, blood and water, and some insects are crawling.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang can work together to pull out the roots of the Tongling Buddha flower. The roots of the psychic buds grow in the middle of this carrion.

Everyone has pinched his nose. Indus took out the tangerine peel, and each person divided it and stuffed it in the nostrils, so that it could resist some stench.

Ye Shaoyang stood in the place where there was mud in the flower beds. He looked down at the scene of the nausea to the extreme. He thought that these rotten bodies had to be at least for hundreds of years. They did not rot, but they melted into each other. It must be What kind of sorcerer is controlled by man, plus the soil above, the stream below, can be preserved for a long time, and breeds such a place, the purpose is naturally to provide nutrients for the growth of the psychic Buddha flower.

This means... can't be described by horror. Ye Shaoyang is more and more curious about the identity of the tomb. He wants to know, who can arrange this bizarre and absurd magical array?

Suddenly sinking under the feet, occurred in an instant, Ye Shaoyang suddenly bowed his head, saw a pair of hands stretched out from the soil under his feet, and grabbed his legs with force.

After Ye Shaoyang returned to God, he grabbed the edge of the flowerbed with both hands and used his legs together to bring a person out of the soil.

After the man was brought out of the soil, he immediately released Ye Shaoyang's legs, and his hands swung, and quickly flew toward Ye Shaoyang's upper body, hands clasped to his neck.

Ye Shaoyang is also rude, taking a jujube wooden sword from his waist and stabbing his neck directly. Just as the neck was about to be pierced, a sudden exclamation sounded in the ear: "You stop!"

It is the voice of Chen Xiaoyu. Ye Shaoyang certainly will not stop, Zaomujian has pierced the throat of the coming man, and the backhand has been forced to cut it, and the whole head has been smashed down and rolled down.

Ye Shaoyang took a hard breath and turned to look at Chen Xiaoyu. He didn't understand why Chen Xiaoyu was calling that scorpion.

Chen Xiaoyu has already rushed over to the head of the man, smashing the head to face with his face, glanced at it, turned his head, and glared at Ye Shaoyang, Shen Sheng said: "You bastard, look at yourself, this It’s Cao Yuxing, you killed him!”

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