Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2240: 2241 wanted criminal 1

However, he is not an old man. When he has not been able to recall and repent, he still has the ability to change all of this, even if it seems impossible.

Every time I look at a photo, Ye Shaoyang has more points to miss her own time. Cold jade, there are small nine.

The next day, the three men went to the street to buy three horses (in any case, now there is money), bid farewell to the two girls, Cui Yun and Yun Er reluctantly sent them to leave, when leaving, give three people pockets The full of fried honeydew melon seeds and walnuts, let them eat on the road, kill time.

The three men rushed and rushed on the official road and went all the way to Hangzhou.

Stopped on the road to rest, the three sat on the side of the road to drink water, Ye Shaoyang licked Mao Xiaofang's gown, and looked at it for a long time, said: "I remember you this clothes is not torn a long mouth, before the ancient tomb When is it sewn?"

"This... this is what I sewed last night." Mao Xiaofang's face suddenly became awkward.

"You sewed? Haha, I almost believed." Ye Shaoyang patted his shoulder and looked smirk. "When did you have such a good needlework, come and come, my clothes are broken, come help." busy."

"Go to yours, where is your clothes broken! Yesterday Cui Yun did not help you sew, but also to run against me!"

"Cuiyun is my dry sister. Isn't it normal for me to sew clothes? It's you..."

"Yun is also my apprentice, and it is only natural for the Master to serve!" Mao Xiaofang squinted.

Ye Shaoyang put a hand on his shoulder and smiled and said: "Is it?"

Mao Xiaofang ignored him and turned his head and smiled at Daoyuan. "You look at this person. There is no seriousness. He also said that he is a spiritual fairy. I don't believe it. Where is the spirit of this kind!"

"You mean, I want to put a shelf in front of you." Ye Shaoyang licked the melon seeds and squatted on the floor. The little hair smirked and smirked, but he was wearing a gown, and he was a little like a **** stick. Human feelings.

"That is serious to you, I really have nothing to do with the Yuner girl, she was bullied before..."

"So you dislike her?"

"Where is it." Mao Xiaofang slammed him with a punch. "Listen to me, I mean, because she was bullied by the sinfulness of the past, full of hatred for these evils, and I want to go to the demon, I am so worried that I want to worship me as a teacher, so it is very good for me. It is such a thing. You are so unsatisfactory, and you are thinking about it."

Ye Shaoyang held his chin and asked, "Why don't you find me?"

"You don't look like me honest."

Ye Shaoyang’s mouth twitched, “Just this?”

"Just here! She said that you are a free person, and there seems to be a lot of things to do, it is impossible to stay, I am different, so I found me, is there a problem?"

"Nothing." Ye Shao smiled. He believed in his instincts. Yuner was really a bit interested in Mao Xiaofang. He might feel that he was not clean enough, so he didn't dare to have any thoughts. This is the second reason. It is also understandable to be his apprentice.

Daoyuan’s real man was sitting on a stone with a golden knives. He looked serious and looked at the seeds. He said, “You both have girls who are distressed, so I am a lonely one.”

Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered the Taoist real people of that era. It seems that there is no wife. I don’t know if she lived for too long. The daughter-in-law died first, and she still had no wife at all. It’s not easy to tell him, casually said: “You do it. Don't go find one yourself."

Daoyuan’s real person smiled. “I just said this. I made a great wish in the past. I will practice this Taoist life and never marry my wife. A person is very good and quiet.”

"If you still insist on this idea after twenty years, I will serve you." Mao Xiaofang said.

Ye Shaoyang knows that he really insisted on it...

The three people talked and laughed, there was no gap. Ye Shaoyang’s heart was very emotional. I didn’t expect to find two such good friends before I passed a hundred years. No, it should be said that I was a brother who was upset. .

Even if you will go back and forth, you will definitely remember them.

From Jiangxi to Hangzhou, the distance is far away. Although the three people have been riding horses for two days, they have only arrived in the northeast corner of Jiangxi, the famous Jingdezhen.

On the road, Ye Shaoyang listened to the popularity of the two brothers. Jingdezhen was still a county at this time. Porcelain is very famous, but the city size is not too big, but because of the porcelain, there are merchants who come to the county, so it is better than the surrounding counties. Be prosperous. At that time, the weather was a bit late, and the three planned to take a rest in the city and set off tomorrow morning.

When entering the city, the three found that there were a lot of people around the city gate watching around a notice. This scene is very similar to that often played on TV. The name of the wanted man on the wall is crowded. Many people are watching...

Ye Shaoyang saw that there was a word on the piece of paper that was wanted to be wanted. But there was a portrait below, but because it was too dark, Ye Shaoyang wanted to go to see a lively, but too many people didn’t squeeze too much, just forget it. I found a hotel in the street to stay.

The inn of this era generally does not need to register, as long as the name is reported, it is convenient to receive letters and someone to find. Ye Shaoyang reported the name to the three people. The treasurer heard the words "Ye Shaoyang". The brow wrinkled and stared at him for a while.

"What's wrong?" Ye Shaoyang touched his face and asked.

"Nothing, nothing, guest officer, please inside." The shopkeeper's face was full of laughter and opened the room for the three.

In the evening, the three people casually ate something and returned to the room. Ye Shaoyang wanted to swear and practice. As a result, he just sat down and sounded footsteps outside. Ye Shaoyang heard four people, three of whom walked very lightly. The footsteps of the people are very heavy, and the heart is suspicion, and the door knocks.

"Guest officer, do you need to renew water?" Outside is the voice of the innkeeper.

It takes four people to continue the water?

Ye Shaoyang’s heart is suspicious, can’t he meet the legendary black shop?

Ye Shaoyang didn't need to renew the water, but in order to find out, he still promised to open the door in the past. As a result, the door just opened, and the outside rushed into the three big-shaped big men, and he pressed him up.

Ye Shaoyang originally wanted to resist, and turned around, the three men wearing police uniforms. The police of this era is of course different from a hundred years later, but Ye Shaoyang has seen it before, and it is similar to that on TV. I hesitated a moment, didn't do it, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Be honest!" One of the police officers took an oil lamp and asked Ye Wangyang's face. "But this person?"

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