Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2255: The 2256th life was down for my teacher 4

When the two hands were shot together, Ye Shaoyang immediately recited the curse and changed the fingerprint. Fu Mingzi did not expect him to move so fast. He took a moment and hurriedly followed.

Hand-printing, there are fixed postures and spells, and there are fixed five lines. For example, this handprint method is a wood attribute, and the other party can make the printing of the fire attribute, and restrain it.

Here, there is only a change of printing, to restrain the printing of his fire attributes...

Using the simplest metaphor to describe it, it is like using a rock-paper-scissors to guess the boxing. However, in the case of close strength, whoever can print faster, the hope of winning is even greater. This kind of thing is easy to say, but it has deep tricks and changes.

Ye Shaoyang has a very strong talent in this respect. Before that, in his own time, it was invincible in the world. Even Daoyuan real people could not win. Nowadays, against the strong man of Fu Mingzi, the militant nature is also exposed in a short time. Within, one of the eight handprints was formed in one breath...

Fu Mingzi is the master of Maoshan, the strength is extraordinary, naturally it is also a trick, and barely resisted, but the heart is terrified, suddenly close, drink and ask: "Who are you?"

Ye Shaoyang did not answer, deceived himself, and made three magical symbols in the backhand. The formation of the formation method, the spiritual power was derived into a ripple pattern, and it was covered by Fu Mingzi.

Fu Mingzi's hands were printed, and the water wave was resolved. While a bronze mirror was found, the little finger popped up the cinnabar, and a few strokes were quickly drawn on it, facing Ye Shaoyang.

"The world is infinite, the infinite beauty, the innuendo, the illusion of the mirror, the too clear, the urgency as the law!"

The mirror of the bronze mirror shot a golden wave, and the volley flew, turning into yin and yang, and rotating around Ye Shaoyang.

Yin and Yang sputum.

This is the Maoshan inner door spell, Ye Shaoyang will of course also, in the midst of anxious to find out the yin and yang mirror to practice, eyes contacted the bronze mirror in the hands of Fu Mingzi, suddenly stunned.

The other party... is also a yin and yang mirror.

For a moment, Ye Shaoyang wanted to take out his yin and yang mirror and compare it with the yin and yang mirror in the hands of Fu Mingzi. But the reason prevented him from doing this. The current array of characters, raising his hand to play the eight spirits, while burning, one side Rotating around the whole body, as if it were eight butterflies, suddenly going up and down, dissolving the yin and yang mirror and shooting two yin and yang.

"Eight fires turn?" Fu Mingzi was shocked. "Who are you, how can I get my Maoshan spell!"

Worse, I forgot this for a while. Ye Shaoyang laughed while doing the same thing. "Hey, don't put gold on your face, it's not only you that Maoshan has this spell!"

While manipulating the eight-faced fire, it is able to break the yin and yang, and one hand touches the spirit, quickly folds a shape and tears it quickly.

"Thousands of thoughts are not worn, broken and re-established, should not be robbed, not destroyed, not rushing! I am in a hurry as a law!"

Spreading his hands and blowing them out from the middle of the thumbs together, the paper smashed for a time, and the volley formed a six-six-six-six formation, which was pushed toward Fumingzi.

"The six-spot shape, this is my Maoshan's spell, who are you!"

Fu Mingzi shouted loudly, one-handedly printed, slammed on the paper scraps, the enchantment was broken, and the confetti fell. Ye Shaoyang’s man was already standing on the window sill, smiling at Fu Mingzi and then jumped.

do not fight.

Originally, he still wanted to compete with Fu Mingzi, try his own strength of the ancestors, but it is too easy to expose, and he can not use Maoshan's implements. In this case, he can guarantee that he will not be beaten. Not bad, I can't talk about the strength of each other.

Fu Mingzi rushed to the window and looked down. He only saw Qingyunzi standing underneath, staring blankly at the top, but disappeared from the shadow of the young man.

Fu Mingzi jumped down and grabbed the collar of Qingyunzi and said, "Who is that person?"

"I don't know." Qingyunzi groaned and looked at Master's face and said, "I really don't know. I am here. He ran for himself, talked to me for a while, then asked me what I had. Things have to help, then I went upstairs."

Fu Mingzi let go of him. He knows the temper of Qingyunzi best. This kind of thing will not lie. Then he asks: "Why should he help you?"

"I still don't know."

Fu Mingzi was speechless and said with a deep sigh: "Zhu Yuezi bullied you?"


"Why don't you tell me?"

"I told you that you also reprimanded him, but he always does not change. I can't always tell you every time, and make you upset."

Fu Mingzi sighed and said, "Okay. From now on, he will not bully you any more."

This sentence is very loud, not just to listen to Qingyunzi.

Ye Shaoyang heard the words of Fu Mingzi in the forest not far away, and he was relieved. The expression awkwardly squatted on the ground, and slammed a head in the direction of Qingyunzi.

Master, I have never forgotten your teachings. With your heart, you are worthy of your heart!

"What, my Maoshan spell? This is impossible!"

Yun Chunsheng listened to Fu Mingzi’s words and shook his head again and again.

"That's true, this is what I saw with my own eyes, I can have a fake!"

Yun Chunsheng looked up and looked at Fu Mingzi suspiciously. He said, "Where is the boy... will it be Bei Zong?"

"I think so too. Besides, I can't think of anything possible."

Yun Chunsheng handcuffed his beard and spent a long time, Shen Shen said: "This is really amazing. When did Bei Zong come out with such a genius boy... Yes, what tools can he use?"

"No, no tools are useless."

"Well... unfortunately, suddenly, you didn't leave him, or you can force him to ask him."

Fu Mingzi smiled bitterly.

"Shi Bo, don't hesitate to say that the strength of the kid..."

Yun Chunsheng looked up at him. "How, can you still be a fairy?"

"This... it doesn't matter, although it's just a rush, but... I have a feeling that the strength of this kid doesn't seem to be under me..."

"How could it be!" Yun Chunsheng was shocked.

Fu Mingzi sinks up and carefully recalls the process of fighting with Ye Shaoyang. He muttered: "This is the case. At least, it will not be much worse than me... However, he seems to have no hostility to me, just want to test it."

Yun Chunsheng shook his head and said: "Impossible. If he really has such strength, why should he teach Zhuo Yuezi just getting started?"

"He said that he was out for Qingyunzi, but Qingyunzi said he didn't know him."

"Qingyunzi will not lie."

Fu Mingzi nodded. "So, this person is a mystery."

Suddenly thinking of something, I was born to Yunchun: "I didn't appear in the afternoon with Daoyuan real people. Daoyuan real people must know his origins."

(Qingzi updated the first place in the Maoshan Beauty List on the public number, which is the small nine that you are looking forward to. It looks beautiful and beautiful, and it is really beautiful. Interested book friends come to pay attention to Qingzi. WeChat public number qnzv5. At 8:30 tomorrow night, I will go to the Mid-Autumn Festival red envelope. In the Yin and Yang Division, if the genuine readers are not in the group, please check it out.)

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