Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2269: 2270 Marry 2

Four treasures stunned, and this looked up at Ye Shaoyang and seemed to think that this was a very unreasonable thing. He said: "Is there any concern? If Shaoyang does not let us help, it will definitely not lose. ""

"But he is just a real person."

"Who said that?" Four treasures used leaf chopsticks to point to Ye Shaoyang. "Are you looking like?"

Indeed...not like.

Miaoxin also wants to ask him, the four treasures continue to eat. He did not care about the war situation. Before he saw Ye Shaoyang retreat and went up to help, he thought that Ye Shaoyang was in the middle of what he could not exert his strength. Later, Ye Shaoyang rushed them to the side, and the four treasures saw him okay, and he was completely relieved.

He has been concerned about it before, and Ye Shaoyang’s opponent is a personal class. Since it is human, according to his logic, it is impossible to be Ye Shaoyang's opponent. Ye Shaoyang’s human magical world in the past 100 years is already invincible. In this era, nature is also.

At the beginning of the battle, Chen Xiaoyu was able to cope, and soon he was in a hurry. After several times, he almost couldn’t stand it. After being knocked out again, Chen Xiaoyu bit his teeth and indirectly made a dust from the waist and brushed it out in front of him. The indefinite character.

Everyone is in awe.

Originally, both of them were empty-handed, and Chen Xiaoyu took the lead in taking out the implements, indicating that there was no way to be forced by Ye Shao. This is the result that most people present did not expect... This Ye Shaoyang, how does it seem to be reborn?

What surprised them even more was that after Chen Xiaoyu showed the dust, Ye Shaoyang still did not take out any implements, and both hands rushed through, one-handedly printed, volleyed, a wave of water, and the knot arranged by Chen Xiaoyu. The world has rushed over.

"Crazy!" Everyone who is watching the game feels very puzzled. This kind of water-shaped spell is soft, just as long as it is enough, it can penetrate the enchantment that is more spiritual than itself. This is true, but the current situation is, Ye Shaoyang completely took the upper hand. Chen Xiaoyu was disrupted by the rhythm of defense. This is to use the dust to draw the inconsistency. If you want to stop for a while, adjust your breath and rhythm. The disadvantages accumulated before can be swept away. Light, fight again.

Ye Shaoyang should be a strong attack, and strive to quickly break the enchantment. At this time, the water-based spells are simply helping the other party to fight for time...

"It's still too tender." Yun Chunsheng shook his head. In his view, the reason why Ye Shaoyang did this is to be beautiful. The young people are always so young and vigorous. The bad point is that they are smug. For the sake of face, they will give up the advantages that are hard to gain. It is.

After Chen Xiaoyu saw Ye Shaoyang's method of surgery, his heart was also dark, and he wanted to say something to irritate him. Suddenly, the water vapor in Ye Shaoyang's hand was divided into two, one bright and one dark, and the upper and lower rotations hit the arrangement. On the enchantment.

"Taiyi raw water!"

Fu Mingzi screamed and asked Yun Chunsheng, "Shi Bo, Bei Zong has this spell?"

This is the inner door spell of Maoshan Nanzong. It has always been thought to be created by the founder of Nanzong. Now it is displayed by Ye Shaoyang, which makes the master and the apprentice a bit shocked.

"This... Since he showed it, it is naturally a spell of the Northern Dynasties." Yun Chunsheng used reverse reasoning and easily reached this conclusion.

The two waves of Taiyi's raw water instantly shattered the enchantment of Chen Xiaoyu's arrangement. Ye Shaoyang was close to the body. Chen Xiaoyu hurriedly pushed his hands and pushed it out.

Ye Shaoyang squeezed one hand and took the past.


The two spirits collided and produced a powerful impact. Ye Shaoyang’s clothes swayed and the figure did not move. Chen Xiaoyu flew out, fell to the ground, and immediately climbed up, but one foot was on his back. He came over heavily, and he stepped on the ground and turned his head in panic, seeing a face that Ye Shaoyang smiled.

"Ye Shaoyang, you..."

A foot squatted on his face and kicked him over. Chen Xiaoyu still wanted to struggle. Ye Shaoyang stepped on his neck and stepped his half face into the dirt.


Chen Xiaoyu was defeated and was stepped on by Ye Shaoyang.

This result made everyone present unexpectedly unexpected. For a time, everyone was as stunned as Ye Shaoyang and Chen Xiaoyu at his feet.

Wu Tong once again picked up the hijab and secretly saw the scene, and stunned his mouth.

Only Sibao and Wu Jiawei are still eating the spring noodles that have just been served...

"I will not admit your mistakes, even if you kill me!" Chen Xiaoyu was extremely angry, but was forced to step on his feet, unable to move, Zhang Hong with a face, screaming Ye Shaoyang.

He never imagined that it would be such an ending. Unexpectedly, he was not an opponent of Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang raised his foot and sent him away. His eyes swept over the slugged faces and said: "The Spell Guild? But that's it!"

The audience is at a loss.

"Ye Shaoyang!" Zhang Xiaohan strode forward, cold and cold, "but I won a younger brother, what qualifications are you?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at him and said: "I have this intention."

The audience was once again stunned.

"Ye Shaoyang, you are crazy!" cried and got up.

"Okay, come on!" Zhang Xiaohan took a half step forward and made a fighting stance.

"Wait, the previous agreement, has not been fulfilled?" Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked at it. Chen Xiaoyu just got up from the ground, covered in soil, and his hair was scattered. He looked very embarrassed. Hearing the words of Ye Shaoyang, he immediately yelled. Living.

Previous agreement...

I was so convinced that the agreement was made, so that everyone present was a witness. It was originally afraid that Ye Shaoyang would lie, and whoever thought of hanging himself... Chen Xiaoyu’s face was red, his lips were groaning, and one word could not be said.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the ghosts and asked: "You are in charge of the matter. The previous agreement, you also heard, the disciples of your spell guild, can't talk, don't you?"

The sneaky face is extremely ugly, but it is a word that can't be said, and the contract is broken? This is absolutely impossible. It is really embarrassing to pass it out. The spell guild is really shameful, but let Chen Xiaoyu give him a gimmick to admit it. Chen Xiaoyu’s future is ruined. In the future, there will be no face mixed in the magical world, and in the presence of so many guests. Face, the face of the spell guild really has no place to put.

So even if it is a sneaky, I can't speak for a while.

After all, no one expected that this would be the result.

"Ghosts, Chen Xiaoyu lost, naturally it is necessary to fulfill the agreement..." A disciple walked to the side of the ghost and said aloud, "But now, the time is coming, we are still serious, let the two new people worship the world, After that, let Master Chen come out to plead guilty, it is more appropriate..."

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